
Showing posts from February 15, 2023

302 Murder Appeal under section 323; 147,148, 302, Supreme Court Quashed the decision of High court and Quashed and restored the Judgement of Trial Court."

Murder Appeal  Following case was murder Appeal before in which Appeal was on behalf of State. Trial court convicted accused Life imprisonment,  Accused file appeal in High Court and High court reduced the punishment 7years and 10 months, Supreme court held that minimum punishment for 302 is life imprisonment, High Court Can't reduce punishment. For more information call us 0092-324-4010279 Whatsapp Dear readers if u like this post plz comments and follow us. Thanks for reading .as you know our goal is to aware people of their rights and how can get their rights. we will answer every question, so we need your help to achieve our goal. plz tell people about this blog and subscribe to our youtube channel and follow us at the end of this post. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1356 OF 2022 The State of Madhya Pradesh  …Appellant(s) Versus Nandu @ Nandua  …Respondent(s) J U D G M E N T M.R. SHAH, J. 1. Feeling aggrieved an...