Ejectment | The respondent did not provide any details of the period of non-payment of rent in the eviction petition, which proved fatal, while straining the relationship between the parties is not legally permissible as a ground for eviction, as it is within the jurisdiction of the court. is tantamount to trespassing, which led the appellate court to give a wrong decision. 2024 CLC 1712

The respondent did not provide any details of the period of non-payment of rent in the eviction petition, which proved fatal, while straining the relationship between the parties is not legally permissible as a ground for eviction, as it is within the jurisdiction of the court. is tantamount to trespassing, which led the appellate court to give a wrong decision.

2024 CLC 1712

خلاصہ کیس: Maqsood Ahmad Vs ADJ Faisalabad

تاریخ: 2024 CLC 1712


i. خلاصہ بیان کی عدم فراہمی کا اثر
پنجاب رینٹڈ پریمیسس ایکٹ، 2009 کے تحت، دفعہ 19(3) میں یہ ضروری ہے کہ ایجکشن پٹیشن دائر کرتے وقت درخواست گزار مختصر اور واضح بیان دے۔ اگر درخواست گزار نے کرایہ کی ادائیگی میں ڈیفالٹ کی صورت میں کوئی تفصیلات فراہم نہیں کی، تو یہ اس کی پٹیشن کی کامیابی کے لیے مہلک ثابت ہوگا۔ موجودہ کیس میں، جواب دہندہ نے کرایہ کے ڈیفالٹ کی مدت کی کوئی تفصیل فراہم نہیں کی، جو کہ پٹیشن کے لیے ایک سنگین خامی ہے۔

ii. مالک اور کرایہ دار کے درمیان کشیدہ تعلقات کا اثر
اگرچہ مالک کی جانب سے ایویکشن کی کارروائی کی وجہ سے مالک اور کرایہ دار کے درمیان تعلقات میں کشیدگی پیدا ہو سکتی ہے، لیکن یہ صرف کشیدگی کی بنیاد پر کرایہ دار کے خلاف ایویکشن کا جواز نہیں بنتا۔ قانون کے تحت، ایسا کوئی بھی بنیاد ایویکشن کے لیے جائز نہیں ہے، جیسا کہ دفعہ 15 میں واضح کیا گیا ہے۔ عدالت نے اس معاملے میں قانون کی حدود سے تجاوز کیا ہے۔

اس کیس میں، اپیلٹ کورٹ نے غیر قانونی طور پر فیصلہ دیا، جس نے قانونی طریقہ کار کی پاسداری میں ناکامی کو نظرانداز کیا۔

2024 CLC 1712
i. What is the effect of failure on part of an ejectment petitioner to give concise statement in terms of Section 19(3) of the Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009 ("the Act") regarding the period for which he claims arrears of rent? 

ii. Whether strained and hostile relationship between the landlord and the tenant developed, on account of eviction proceedings initiated by the landlord, is a valid ground for eviction of the tenant, under the Act? 

In relation to the eviction proceedings initiated under the Act, the term concise statement referred in Section 19(3) of the Act, mandates the ejectment petitioner to give the details of the allegation against the respondent and if the allegation of default in payment of monthly rent is made, sufficient details pertaining to the date from which the default occurred as also the claim as on the date of filing of the ejectment petition becomes sine qua non of such eviction petition to succeed. In the present case, it is pertinent to note that the respondent in his eviction petition has not given any detail of the period of default of rent, hence, the same was fatal. Further directing eviction of the petitioner on the ground that the relationship between the parties has become strained and environment of distrust between the parties has emerged as said reason does not constitute a ground of eviction contemplated under Section 15 of the Act. If such like grounds for eviction are allowed to be transplanted, this would amount to the Courts traversing beyond their domain of statutory adherence. In present case, the Appellate Court below has travelled beyond the legislative wisdom while passing the impugned judgment.

WP 38539/23
Maqsood Ahmad Vs ADJ Faisalabad etc.

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