Order 37 | The Lahore High Court dismissed the appeal and upheld the judgment of the lower courts for failure to furnish a surety bond in a suit for recovery of Rs.13,00,000 under Order 37. 2023 Y L R 887

The Lahore High Court dismissed the appeal and upheld the judgment of the lower courts for failure to furnish a surety bond in a suit for recovery of Rs.13,00,000 under Order 37.

2023 Y L R 887

محمد شافی ایک ایماندار تاجر تھا جو دوسرے تاجر سے 13,00,000 روپے ادھار لے کر انہیں واپس کرنے میں ناکام رہا۔ دوسرے تاجر نے اس کے خلاف عدالت میں مقدمہ دائر کر دیا۔

عدالت نے شافی کی درخواست قبول کی، لیکن اسے ضمانتی بانڈ جمع کرانے کی شرط پر۔ شافی نے کئی مواقع پر بانڈ جمع نہیں کرایا، جس پر عدالت نے فیصلہ سناتے ہوئے اس کے خلاف مقدمہ ختم کر دی

یہ کیس محمد شافی بمقابلہ ایڈیشنل ڈسٹرکٹ جج اور دیگر میں ہے، جس میں اپیل نمبر R.F.A. 444 کا فیصلہ 9 اکتوبر 2018 کو کیا گیا۔ درخواست گزار (محمد شافی) نے ایک جواب دہندہ کے طور پر 13,00,000 روپے کی وصولی کے لیے دائر کردہ مقدمے میں اپیل دائر کی۔ مقدمے کے دوران، جواب دہندہ نے ٹرائل کورٹ میں پیش ہونے اور دفاع کرنے کے لیے درخواست دی، جسے عدالت نے شرط کے ساتھ قبول کیا کہ وہ ضمانتی بانڈ جمع کرائے گا۔

جواب دہندہ متعدد مواقع کے باوجود ضمانتی بانڈ جمع نہیں کرا سکا، جس کے نتیجے میں مقدمہ 3 مارچ 2016 کو فیصلہ کر دیا گیا۔ درخواست گزار نے اس فیصلے کے خلاف اپیل دائر کی اور دلیل دی کہ اس کا حق متاثر ہوا ہے اور اسے موقع دیا جائے کہ وہ مقدمے کا دفاع کرسکے۔

عدالت نے استدلال کیا کہ جواب دہندہ کی غیرحاضری اور ضمانتی بانڈ جمع نہ کرانا اس کی غیر سنجیدگی کی عکاسی کرتا ہے۔ ٹرائل کورٹ نے جواب دہندہ کو متعدد مواقع دیے، لیکن وہ حکم کی تعمیل کرنے میں ناکام رہا۔ اس لیے، عدالت نے اس اپیل کو مسترد کرتے ہوئے فیصلہ کیا کہ ٹرائل کورٹ کا فیصلہ کسی بھی قانونی یا حقائق کی بنیاد پر کمزور نہیں ہے، لہذا اپیل منظور نہیں کی گئی۔

یہ معاملہ اس اصول کو اجاگر کرتا ہے کہ اگر جواب دہندہ عدالت کے حکم کی تعمیل نہیں کرتا تو عدالت کو فیصلہ دینے کا حق حاصل ہوتا ہے، چاہے وہ جواب دہندہ کے حقوق متاثر ہوتے ہوں۔

2023 Y L R 887
Before Masud Abid Naqvi, J
ADDITIONAL DISTRICT JUDGE and others---Respondents
R.F.A. No. 444 of 2016, heard on 9th October, 2018.*
Civil Procedure Code (V of 1908)---
----O. XXXVII, Rr. 2 & 3---Summary suit upon bills of exchange, etc---Defendant
showing defence on merits to have leave to appear---Non-submission of surety
bond---Effect---Respondent filed a suit for recovery of certain amount against the
appellant wherein application for leave to appear and defend the suit was filed by
the appellant---Application filed by appellant was accepted subject to submission
of surety bond equal to suit amount---However, despite availing several
opportunities, the surety bond to the satisfaction of Trial Court was not filed and
consequently the suit was decreed vide impugned judgment and decree---Validity---
Appellant's conduct was very much contumacious---Appellant had tried not to
comply with the order of the Trial Court through different tactics and ultimately the
Trial Court had no option but to decree the suit as the appellant's application for
leave to appear and defend the suit was accepted conditionally---Trial Court had
rightly proceeded in the matter---Appeal was dismissed.
Haji Ali Khan and Company, Abbottabad and 8 others v. Messrs Allied Bank of
Pakistan Limited, Abbottabad PLD 1995 SC 363 and Murtaza Haseeb Textile Mills
v. Sitara Chemical Industries 2004 SCMR 882 rel.
Syed Alamdar Hussain for Appellant.
Usama Ahmad for Respondent No.2.
Date of hearing: 9th October, 2018.
MASUD ABID NAQVI, J.---Brief facts of this regular first appeal are that the
respondent No.2 filed a suit for recovery of Rs.13,00,000/- against the
appellant/defendant wherein application for leave to appear and defend the suit was
filed by defendant/appellant which was accepted subject to submission of surety
bond equal to suit amount vide order dated 18.01.2016. The defendant/ appellant
appeared and filed leave to appear and defendant the suit, which was accepted
subject to deposit of surety bonds to the tune of suit amount vide order dated
18.01.2016. However, despite availing several opportunities, the surety bond to the
satisfaction of trial court was not filed by the defendant/appellant and consequently
the suit was decreed vide judgment and decree dated 03.03.2016. Feeling

aggrieved, the appellant/defendant has filed the instant appeal and challenged the
validity of the judgment and decree passed by the learned trial court.
2. It is contended by the learned counsel for the appellant/defendant that the
impugned order is against law and facts and without taking into consideration that
valuable rights of the appellant/ defendant are involved in the matter, who should
be given an opportunity to contest the suit. He has further argued that law favours
the adjudication on merits instead of technicalities. It is also contended by the
learned counsel for the appellant that the circumstances were out of control of the
appellant/defendant, therefore, the appellant could not file surety bond. He has
prayed for acceptance of the instant appeal and setting aside of the impugned
judgment and decree dated 03.03.2016 passed by the learned trial court.
3. I have heard the arguments advanced by the learned counsel for the appellant
and minutely gone through the impugned judgment and decree as well as the
4. Perusal of record reveals that a suit for recovery of Rs.13,00,000/- was
instituted by the respondent/plaintiff wherein the defendant/appellant entered
appearance and his application for leave to appear and defend the suit was accepted
subject to submission of surety bond equal to the suit amount vide order dated
18.01.2016. On 26.01.2016, the case was adjourned and absolute last opportunity
was granted to submit surety bond. On 04.02.2016, appellant/defendant failed to
furnish surety bond inspite of caution of last and final opportunity but in the
interest of justice learned trial court adjourned the case with a direction that no
further adjournment will be granted on the next date of hearing. On 11.02.2016,
surety bond was furnished but it was rejected being invalid and further adjournment
was granted with caution of last and final opportunity to furnish surety bond to the
satisfaction of the trial court, however, the surety bond was not filed by the
defendant/appellant. The appellant's conduct was very much contumacious. He
tried not to comply with the order of the learned trial judge through different tactics
and ultimately the learned trial judge had no option but to decree the suit as the
appellant's application for leave to appear and defend the suit was accepted
conditionally. The learned trial judge gave the appellant sufficient time to comply
with his earlier direction. The appellant, on the contrary instead of complying with
the same, unnecessarily involved the respondent in this uncalled for litigation. His
conduct as determined by the trial court was certainly contumacious and no
illegality whatsoever has been committed by the trial court. Hence, the learned trial
court had no other option than to pass the impugned judgment and decree dated
03.03.2016 and decreed the suit. While dealing with identical matter, the Hon'ble
Supreme Court of Pakistan in case reported as titled "Haji Ali Khan and Company,
Abbottabad and 8 others v. Messrs Allied Bank of Pakistan Limited, Abbottabad
(PLD 1995 Supreme Court 363) held as under:
10. The ratio decidendi of the above referred cases seems to be that if a
defendant fails to appear or fails to obtain leave to defend in response to a
summons served in form No.4 provided in Appendix B to the C.P.C. or fails
to fulfil the condition on which leave was granted or where the Court
refuses to grant leave, the Court is to pass a decree. It may further be
observed that in sub-rule (2) of rule 2, C.P.C., it has been provided that if a

defendant fails to appear or defaults in obtaining leave, the allegations in the
plaint shall be deemed to be admitted and the plaintiff shall be entitled to a
decree, but no such consequences are provided for in rule 3 of the above
Order in a case where the Court refuses to grant leave or the defendant fails
to fulfil the condition on which leave was granted. In our view,
notwithstanding the above omission in Rule 3, the effect of refusal of the
Court to grant leave or failure on the part of the defendant to comply with
the condition of the leave, will be the Same i.e. the defendant shall not be
entitled to defend the suit on any ground and the Court would pass a decree
in favour of the plaintiff.
Reliance is also placed on Murtaza Haseeb Textile Mills v. Sitara Chemical
Industries (2004 SCMR 882).
5. In view of the foregoing discussion, this Court is of the affirmed view that
learned trial Court has rightly proceeded in the matter. The impugned order does
not suffer from any infirmity, legal or factual, requiring interference, therefore, this
appeal is dismissed.
SA/M-7/L Appeal dismissed.

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