Delay in FIR supreme court case law.

سپریم کورٹ نے فیصلے میں تاخیر کے بارے میں جو اصل الفاظ استعمال کیے، وہ مندرجہ ذیل ہیں:

- "تاخیر کے باوجود، ایف آئی آر درج کرنے میں تقریباً دو دن کا وقت لگا اور اس تاخیر کی کوئی قابل قبول وضاحت فراہم نہیں کی گئی۔"

- "مذکورہ تاخیر کی وجہ سے ایف آئی آر کی صداقت پر سوالات اٹھتے ہیں کیونکہ یہ ممکن ہے کہ ایف آئی آر کو جان بوجھ کر تأخیر سے درج کیا گیا ہو تاکہ جرم کو زیادہ سنگین ظاہر کیا جا سکے۔"

یہ الفاظ اس بات کی طرف اشارہ کرتے ہیں کہ عدالت نے ایف آئی آر کی درج کرنے میں تاخیر کو کیس کی سچائی پر اثرانداز اور اس کی صداقت پر شک کا باعث سمجھا۔

**کیس کی تفصیلات:**

- **ملزمان اور متاثرہ:** محمد عمران (ملزم) کے خلاف مِسز ممتاز بی بی (متاثرہ) نے ایف آئی آر درج کروائی تھی۔
- **الزام:** ملزم پر ریپ (اغوا) اور غیر قانونی دخول (غیر قانونی داخلہ) کا الزام تھا۔
- **مقدمہ:** ایف آئی آر کے مطابق، محمد عمران نے 11 جولائی 2016 کو مِسز ممتاز بی بی کو زبردستی ایک کمرے میں لے جا کر ریپ کیا تھا۔ ایف آئی آر کی رپورٹ 13 جولائی 2016 کو درج کی گئی۔
- **عدالتی کارروائی:** 
  - ٹرائل کورٹ نے محمد عمران کو ریپ (سیکشن 376 PPC) اور غیر قانونی دخول (سیکشن 449 PPC) کے جرم میں سزا دی۔
  - لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے ملزم کی اپیل مسترد کر دی۔
- **سپریم کورٹ کا فیصلہ:** 
  - سپریم کورٹ نے کیس کی دوبارہ جانچ پڑتال کی اور پایا کہ متاثرہ نے بعد میں ملزم کو معاف کر دیا تھا اور اسے بے گناہ قرار دیا تھا۔
  - عدالت نے اس نتیجے پر پہنچا کہ یہ کیس ریپ کے بجائے زنا (سیکشن 496-B PPC) کا ہے۔ 
  - ملزم کی سزا کو ریپ کی سزا سے زنا کی سزا میں تبدیل کر دیا گیا اور غیر قانونی دخول کی سزا کو کم کر دیا گیا۔

عدالت نے ملزم کی سزا کو ریپ سے زنا کے الزام میں تبدیل کر دیا اور غیر قانونی دخول کی سزا کو کم کر دیا۔ عدالت نے متاثرہ کو بھی دفاع کا موقع نہ دینے پر سزا میں تبدیلی کی۔ اس فیصلے میں دو ججوں نے اکثریت میں فیصلہ سنایا، جبکہ ایک جج نے اس فیصلے پر اختلاف کیا۔

**کیس کی تفصیلات:**

- **ملزمان اور متاثرہ:** محمد عمران (ملزم) کے خلاف مِسز ممتاز بی بی (متاثرہ) نے ایف آئی آر درج کروائی تھی۔
- **الزام:** ملزم پر ریپ (اغوا) اور غیر قانونی دخول (غیر قانونی داخلہ) کا الزام تھا۔
- **مقدمہ:** ایف آئی آر کے مطابق، محمد عمران نے 11 جولائی 2016 کو مِسز ممتاز بی بی کو زبردستی ایک کمرے میں لے جا کر ریپ کیا تھا۔ ایف آئی آر کی رپورٹ 13 جولائی 2016 کو درج کی گئی۔
- **عدالتی کارروائی:** 
  - ٹرائل کورٹ نے محمد عمران کو ریپ (سیکشن 376 PPC) اور غیر قانونی دخول (سیکشن 449 PPC) کے جرم میں سزا دی۔
  - لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے ملزم کی اپیل مسترد کر دی۔
- **سپریم کورٹ کا فیصلہ:** 
  - سپریم کورٹ نے کیس کی دوبارہ جانچ پڑتال کی اور پایا کہ متاثرہ نے بعد میں ملزم کو معاف کر دیا تھا اور اسے بے گناہ قرار دیا تھا۔
  - عدالت نے اس نتیجے پر پہنچا کہ یہ کیس ریپ کے بجائے زنا (سیکشن 496-B PPC) کا ہے۔ 
  - ملزم کی سزا کو ریپ کی سزا سے زنا کی سزا میں تبدیل کر دیا گیا اور غیر قانونی دخول کی سزا کو کم کر دیا گیا۔

عدالت نے ملزم کی سزا کو ریپ سے زنا کے الزام میں تبدیل کر دیا اور غیر قانونی دخول کی سزا کو کم کر دیا۔ عدالت نے متاثرہ کو بھی دفاع کا موقع نہ دینے پر سزا میں تبدیلی کی۔ اس فیصلے میں دو ججوں نے اکثریت میں فیصلہ سنایا، جبکہ ایک جج نے اس فیصلے پر اختلاف کیا۔

(Against the judgment dated 17.05.2023 of the Lahore 
High Court, Bahawalpur Bench in Criminal Appeal 
Muhammad Imran
The State and another
For the Applicant/
Agha Nayyar Latif Awan, ASC
For the State:
Mr. Irfan Zia, Addl. P.G. Punjab
Date of Hearing:
Malik Shahzad Ahmad Khan, J.- As per brief 
allegations leveled by Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, complainant (PW-1), 04 
years earlier to the registration of FIR, she was married to one 
Gohar Aman. However, due to matrimonial disputes she was 
divorced one month earlier by the said Gohar Aman. The 
complainant thereafter started living in the house of her brother 
namely Muhammad Zaman (PW-3). Muhammad Imran, petitioner, 
was a friend of Muhammad Zaman who used to come to the house 
of the complainant party. On 11-7-2016 at 08:00 PM (night), Mst. 
Mumtaz Bibi, complainant, was alone in her house. In the 
meanwhile, Muhammad Imran, petitioner, came to the house of 
the complainant party and while entering the said house, he bolted 
the outer gate of the house from inside, where-after, the petitioner 
forcibly dragged the complainant towards a room of the abovementioned house where he committed rape with her after removing 
her shalwar. The petitioner, thereafter, fled away from the spot. 
After the occurrence, the complainant raised hue and cry,
whereupon, Muhammad Zaman (PW-3) and Muhammad Waseem 
Akram (PW-2) attracted to the spot. Hence, the FIR (Ex.PA/1) of 
the instant case. 
The prosecution produced 09 witnesses before the 
learned trial Court to prove the charge against the petitioner. After 
recording the statement of the petitioner under Section 342 Cr.P.C. 
and hearing arguments of learned counsel for the parties, the 
learned trial Court convicted and sentenced the petitioner as 
Under Section 376 PPC
10 years RI with fine of Rs.1,00,000/-, in default 
thereof to undergo 06-months SI.
Under Section 449 PPC
02-years RI with fine of Rs.20,000/-, in default thereof 
to undergo 03-months S.I.
Both the sentences were ordered to run concurrently 
and the benefit of Section 382-B Cr.P.C. was also 
extended to the petitioner.
The appeal filed by the petitioner was dismissed by the 
learned Bahawalpur Bench of the Lahore High Court vide 
judgment dated 17-5-2023 in Criminal Appeal No. 452/2019. 
Hence, the instant Criminal Petition for Leave to Appeal before this 
Court bearing No. 725/2023. 
Arguments heard. Record perused. 
Although during the pendency of this case before this 
Court, the petitioner moved Criminal Miscellaneous Application 
No. 374/2024 for grant of permission to compound the offence 
whereupon a report was requisitioned, which has been received 
from the learned District & Sessions Judge, Bahawalnagar, and 
according to the said report, the sole eye-witness of the case 
namely Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, complainant (PW-1) has exonerated the 
petitioner from the charge and she stated that due to some
misunderstanding she named the petitioner in this case and now 
she is satisfied that the petitioner is innocent, hence, she has no 
objection on the acquittal of the petitioner but it is noteworthy that 
the complainant/victim did not exonerate the petitioner at the time 
of recording of her statement by the learned trial Court and at that 
time she supported the prosecution case. Furthermore, the offence 
under Section 376 PPC is a non-compoundable offence, therefore, 
the petitioner cannot be acquitted on the basis of the abovementioned ground. We, therefore, while dismissing Criminal 
Miscellaneous Application No. 374/2024 for grant of permission to 
compound the offence, proceed to decide the main Criminal 
Petition No. 725/2023, on merits. 
The main contention of learned counsel for the 
petitioner is that it was not a case of rape punishable under 
Section 376 PPC and at the most it was a case of fornication (zina 
with consent) punishable under Section 496-B PPC. As mentioned 
above, the complainant has already exonerated the petitioner from 
the charge, therefore, no one appeared on behalf of the 
complainant to oppose the above-referred contention of learned 
counsel for the petitioner. However, learned Additional Prosecutor 
General has controverted the above-mentioned argument of 
learned counsel for the petitioner while arguing that according to 
the facts of the case and evidence produced by the prosecution, it 
is a case of rape punishable under Section 376 PPC. 
It is true that as per report of Punjab Forensic Science 
Agency, the DNA profile of Muhammad Imran, petitioner matched 
with the DNA profile of semens detected on the vaginal swabs of 
Mst.Mumtaz Bibi, complainant, which shows that illicit intercourse 
took place between the petitioner and the complainant and the 
complainant (PW-1) also alleged that the petitioner committed rape 
with her but the moot point for determination before this Court is 
that as to whether it is a case of rape punishable under Section 
376 PPC or it a case of fornication (zina with consent) punishable 
under Section 496-B PPC. In order to resolve the above-mentioned 
controversy, we have noted that occurrence in this case took place 
on 11-7-2016 at 08:00 PM (night) whereas the FIR was lodged on 
13-7-2016 at 05:45 PM and, as such, there is a delay of about two 
days in reporting the matter to the Police. It was so mentioned in 
the FIR that brother of the complainant namely Muhammad 
Zaman (PW-3) and another witness namely Muhammad Waseem 
Akram (PW-2) attracted to the spot when the complainant raised 
hue and cry after the occurrence but even then the FIR was not 
promptly lodged and the complainant party kept on consulting 
with each other for about two days. No plausible explanation has 
been given by the prosecution for the above-mentioned delay in 
reporting the matter to the Police. Under the circumstances, the 
sanctity of truth cannot be attached to the FIR, as there was every 
possibility that the FIR was lodged after deliberations while 

narrating an exaggerated story to make the offence graver. 
Although mere delay in such like cases is not always fatal to the 
prosecution’s case but while keeping in view the other particular 
facts of a case, the same may be relevant. 
We have further noted that in the contents of the FIR 
(Ex.PA/1), the complainant has herself stated that 04 years prior 
to the occurrence, her marriage was solemnized with one Gohar 
Aman but one month prior to the occurrence she (complainant) 
was divorced by her husband and thereafter she was living in the 
house of her brother namely Muhammad Zaman (PW-3). We have 
also noted that Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, complainant, who is the sole 
eye-witness of the occurrence has admitted during her crossexamination that prior to the registration of the instant FIR, earlier 
another FIR bearing No. 145/16 under Section 294 PPC was 
lodged by the Police of Police Station City A-Division 
(Bahawalnagar) and she (complainant) as well as the present 
petitioner Muhammad Imran, both were arrested by the Police in 
the said case. The relevant parts of the statement of Mst.Mumtaz 
Bibi, complainant, in this respect are reproduced hereunder for 
ready reference:-
“It is correct that prior to registration of this case 
on 23.05.2016 a case FIR No. 145/16 was registered 
with P/S City A-Division U/S 294 PPC in which I was 
arrested by Muhammad Afzal ASI complainant of said 
FIR from Railway Colony, at that time I was arrested by 
police official. ………………………………………………….
It is correct that Imran accused present in court 
was also an accused of said FIR and he was also 
released on bail/surety before police. It is correct that 
my brother Muhammad Zaman PW got me released on 
bail/surety on 23.05.2016 in case FIR No. 145/16.”
It is, therefore, evident from the perusal of the abovementioned parts of the statement of Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, 
complainant (PW-1) that she was earlier arrested by the Police 
along with the petitioner in a case of obscene acts. It is further 
noteworthy that although the complainant claimed that she was 
forcibly dragged by the petitioner towards a room of her house 
where the petitioner committed rape with her after forcibly 
removing her shalwar but no signs of dragging have been 
mentioned in the site plan of the place of occurrence (Ex.PB). 
Similarly, no mark of dragging or mark of any laceration, bruise or 
contusion was noted on the entire body of Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, 
complainant by the Medical Officer Dr. Nayab Arshad (PW-9). It 
was not alleged in the contents of the FIR or in the statement of 
Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, complainant (PW-1) recorded by the learned 
trial Court that the petitioner was armed with any firearm, churri,
danda or any other weapon at the time of occurrence due to which 
the complainant became frightened and could not offer any 
resistance. The petitioner was admittedly empty handed at the 
time of occurrence. A female who is not a consenting party would 
offer very strong resistance in a case of attempt to commit rape 
with her by a male but as mentioned earlier in the instant case no 
mark of violence whatsoever was noted on the entire body of Mst. 
Mumtaz Bibi, complainant by the Medical Officer at the time of her 
medical examination. Likewise, the allegation of forcibly removing 
the clothes (shalwar) of Mst. Mumtaz Bibi, complainant (PW-1) was 
not corroborated with the recovery of any torn clothes of the 
complainant. All the above-mentioned facts show that Mst. 
Mumtaz Bibi, complainant was a consenting party. Under the 
circumstances, we are of the view that ingredients of offence of 
rape punishable under Section 376 PPC are not attracted in this 
case rather it is a case of fornication (zina with consent) punishable 
under Section 496-B PPC.
We are aware of the fact that once we hold that it is a 
case of fornication punishable under Section 496-B PPC then Mst. 
Mumtaz Bibi, complainant is also liable to be proceeded against 
and punished as an accused of the offence of illicit intercourse 
with consent but as she was not challaned by the Police and no 
charge of fornication under Section 496-B PPC was framed against 
her by the learned trial Court, thus, she had no opportunity to 
defend herself, therefore, it will not be appropriate to punish her 
without providing her opportunity of defence. 
For what has been discussed above, by a majority of 
2:1 (Justice Ayesha A. Malik dissenting), this petition is converted 
into appeal, partly allowed and the impugned judgment is modified 
to the extent that conviction and sentence of the 
petitioner/appellant under Section 376 PPC is set aside and 
instead the petitioner/appellant is convicted under Section 496-B 
PPC and is sentenced to 05 years rigorous imprisonment with the
fine of Rs.5000/- or in default whereof to further undergo 02 
months simple imprisonment. As we have converted the conviction 
and sentence of the petitioner/appellant from the charge under 
Section 376 PPC to the offence under Section 496-B PPC, 
therefore, conviction and sentence of the petitioner/appellant 
under the charge of Section 449 PPC is also set-aside and the 

petitioner/appellant is convicted under Section 448 PPC and 
sentenced to 01 year rigorous imprisonment. Both the sentences 
awarded to the petitioner/appellant shall run concurrently and 
benefit of Section 382-B Cr.P.C. is also given to the 
I Disagree with the
reasons and conclusion of
the majority opinion and 
have added my dissent to 
explain why.
Islamabad, the
26th of June, 2024
Not Approved For Reporting

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