Agent duties in power of attorney
Agent duties in power of attorney 2024 SCMR 1984 BASHIR AHMED vs NAZIR AHMAD Power of attorney ---Principal and agent---Agent transferring/selling principal's property for his own benefit---Agent, duties of---Agent transferring the principal's property is obligated to firstly, in case of difficulty (and it will be a case of difficulty if a power of attorney is susceptible to doubt about its interpretation), use all reasonable diligence in communicating with the principal and seeking to obtain his instructions---Secondly, if the agent deals on his own account with the property under the agency, e.g., if he purchases it himself or for his own benefit, he, in his own interest, should obtain the consent of the principal in that behalf after acquainting him with all material circumstances on the subject, failing which the principal is at liberty to repudiate the transaction. فیصلہ 2024 SCMR 1984 میں "باشیر احمد بمقابلہ نذیر احمد" کے مقدمے میں وکیل/ایجنٹ کے فرائض پر روشن...