Agreement of enhancement of Haq mahar

Agreement of enhancement of Haq mahar 

اس کیس میں قانونی نقطہ بنیادی طور پر مہر کی مقدار میں اضافے کے قانونی جواز پر ہے۔ لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے اس فیصلے میں یہ نکتہ واضح کیا:

1. **مہر کی مقدار میں اضافہ**: عدالت نے یہ تسلیم کیا کہ مہر کی مقدار کو شادی کے دوران یا بعد میں بڑھانا قانونی طور پر جائز ہے۔ معاہدے (Exh.P2) میں مہر کی رقم 40 لاکھ روپے طے کرنے کو درست قرار دیا گیا، کیونکہ اسلامی قانون اور متعلقہ قانونی اصولوں کے تحت مہر کی مقدار میں اضافہ ممکن ہے۔

2. **معاہدے کی قانونی حیثیت**: عدالت نے معاہدے کی درستگی کو تسلیم کیا اور یہ قرار دیا کہ معاہدہ شادی کو برقرار رکھنے کی شرط نہیں بلکہ مہر کی مقدار کو بڑھانے کے لئے ہے۔ یہ قانونی طور پر جائز ہے اور اس پر عمل درآمد کیا جا سکتا ہے۔

یہ فیصلے اس بات کی وضاحت کرتے ہیں کہ مہر کی مقدار میں اضافہ ایک قانونی حق ہے، اور ایسے معاہدے جو مہر کے بڑھنے کا ذکر کرتے ہیں، اسلامی قوانین اور دیگر متعلقہ قانونی اصولوں کے تحت قابلِ عمل ہیں۔

معاہدے (Exh.P2) میں درج ذیل نکات شامل تھے:

1. **مہر کی رقم**: معاہدے میں طے کیا گیا تھا کہ اگر طلاق ہو جاتی ہے تو مہر کی رقم 4 لاکھ روپے ہوگی۔

2. **معاہدے کی توثیق**: معاہدے کی توثیق کی گئی اور اس پر درخواست گزار اور جواب دہندہ کے دستخط موجود تھے۔

3. **دستخط اور گواہ**: معاہدے پر دونوں فریقین کے دستخط اور دو گواہوں کی تصدیق بھی شامل تھی۔

یہ معاہدہ مہر کی رقم میں اضافے کا معاہدہ تھا، اور عدالت نے اس معاہدے کو قانونی طور پر جائز قرار دیا کیونکہ مہر کی مقدار میں اضافہ کرنا اسلامی قوانین اور متعلقہ قانونی اصولوں کے تحت ممکن ہے۔

Writ Petition No.38567/2022
Syed Sibt Hassan
Saba Batool etc.
Date of hearing
Petitioner by
Mr. Farrukh Shehzad Kamboh, Advocate.
Respondents No.1 & 
2 by
Mr. Shahzad Hussain Goraya, Advocate.
ABID AZIZ SHEIKH, J. This judgment will also decide 
the connected Writ Petition No.75369/2021 (hereinafter referred to 
as connected Petition), as both these Petitions are between the 
same parties and against the same impugned judgment and decree 
dated 27.10.2021 (impugned judgment & decree) passed by the 
Appellate Court.
Relevant facts are that respondents No.1 & 2 in this Writ 
Petition, who are also petitioners in connected Petition, (hereinafter 
referred to as respondents) filed a family suit for recovery of 
maintenance allowance, dowry articles, delivery expenses and 
dower against the petitioner, who is also respondent No.1 in 
connected Petition (hereinafter referred to as petitioner) on 
19.06.2017. The said suit was decreed by the Trial Court, vide
judgment and decree dated 01.03.2019 (judgment & decree of 
Trial Court), awarding monthly maintenance allowance @ 
Rs.2,000/- for respondent No.1 (wife) from September 2016 till 
Iddat period, maintenance allowance @ Rs.5,000/- per month for 
respondent No.2 (minor-daughter) from her date-of-birth till 
marriage with 10% increase per annum and the alternative price of 
dowry articles at Rs.350,000/- and delivery expense of Rs.25,000/-
to respondent No.1, however, the claim of respondent No.1 for 
dower was dismissed. The petitioner did not challenge the 
judgment & decree of Trial Court, however, in Appeal (filed by the 
Writ Petition No.38567/2022
respondents), the Appellate Court increased the amount of delivery 
expenses to Rs.33,778/- and upheld the judgment & decree of the 
Trial Court to the extent of remaining claims, vide judgment and 
decree dated 12.07.2019 (judgment & decree of Appellate 
Court). The petitioner again did not challenge the above-noted 
judgment & decree, however, the respondents filed Constitutional 
Petition (WP No.51624/2019), wherein the matter was remanded 
back to the Appellate Court, vide order dated 01.06.2021 (remand 
order), to decide the question of dower while recording the finding 
about validity and effect of the Agreement dated 21.01.2017
(Exh.P2) (hereinafter referred to as Agreement). In post-remand 
proceedings, the Appellate Court while upholding the validity of 
the Agreement, through the impugned judgment & decree, awarded 
amount of Rs.4,000,000/- in favour of respondent No.1 as dower.
The petitioner being aggrieved of the impugned judgment & decree 
has filed this Constitutional Petition, whereas the respondents have 
also filed connected Writ Petition claiming enhancement of the 
maintenance allowance or alternative price of the dowry articles.
Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that the petitioner 
got a stamp-paper issued for renewal of license of medical store but 
the same was stolen by respondent No.1 and she got the Agreement 
inscribed thereon. Further submits that in any case the condition of 
Agreement to pay dower amount of Rs.4,000,000/- in case of 
divorce, being a stringent condition on divorce, is not sustainable. 
Reliance in this regard is placed on “Muhammad Bashir Ali 
Siddiqui Vs. Mst. Sarwar Jahan Begum and another” (2008 SCMR 
186) and “Muhammad Asif Vs. Mst. Nazia Riasat and 2 others” 
(2018 CLC 1844).
Learned counsel for the respondents, on the other hand, 
submits that the Agreement was duly proved and it was not to 
impose stringent condition to remain in marriage bond rather same 
is for enhancement of dower amount, which is permissible under 
Writ Petition No.38567/2022
the law. He submits that the respondents only want to contest this 
Writ Petition and will not press their connected Petition filed for 
enhancement of maintenance allowance or the alternative price of 
dowry articles.
Arguments heard. Perusal of the record demonstrates that in 
previous round of litigation, the petitioner did not challenge the 
judgments and decrees of the Trial Court and Appellate Court 
impugning the maintenance allowance, alternative price of dowry 
articles and the delivery expenses, therefore to that extent the 
findings of the courts below in aforesaid judgments have already 
attained finality against the petitioner. Similarly, today the 
respondents have not pressed their connected Petition for 
enhancement of maintenance allowance or alternative price of 
dowry articles, therefore, these issues being not under challenge 
need not be examined in this judgment. Now the only question 
needs determination is regarding the issue of dower on the basis of 
Agreement, which was remitted back by this Court vide remand 
order and has been allowed by the Appellate Court through the 
impugned judgment & decree.
In above context, the Issue No.4 relates to recovery of the 
dower amount. This Court, vide order passed in Writ Petition 
No.51624/2019, remanded the matter to the Appellate Court firstly
to decide the validity or otherwise of the Agreement and secondly
its effect qua the claims of the subject-matter, in case the same is 
held valid and enforceable in law. Regarding validity of the 
Agreement, no doubt under Section 17 of the Family Courts Act, 
1964 (Act), the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (QSO) and the 
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) are not applicable in family 
matters, however, as the respondents were beneficiary of the 
Agreement, initially the burden of proof was on them to prove the 
execution of the Agreement. In this behalf, respondent No.1 herself 
appeared as PW-1 and besides producing the Agreement as Exh.P2,
Writ Petition No.38567/2022
she also repeated the contents of the Agreement in her affidavit i.e. 
Exh.P1. During the cross-examination, not only she remained 
consistent but was not specifically cross-examined that whether the 
Agreement was executed in her favour or not or whether this is a 
forged document or was stolen by her. She also produced two 
marginal witnesses of the Agreement i.e. Shahid Naeem and 
Waseem Raza, who appeared as PW-2 & PW-3 respectively and 
supported the claim of respondent No.1. The petitioner while 
appearing as DW-1 admitted that he purchased a stamp-paper, 
however, claimed that same had been stolen and used against him 
subsequently. However, during cross-examination he categorically 
admitted that the stamp-paper of Agreement was got issued by him 
and signatures on front side as well as backside thereof were also 
made by him. Further, on backside of the Agreement it is 
specifically recorded that this is for an agreement between the 
petitioner and respondent No.1 (parties) and petitioner’s signature 
and his CNIC number are also mentioned there. No doubt, the 
scribe and the vendor of Exh.P2 were not got examined but their 
absence actually goes against the petitioner, who had to prove that 
the stamp-paper was got issued for renewal of the license of 
medical store and not for Agreement between the parties. Further, 
the petitioner never sought cancellation of the stamp-paper or got 
FIR lodged or got rapat diarized if at all his stamp-paper was 
stolen, as claimed by him. The above oral and documentary 
evidence proved beyond doubt that the Agreement was lawfully 
executed between the parties.
Now coming to the next question that whether under the 
Agreement respondent No.1 is entitled for dower amount of 
Rs.4,000,000/-. There is no cavil with the proposition settled by the 
Supreme Court in case of ‘Muhammad Bashir Ali Siddiqui’ supra,
followed by this Court in case of ‘Muhammad Asif’ supra (relied 
upon by petitioner’s counsel) that a stringent condition cannot be 
Writ Petition No.38567/2022
imposed to keep the parties in marriage bond. However, perusal of 
the Agreement (Exh.P2) shows that the petitioner agreed to pay 
Rs.4,000,000/- as dower in case of divorce. This stipulation in the 
Agreement is not stringent condition imposed to keep the parties in 
marriage bond rather it is enhancement of the dower amount by the 
husband, which is not only permissible but also executable as 
discussed below.
Under Para-287 of the “Principles of Mahomedan Law” by 
DF Mulla, the dower may be fixed either before or at the time of 
marriage or after marriage and can also be increased after marriage. 
The afore-noted Para is reproduced hereunder:-
“287. Dower may be fixed after marriage. The 
amount of dower may be fixed either before or at 
the time of marriage or after marriage and can be 
increased after marriage.”
The Supreme Court of Pakistan in “Ghania Hassan Vs. Shahid 
Hussain Shahid and another” (2016 SCMR 2170) affirmed the 
above legal position and held as under:-
“An overview of the above reveals that it is not a 
settled proposition of law that the dower can be 
fixed before marriage and at time of marriage or 
thereafter. Furthermore, the dower once settled can 
always be increased by the husband or by an 
agreement between the parties.”
The Apex Court also in case of “Mst. Naziran Begum through 
Legal Heirs Vs. Mst. Khurshid Begum through Legal Heirs” (1999
SCMR 1171) held as under:-
“It is well-settled that under Hanfi Law a husband is 
entitled to fix any amount of dower either at the time 
of marriage or even subsequently and also provide 
for mode of its payment.”
This Court in case of “Mst. Zainab Khatoon Vs. Amir 
Abdullah Khan” (PLD 2004 Lahore 330) observed as under:-
“9. Agreement dated 26-03-1985 is not in 
restraint of marriage but is a contingent document 

Writ Petition No.38567/2022
increasing amount of prompt dower, in case
petitioner is divorced against her wishes or
respondent contracts second marriage. Section 26
of the Contract Act, 1872 does not cover documents
creating partial or indirect restraints on marriage,
in the sense that it does not restrict marriage though
it may adversely makes liable to do some thing or
pay some amount, in lieu of marriage. Thus an
agreement to pay a woman a specified amount, in
case of divorce or remarriage, is not in restraint of
marriage and cannot be considered, as void, being
violative of the provisions of section 26 of the Act of
1872 (ibid). In a Division Bench judgment given in
the case of Muhammad Ali v. Ayesha Khatun (AIR
1916 Calcutta 761) husband authorized his wife to
divorce him, in case of his entering into tie of
second marriage, it was held that agreement does
offend section 26 of the Contract Act, 1872.
Husband under law is competent to increase dower
amount, after marriage and this document is of this
nature and could be enforced against the
respondent. Thus the judgment and decree
impugned herein is tainted with material
irregularity and illegality, thence is not sustainable
at law.”
The same view was also expressed by the Division Bench of this
Court in “Mst. Shahida Adeeb and another Vs. Nauman Ejaz and
another” (2007 CLC 1160) in following words:-
“It is settled principle of law that in case of
Muhammadan women it is open to husband to fix
the dower amount at any time before or after the
marriage. It is further open to the husband to
increase the amount of the dower at any time during
the continuous of the marriage. For purpose of
increasing dower declaration by husband is
sufficient. Reliance has been placed on the case
reported as Chan Pir v. Fakar Shah AIR 1940 Lah.
The same view was also expressed by this Court in case of “Junaid
Ahmad Khan Shahzad Vs. District Police Officer, Muzaffargarh
and 5 others” (2021 YLR 869)

Writ Petition No.38567/2022
10. For reasons recorded above, no illegality is found in the 
impugned judgment and decree for interference in this 
Constitutional Petition, whereas the respondents have made request 
for withdrawal of their connected Petition, as already noted above.
11. In view of the above discussion, both these Writ Petitions are 
Approved For Reporting.

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