12/2 | The agricultural tenant, who was a cousin of the defendant's wife, filed a suit for compliance allocation for the purchase of the land in 1996, which was dismissed in 2006, while the landlord won an eviction case against the tenant and Qasim Ali took the unilateral degree in 2011 by repeating the compliance allocation without mentioning the pending case in 2010, but the High Court In 12/2 annulled unilateral degree due to concealment of previous cases. PLJ 2023 Lahore (Note) 68

The agricultural tenant, who was a cousin of the defendant's wife, filed a suit for compliance allocation for the purchase of the land in 1996, which was dismissed in 2006, while the landlord won an eviction case against the tenant and Qasim Ali took the unilateral degree in 2011 by repeating the compliance allocation without mentioning the pending case in 2010, but the High Court
In 12/2 annulled unilateral degree due to concealment of previous cases.
PLJ 2023 Lahore (Note) 68

اس کیس میں عدالت نے درخواست گزاروں کی جانب سے دائر کردہ درخواست، سیکشن 12(2) سی پی سی کے تحت، منظور کر لی ہے۔ درخواست گزاروں نے مؤقف اختیار کیا تھا کہ انہیں مقدمے کے بارے میں کوئی اطلاع نہیں ملی تھی اور ان کے خلاف 24 مارچ 2011 کو ہونے والا یکطرفہ فیصلہ دھوکہ دہی اور غلط بیانی پر مبنی ہے۔ عدالت نے یہ نتیجہ اخذ کیا کہ مدعا علیہ (قاسم علی) نے مقدمے کے دوران دیگر زیر سماعت مقدمات کی تفصیل ظاہر نہیں کی، اور گواہوں نے بھی اس بات کی تصدیق نہیں کی۔

عدالت نے کہا کہ مدعا علیہ نے عدالت میں مؤثر ثبوت پیش نہیں کیے اور مقدمے کی نچلی عدالتوں نے مقدمے کے حقائق اور قانون کا درست جائزہ نہیں لیا۔ اس کے نتیجے میں عدالت نے یکطرفہ فیصلہ کالعدم قرار دے دیا اور مقدمے کو دوبارہ سننے کی ہدایت کی۔

PLJ 2023 Lahore (Note) 68
Present: Ma s u d Ab i d Na q v i , J.
WALAYAT KHAN etc.--Petitioners
QASIM ALI etc.--Respondents
W.P. No. 108393 of 2017, decided on 26.4.2021.
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (V of 1908)--
----S. 12(2)--Specific Relief Act, (I of 1877), S. 12--Constitution of Pakistan,
1973, Art. 199--Suit for specific performance--Ex-parte decreed--
Application for set aside ex-parte decree--Dismissed--Appeal--
Concealment of previous pendency of litigation regarding suit land by
respondent in suit--Onus to prove--Challenge to-- Respondent failed to
disclose facts about pendency of other litigation in plaint and also during
evidence--None of respondent’s witnesses including respondent in suit
deposed any information about pendency of suit--Respondent failed to
initiate any proceedings against petitioners like summoning alleged
appointed counsel by petitioners or sending wakalatnama alleged by
petitioners to handwriting expert--Evidence produced by respondent is
neither convincing nor cogent to discharge onus-- Courts below have
neither properly evaluated facts of case nor provisions of law--Petition
allowed. [Para 3 & 4] A, B & C
Mr. Wajid Ali Chishti, Advocate for Petitioners.
Ch. Asghar Ali, Advocate for Respondents.
Date of Hearing; 26.4.2021.
Or d e r
Brief facts necessary for the adjudication of this lis are that the
petitioners filed an application under Section 12(2) CPC to challenge the exparte judgment & decree dated 24.03.2011 with the averments that the
petitioners had no knowledge about the pendency of suit as they did not
receive any notices/summons and neither they appeared before the learned
trial Court nor appointed any counsel. Hence, ex-parte judgment & decree
dated 24.03.2011 is result of fraud, mis-representation having no effect upon
the rights of the petitioners. The Respondent No. 1 filed a contesting reply,
Out of divergent pleadings of the parties, issues were framed by the learned
Trial Court and parties led their respective oral as well as documentary
evidence. After hearing the arguments advanced by both the parties, the
learned Trial Court vide in order dated 26.03.2016 dismissed the application.
Feeling aggrieved, the petitioners/applicants preferred an appeal and the
learned appellate Court dismissed the appeal vide judgment and decree dated
31.10.2017. Being dissatisfied, the petitioners/applicants has filed the instant
writ petition and challenged the validity of the impugned order/judgment
passed by the learned Courts below.
2. I have heard the arguments of learned counsel for the parties and
minutely gone through the record as well as the impugned judgments and
3. Perusal of the record reveals that a tenant of the petitioners
namely Mohammad Hayat son of Mamand filed a suit for Specific
Performance against the petitioners regarding the same suit land who is also
first cousin (زاد ماموں) of respondent’s wife on the basis of agreement to sell
dated 19.02.1996 which was dismissed vide judgment & decree dated
06.09.2006. Appeal against the judgment & decree dated 06.09.2006 was also
dismissed by the learned appellate Court vide judgment & decree dated
29.08.2009 and both the judgments &’decrees of the learned Courts below
were maintained/upheld by this Court vide judgment & decree dated
04.12.2009 in Civil Revision No. 2478/2009. Thereafter, the petitioners filed
ejectment petition against Mohammad Hayat son of Mamand before the then
DDOR, Lalian which was accepted vide order 04.12.2010 and Mohammad
Hayat challenged the ejectment order before higher hierarchy of revenue
Courts, however, remained unsuccessful till Board of Revenue Punjab.
During the above described pendency of litigation between the
petitioners and Mohammad Hay at son of Mamand who is also first cousin
(زاد ماموں) of respondent’s wife, an agreement to sell dated 02.03.2009 was
allegedly executed between the petitioners and respondent wherein pendency
of litigation before learned Civil Court is also written with the condition that
after the litigation, the petitioners will execute the sale-deed but
astonishingly, the respondent namely Qasim Ali filed suit for specific
performance against the petitioners on 29.01.2010 during the pendency of the
litigation, without disclosing the fact that litigation was still pending about
the suit land, and succeeded in obtaining the ex-parte judgment & decree
dated 24.03.2011. Hence, the respondent failed to disclose the facts about
pendency of other litigation in plaint and also during evidence. None of
respondent’s witnesses including respondent in the suit deposed any
information about the pendency of suit. Onus to prove Issues No. 2 to 6 was
placed upon the respondent and in order to dislodge this burden, only
respondent namely Qasim Ali appeared as RW-1 and no one appeared on his
behalf to support him in proceedings under Section 12(2) CPC. The
respondent failed to initiate any proceedings against the petitioners like
summoning the alleged appointed counsel by the petitioners or sending the
wakalatnama alleged by the petitioners to handwriting expert. The evidence
produced by the respondent is neither convincing nor cogent to discharge the
onus. While Petitioner No. 1 appeared as AW-1 and produced Azhar Abbas
and Allah Yar as AW-2 & AW-3 who folly supported the contents of
petitioners’ application and without any variations or contradictions in their
4. In view of the foregoing discussion, this Court is of the
considered view that the learned Courts below have neither properly
evaluated the facts of the case nor the provisions of law. Hence, by accepting
this petition, the ex-parte judgment & decree dated 24.03.2011 and impugned
order & judgment, passed by the learned Courts below dated 26.03.2016 and
31.10.2017 in petitioners’ application under section 12(2) CPC are set-aside
with the direction to the learned trial Court to initiate fresh proceedings by
allowing the petitioners to file written statement and to allow the contesting
parties to produce oral as well as documentary and thereafter to pass
judgment & decree without being influenced by any observation made by this
Court or any other Court during the litigation between the petitioners and
respondent because no litigation is pending between the petitioners &
Mohammad Hayat, presently, as is argued/informed by the counsels. Either of
the contesting party can submit this order before the learned trial Court for
initiating fresh proceedings in the suit.
(Y.A.) Petition allowed

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