Fine on Telenor |In a civil appeal, the High Court set aside the penalty imposed by the PTA against Telenor Pakistan, holding that the disruption in services was caused by the tax authorities, and hence the imposition of the penalty was illegal.

In a civil appeal, the High Court set aside the penalty imposed by the PTA against Telenor Pakistan, holding that the disruption in services was caused by the tax authorities, and hence the imposition of the penalty was illegal.

یہ مقدمہ ٹیلی کام کمپنی (ٹیلی نار پاکستان) اور پاکستان ٹیلی کمیونیکیشن اتھارٹی کے درمیان ہے۔ مقدمے میں دعویٰ کیا گیا کہ ٹیلی کام کمپنی کی خدمات میں اچانک خلل ٹیکس حکام کی غیر قانونی کارروائی کی وجہ سے ہوا، جس کے نتیجے میں کمپنی پر جرمانہ عائد کیا گیا۔

ہائی کورٹ نے یہ فیصلہ کیا کہ چونکہ کمپنی نے ٹیکس کے فیصلے کے خلاف قانونی چارہ جوئی کی تھی، لہذا خدمات میں خلل اس کے کنٹرول سے باہر تھا۔ عدالت نے کہا کہ کمپنی کی طرف سے فراہم کردہ خدمات میں کوئی ارادی ناکامی نہیں تھی اور اس کا سابقہ ریکارڈ بھی اس کے حق میں تھا۔

لہذا، ہائی کورٹ نے پاکستان ٹیلی کمیونیکیشن اتھارٹی کے عائد کردہ جرمانے کو کالعدم قرار دیتے ہوئے کمپنی کی اپیل منظور کی۔ عدالت نے واضح کیا کہ جب ناکامی کسی قوت قاہرہ (فورس میجر) کی وجہ سے ہو، تو جرمانہ عائد نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔

2024 C L C 37

[High Court (AJ&K)]

Before Sadaqat Hussain Raja, CJ and Syed Shahid Bahar, J

Messrs TELENOR PAKISTAN (PVT.) LIMITED through Manager Legal Affairs----Appellant



Civil Appeal No.231 of 2021, decided on 16th June, 2023.

(a) Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council Adaptation of Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act (I of 2005)---

----S.23---Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act, 1996 , Ss.4 (1) (c), 6(f), 21 (4) (a) & 7---Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2009, Regln.5(1), 5 (2), 7(2) & 19---Illegal disruption/interruption in providing telecommunication services---Protection of the interests of the consumers by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority---Scope---Force Majeure---Scope---Abrupt service breakdown was allegedly caused by the mobile/cellular /telecommunication providing company ('licensee')---Pakistan Telecommunication Authority('PTA') imposed penalty upon the mobile company/Licensee for the illegal disruption /interruption in providing services causing loss to the consumers---Appellant/Licensee contended that abrupt breakdown was actually outcome of the unwarranted actions(interfering with telecommunication equipments etc.) on the part of the Tax Authorities, whereas appellant/licensee had adopted legal recourse to challenge tax demands raised by the very Tax Authorities under purported discharge of their official duties, therefore, breakdown was beyond the appellant's reasonable control---Validity---Record revealed that the appellant/licensee had already challenged the tax assessment/ demand leveled by the Tax Authorities before the appellate fora which were pending adjudication, however, the Tax Authorities , in furtherance of the tax demands, attached the licensees BTs Towers and Switched off the BTs towers in the territory---Nothing adverse pertaining to the previous track record of the appellant/licensee was on record which could establish that appellant / licensee had deliberately failed to provide communication services to the consumers---Abrupt breakdown was outcome of attachment of BTs Towers and switching off on account of relevant quarters, thus, appellant/licensee could not be blamed for the same, particularly prior to adjudications of his claim from appellate forum; even by the said angle impugned proceedings were premature---Order of switching off public switch network deployed by the licensee was harsh and not warranted by law as the Consumers suffered a lot for no fault at their end---Provisions of Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2009, and Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act, 1996, were not attracted pertaining to the present controversy and the Authority (PTA) had misconstrued the aforesaid law---Circumstances pertaining to break down were beyond control of the appellant, thus, relevant clause of the licensee qua notice to the consumers was also not attracted---Where evasion of duty was not wilful and deliberate then imposition of penalty was illegal---Where the appellant did not act with mala-fide with the intention to evade the tax the imposition of penalty of additional tax and surcharge was not justified---Findings of the authority were findings of fact which were not based on material available on record, thus findings were perverse---Every quasi-judicial or akin to quasi-judicial findings has to be based on reasons which contain the justification for the findings in the order itself---No penalty can be imposed caused due to force majeure---Authority had failed to attend the very spirit and plain language of the law governing the matter, particularly Regln. 19 of the Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2009---Non observance of force majeure clause was suffice to annul the impugned decision---High Court set-aside the penalty imposed by the Authority (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority)---Appeal filed by the mobile company (licensee) was allowed, in circumstances.

       PLD 1991 SC 963; PTCL 1995 CL. 415; PLD 1970 SC 158-173; 1984 SCMR 1014; PLD 1995 SC 272 and 2012 CLC 1145 ref.

(b) General Clauses Act (X of 1897)---

----S. 24-A---Azad Jammu and Kashmir Interim Constitution Act (VIII of 1974), Art. 19---Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council Adaptation of Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act (I of 2005), S.23---Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act, 1996, Ss.4 (1) (c), 6(f), 21 (4) (a) & 7---Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2009, Regln. 5(1), 5(2), 7(2) & 19---Order to be passed with reasoning---Fair trial---Scope---Illegal disruption/interruption in providing telecommunication services---Scope---Protection of the interests of the consumers by the Pakistan telecommunication Authority---Scope---Force majeure---Scope---Abrupt service breakdown was allegedly caused by the mobile /cellular /telecommunication providing company ('licensee')---Pakistan Telecommunication Authority ('PTA') imposed penalty upon the mobile company/licensee for the illegal disruption /interruption in providing services causing loss to the consumers---Appellant/licensee contended that abrupt breakdown was actually outcome of unwarranted actions (interfering with telecommunication equipments etc.) on the part of the Tax Authorities , whereas appellant/licensee had adopted legal recourse to challenge tax demands raised by the very Tax Authorities under purported discharge of their official duties, therefore, breakdown was beyond the appellant's reasonable control---Validity---Each and every order was required to be commanded with rational and reasoning as envisaged under S.24-A of the General Clauses Act, 1897, particularly where it carried penal consequences---Such like order must adonize itself with fairness and solid grounds, in order to qualify the test of fairness embedded in the fundamental guaranteed right i.e. right to fair trial---Irrespective of factum of tax liabilities of the appellant and regardless of the consequences of a breakdown, it was a stark fact oozing from record that appellant could not be blamed for the break down---In view of S.24-A of the General Clauses Act, 1897 read with Fundamental Right of fair trial, it was incumbent upon the Authority to adjudicate the matter fairly and in judicious manner---High Court set-aside penalty imposed by the Authority (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority)---Appeal filed by the mobile company (licensee) was allowed, in circumstances.

       2003 YLR 2736; 2004 YLR 1689 and 2008 MLD 1377 ref.

(c) Interpretation of statutes---

----Maxim: Sensus verborum ex causa decendi accipiendus est, et sermones semper accipiendi sunt secundum subjectam materiam---Said maxim denotes that sense of words is to be taken from the occasion of speaking them, and discourses are always to be interpreted according to the subject matter---In interpreting, the context must always be looked to.

            Barrister Humayun Nawaz Khan for Appellant.


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