5 million fine on used international company logo and name by competition tribunal , upheld by Supreme Court .

5 million fine on used international company logo and name by competition tribunal , upheld by Supreme Court .

اس مقدمے کا بنیادی مسئلہ یہ تھا کہ **M/s Options International (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd** نے **اسٹاربکس** کے نام اور لوگو کا استعمال کیا، جو کہ بین الاقوامی سطح پر رجسٹرڈ ہے اور پاکستان میں بھی محفوظ ہے۔ اسٹاربکس کارپوریشن USA نے مسابقتی کمیشن آف پاکستان کے ذریعے شکایت کی کہ اپیل کنندہ نے اسٹاربکس کے نام اور لوگو کو بغیر اجازت استعمال کیا، جس کی وجہ سے مقامی مسابقت پر منفی اثر پڑا ہے۔

مسابقتی کمیشن نے اپیل کنندہ پر پانچ ملین روپے کا جرمانہ عائد کیا اور عدم تعمیل کی صورت میں روزانہ ایک لاکھ روپے اضافی جرمانے کا حکم دیا۔ اپیل کنندہ نے اس فیصلے کو ٹریبونل میں چیلنج کیا، جس نے جرمانے کی رقم تو بڑھا دی لیکن روزانہ جرمانے کو کم کر دیا۔

اپیل کنندہ نے اس فیصلے پر اعتراض کیا، خاص طور پر اس بات پر کہ چونکہ اسٹاربکس کے نام اور لوگو کا پاکستان میں کوئی فعال مقام نہیں ہے، اس لیے ان کا استعمال پاکستان میں مسابقت کو متاثر نہیں کرتا۔ لیکن عدالت نے اس موقف کو مسترد کرتے ہوئے اپیل کو خارج کر دیا اور ٹریبونل کے فیصلے کو برقرار رکھا۔

(Appellate Jurisdiction)
Justice Qazi Faez Isa, CJ
Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan
Justice Shahid Bilal Hassan
Civil Appeal No.1011 of 2024
(On appeal against the judgment dated 29.05.2024 of the Competition 
Appellate Tribunal, Islamabad passed in Appeal No. 45/2023)
M/s Options International (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd through its CEO
The Competition Commission of Pakistan through its
Registrar and another
For the Appellant:
Mr. Taimoor Aslam Khan, ASC
For Respondent No. 1:
Mr. Hafiz Naeem, Legal Advisor
For Respondent No. 2:
Not represented
Date of Hearing:
Qazi Faez Isa, CJ. This appeal has been filed under section 44 of the 
Competition Act, 2010 (‘the Act’) against the judgment dated 29 May 
2024 passed by the Competition Appellate Tribunal, Islamabad (‘the 
Tribunal’). The judgment of the Tribunal is unanimous; two learned 
Members agreeing with the learned Chairperson.
The Competition Commission of Pakistan (‘the Commission’) had 
imposed a penalty of five million rupees on the appellant and ordered
further additional penalty of one hundred thousand rupees per day from 
the date of passing of the order in case of non-compliance.
The appellant had assailed before the Tribunal the above order 
dated 19 December 2018 passed by the Commission. The Tribunal 
decided the appeal by enhancing the penalty amount from five million to 
six million rupees but reduced the per day penalty amount to five 
thousand rupees from one hundred thousand rupees with effect from 3 
December 2021, which was the date from which the Tribunal had become 
functional. We inquired from learned counsel which judgment, whether of 
CA No. 1011 of 2024 2
the Commission or the Tribunal, favours the appellant, and he stated that 
the one of the Tribunal.
We also inquired from the learned counsel whether the appellant 
disputes that the name Starbucks and logo are registered trademarks, and 
he conceded that both the said name and logo are registered abroad and 
in Pakistan. The matter before the Commission, and then before the 
Tribunal, was with regard to the use of the Starbucks name and logo by 
the appellant and selling its products under such name and style. A
complaint from the proprietor of the said tradename and trademark,
Starbucks Corporation USA (respondent No. 2), was received by the 
Commission which took action on it, and passed the abovementioned 
The learned counsel contended that the Act only applies to 
‘undertakings and all actions or matters that take place in Pakistan and 
distort competition within Pakistan’, as stipulated in sub-section (3) of 
section 1 of the Act. However, he submitted, since the respondent No. 2 
does not have any outlet in Pakistan, nor has authorized anyone to use its 
name, logo and products in Pakistan, therefore, the appellant was not in 
competition with the respondent No. 2, its authorized user(s) and/or its 
We cannot bring ourselves to agree with the said submission, which 
has no substance. The appellant had put itself forward by selling its own 
products under the international brand name Starbucks and by using its 
logo, which must have had the effect of distorting competition within 
Pakistan because a local vendor selling similar products, as those being 
sold by the appellant, would be at a serious disadvantage and not able to 
compete therewith since the unsuspecting public would believe, 
understand or perceive the same to be the genuine products of the 
respondent No. 2.
The learned counsel then objected to the levy of the said penalties. 
We inquired from the learned counsel whether the law authorizes the 
penalties which had been imposed and he conceded that it did under 
CA No. 1011 of 2024 3
section 38 of the Act. Therefore, it is not understandable how the same 
can be objected to.
No other point has been urged which may persuade us to take a 
view different from the one taken by the Tribunal. Therefore, this appeal is 
dismissed, but with no order as to costs as the respondent No. 2 did not 
enter appearance. Copy of this order be sent to the respondent No. 2 for 
Chief Justice
7 August 2024
Approved for reporting
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