Sazai moat khatam hu sakti ? Can a death sentence be overturned? How many Appeals for death penalty? Answers of questions
Death penalty Death penalty How many Appeals for death penalty? Ans: there are two appeals against death penalty, death penalty cases trial in Additional Session Judges and Session court always pronounce death penalty. and you can file two appeals against the death penalty. First before high court and 2nd Appeal before Supreme Court. Can death sentence be appealed in Pakistan? Answer: yes as already discussed in above question against death sentence you can file two appeals first in High court and second in Supreme Court. What is the time limit for filing appeal against death sentence? Answer: for filing appeal against the death sentence is in High court and Supreme court is now 30 days. Why do death row Appeals take so long? Ans: because the rush in the courts. Appeals filed some years ago be heard by superior courts on its turns , every appeal heard on its turn. Secondly the complications of the matter take time to be decided. Can a death sentence be overturne...