Consolidate | The Lahore High Court upheld the decision to combine the Appellate Court caucuses while dismissing the civil revision, declaring that the parties and the matter of the cases are one and the same.

The Lahore High Court upheld the decision to combine the Appellate Court caucuses while dismissing the civil revision, declaring that the parties and the matter of the cases are one and the same.

اس کیس کا خلاصہ یہ ہے کہ رزا سی این جی اسٹیشن کے قانونی ورثاء نے سوئی نادرن گیس پائپ لائنز لمیٹڈ (SNGPL) کے خلاف مقدمہ دائر کیا تھا، جبکہ SNGPL نے بھی انہی کے خلاف ایک الگ مقدمہ دائر کیا تھا۔ دونوں مقدمات میں سی این جی اسٹیشن سے متعلق گیس کی فراہمی، بقایاجات اور کٹوتیوں کے بلوں پر تنازع تھا۔

SNGPL نے درخواست دی کہ دونوں مقدمات کو یکجا کیا جائے کیونکہ فریقین اور موضوعات ایک جیسے ہیں، اور اس طرح مختلف فیصلوں سے بچا جا سکے گا۔ عدالت نے یہ درخواست منظور کر لی اور مقدمات کو یکجا کر دیا۔

پٹیشنرز نے اس فیصلے کو چیلنج کیا، لیکن عدالت نے کہا کہ مقدمات کو یکجا کرنے میں کوئی قانونی یا حقائق کی خامی نہیں ہے۔ اس لیے عدالت نے درخواست کو مسترد کر دیا اور دونوں مقدمات کو یکجا کرنے کا حکم برقرار رکھا۔

PLJ 2024 Lahore (Note) 41
Present: Ma s u d Ab i d Na q v i , J.
RAZA CNG STATION through Legal Heirs etc.--Petitioners
SNGPL through Regional Manager Rawalpindi etc.--Respondents
C.R. No. 84074 of 2023, decided on 20.12.2023.
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (V of 1908)--
----Ss. 115 & 151--Application for consolidation of suit--Accepted--Both
suits and consumer were same--Conflicting judgments--Challenge to--
Both suits had been filed about same CNG station from where gas was
being supplied through same consumer and subject matter of both suits
were same with regard to deduction bills and dispute about outstanding
arrears in order to avoid multiplicity of litigation, which may result into
conflicting judgments, trial Court had consolidated both suits by accepting
application of respondents-- No infirmity, legal or factual, had been
pointed out in impugned order passed by trial Court--Civil revision
[Para 3 & 4] A & B
Mian Muhammad Ayub, Advocate for Petitioners.
Date of hearing: 20.12.2023.
Or d e r
Brief facts of this civil revision as mentioned in the petition are that
respondents/SNGPL filed an application for consolidation of suit titled Sui
Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd vs. Mis Raza CNG Station etc. with other suit
titled Raza CNG Station through Legal Heirs vs. Managing Director, Sui
Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd Lahore etc. On the ground that parties to both
suits are same and the application was contested by the present petitioners.
After hearing the parties, learned Addl. District Judge Sarai Alamgir accepted
the application for consolidation of cases vide impugned order dated
02.12.2023. Feeling aggrieved, the petitioners have filed the instant Revision
Petition and challenged the validity of the said order.
2. I have heard the arguments advanced by the learned counsel for
the petitioners and perused the record as well as the impugned order.
3. Perusal of record reveals that petitioners filed suit for declaration
and permanent injunction titled Raza CNG Station through Legal Heirs vs.
Managing Director, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd. Lahore etc. with the
prayer that meter inspection report be declared as illegal arbitrary and
inconsistent with the law as well as against three deduction bills issued by
respondents/ SNGPL while respondents/SNGPL filed suit for recovery of an
amount of outstanding arrears alongwith interest etc. Sui Northern Gas

Pipelines Ltd. vs. M/s. Raza CNG Station etc. After perusing record with the
assistance of learned counsel for the petitioners there remains no doubt that
both the suits have been filed about the same CNG station from where gas is
being supplied through the same Consumer No. 77487530006 and the subject
matter of both the suits are same with regard to deduction bills and the
dispute about outstanding arrears hence in order to avoid multiplicity of
litigation, which may result into conflicting judgments, learned trial Court
has consolidated both the suits by accepting the application of SNGPL/
4. No infirmity, legal or factual, has been pointed out in the
impugned order passed by the learned trial Court, therefore, this civil revision
is dismissed in limine.
(Y.A.) Revision dismiss

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