appointment of respondent number 6 as NADRA Chairman was illegal due to non-compliance with legal procedures and constitutional laws

appointment of respondent number 6 as NADRA Chairman was illegal due to non-compliance with legal procedures and constitutional laws

لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے 6 ستمبر 2024 کو درخواست نمبر 12091/2024 پر فیصلہ سناتے ہوئے یہ قرار دیا کہ نادرا کے چیئرمین کے طور پر جواب دہندہ نمبر 6 کی تقرری قانونی اختیار کے بغیر کی گئی تھی۔ عدالت نے فیصلہ دیا کہ یہ تقرری ضروری قانونی طریقہ کار کی پیروی نہیں کرتی اور آئینی قوانین کے خلاف ہے۔ لہذا، عدالت نے جواب دہندہ نمبر 6 کی تقرری، توثیق اور عہدے پر جاری رہنے کو غیر قانونی قرار دیا۔ عدالت نے اس فیصلے کی کاپی وفاقی کابینہ، وزارت داخلہ اور متعلقہ محکموں کو بھیجنے کا حکم دیا اور کسی بھی فریق کے اخراجات کی ذمہ داری عائد نہیں کی۔

 HCJDA 38.
Judgment Sheet
Writ Petition No. 12091/2024.
Ashba Kamran.
Federation of Pakistan through Secretary to the President, President‟s 
Secretariat, Islamabad and others.
Date of hearing:
Petitioner by:
Petitioner in person. 
Respondent(s) by: Mirza Nasar Ahmad, Additional
Attorney General for Pakistan.
Mr. Asad Ali Bajwa, Deputy 
Attorney General for Pakistan.
Ch. Imtiaz Ellahi, Deputy Attorney 
General for Pakistan. 
M/s Mohsin Raza, Ch. Najam-ulHassan, and Ijaz Rehmat Basra, 
Assistants Attorney General for 
M/s Imran Muhammad Naeem, 
Zeeshan Ghani, Munib Cheema, 
Hamid Rafique and Jamail Khan, 
Advocates for respondent No.6 / 
ASIM HAFEEZ, J. Petitioner, based on the information 
provided, seeks exercise of jurisdiction under Article 199(1)(b)(ii) of 
the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 (the 

No. 12091/2024.
‘Constitution‟) to inquire and adjudicate the question that under what
„authority of law‟ respondent No.6 has been appointed, and is
currently holding the office of Chairman, National Database and

W.P. No. 12091/2024.
qua the affairs of the Authority, security breaches and compromised 
security benchmark. Learned Additional Attorney General provided 
some documents with dates, contemporaneous to the appointment of 
respondent No.6 by the Caretaker Government. Privilege claimed 
regarding documents is unjustified. Documents referred to an incidence 
of data leakage and formation of Joint Investigation Team to probe into 
the charges, which details appeared in the Dawn newspaper of March 
27, 2024 – [one day before the issuance of Notification of confirmation 
of respondent No.6] - which news item disclosed the factum of probe 
into allegation of compromised data of 2.7 million citizens. Copy of 
news item is attached as Annexure-C. No material is relied on or 
provided to justify alleged national interest. Does it imply that any 
lapse or irregularity in the records of any statutory corporation or 
authority would justify resort to extralegal mechanism, for making 
direct appointment without the need for adoption of competitive 
recruitment process. Mere leakage of data, simplicitor, is no ground to 
abandon qualification-based and meritorious appointment(s). This 
close-door approach entails reduced competitiveness, exacerbates 
social inequalities and curtails professional opportunities, which results 
in intense brain-drain. Seeking refuge behind plea of national interest is 
non justiciable, which in fact violates the principle of separation of 
powers, where in fact the executive had exceeded or over-stepped 
delegated authority and proceeded to introduce an incompatible rule 
vis-à-vis primary enactment. Hence, claim of national interest fails, 
being un-plausible. 
W.P. No. 12091/2024.
Since, appointment made is already found in excess of delegated 
authority, therefore, I find no reason to dilate upon the effect(s) of 
person-centric rule-making in the context of the ratio of decision in the 
case of “Baz Muhammad Kakar and others Vs. Federation of Pakistan 
through Ministry of Law and Justice, Islamabad and others” (PLD 2012 
Supreme Court 870). In wake of dispositive determination of main 
question, I find no reason to discuss ratio of the decision in the case of
“Waris Meah Vs. (1). The State (2). The State Bank of Pakistan” (PLD 1957 
SC (PAK) 157) to dilate upon the effect of an ex-facie discriminatory 
legislation – for the purposes of ruled inserted through Rule-7A of the 
Rules, 2020 – and discriminatory application thereof. Likewise, no 
occasion arises, in the wake of holding the appointment in excess of the 
authority delegated, to discuss the case of „Jibendra Kishore, etc. v. THE 
PROVINCE OF EAST PAKISTAN‟. (PLD 1957 SC Pak 9), to highlight 
violation of constitutional mandate of „equality before the law‟.
Argument that on two different occasions the officer(s) in service had 
the privilege of serving as the Chairman of NADRA is without 
substance. An illegality committed previously would not per se validate 
the appointment under reference, not authorized by and in terms of the 
statute. I refrain from commenting on the scope of section 34 of the 
Ordinance, 2000 in particular with reference to the expression, 
„engage‟, in the context when respondent No.6 claims service lien / 
retention of original post, which would be an academic exercise, in 
wake of affirmative findings recorded against the holding of the Office 
by respondent No
W.P. No. 12091/2024.
It is alleged that remedy of „quo warranto‟ is of technical 
nature and it is in the discretion of the Court to decline issuance thereof. 
I am afraid that illegality committed by way of an unauthorized 
appointment, by the appointing authority in absence of delegation, 
cannot be covered – one cannot hide the elephant in mouse-hole. 
Hence, discretion necessarily needs to be exercised, to end usurpation 
of the office. In these circumstances, act of confirming the appointment 
of respondent No.6 is unauthorized and otherwise inconsistent with the 
enactment, therefore, without requisite „authority of law‟.
Consequently, this petition is allowed, the appointment, 
confirmation and continuing holding of the office of Chairman 
NADRA by respondent No.6 is declared without the „authority of law‟. 
Office shall send copy of this Order to the Federal Cabinet, Ministry of 
Interior and all departments concerned. No order as to the costs. 
 Announced and signed in open Court on this 06th day of September-2024.
Approved for reporting.

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