
Showing posts from April 9, 2023

Specific performance of time barrd contract and none prove of possession.

Specific performance time barre Specific performance when time barrd Petitioner filed the suit of specific performance which was filed after delay of many years and time limit of the case is three years. And petitioner claimed that he have the possession but could not show any prove of possession. Not khasra gardawari was on his name. The case dismissed by trial court and 1st Appeal and High court upheld the decision and revision was dismissed. Detail decision of High court . FORM No. HCJD/C-121 ORDER SHEET IN THE LAHORE HIGH COURT, LAHORE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT C.R. No.20075 of 2023 Mazhar Hussain and others Versus Mst. Jantan Bibi and others Sr. No. of order/ proceeding Date of order/ Proceeding Order with signature of Judge, and that of parties of counsel, where  necessary 27.3.2023 Mian Tariq Ahmad, Advocate for petitioners. Through the instant revision petition judgments and decree dated 13.4.2022 and 04.3.2023 of the courts below  have been called into question whereby the ...