Widow right in inheritance property after 1963.

Widow right in inheritance property after 1963.

 قانونی مقدمے کے بارے میں ہے جس میں درخواست گزاروں نے 18 فروری 1986 کو ایک جائیداد کی منتقلی کے خلاف مقدمہ دائر کیا۔ استدلال یہ ہے کہ یہ مقدمہ وقت کی مدت گزر جانے کے بعد دائر کیا گیا ہے، یعنی یہ مقدمہ وقت کی حد سے باہر ہے۔

تاہم، جواب میں کہا گیا ہے کہ درخواست گزار، جو کہ collateral رشتہ دار ہیں، اسلامی قانون (شریعت) کے تحت اپنے حصے کے مالک بن چکے ہیں۔ اس کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ ان کی جائیداد میں حقوق اور ملکیت قانونی طور پر تسلیم شدہ ہیں، اور اس بنیاد پر ان کا مقدمہ وقت کی مدت گزرنے کے باوجود قابل قبول ہو سکتا ہے۔

مختصراً، اہم نکات یہ ہیں:
1. درخواست گزاروں کا جائیداد پر حق اسلامی قانون کے مطابق تسلیم شدہ ہے۔
2. مقدمہ وقت کی مدت سے باہر ہونے کے باوجود جائز ہو سکتا ہے اگر درخواست گزاروں کا ملکیت اور حق قانونی طور پر ثابت شدہ ہو۔

اس معاملے میں مزید تفصیل اور قانونی مشورے کے لیے کسی وکیل سے رجوع کرنا بہتر ہوگا۔

1. **محدود ملکیت کا خاتمہ:** "فاضل بیگم کی محدود ملکیت 1963 میں ختم ہو چکی تھی۔ اس کے بعد وہ صرف ایک آٹھویں حصہ کی مالک تھیں، اور باقی جائیداد کو فاضل کے قانونی وارثوں کو منتقل ہونا تھا۔"

2. **قانونی تبدیلی کا اثر:** "ویسٹ پاکستان مسلم پرسنل لاء (شاریت) ایپلیکیشن ایکٹ 1962 کے تحت، فاضل بیگم کی محدود ملکیت کا خاتمہ ہوا۔ اس کے نتیجے میں، وہ جائیداد کا کوئی بھی حصہ جس سے زیادہ منتقل کرنے کا اختیار نہیں رکھتی تھیں۔"

3. **غیر مؤثر معاہدے:** "فاضل بیگم کی طرف سے 1978 میں کی جانے والی فروخت اور تحفے کے معاہدے قانونی طور پر غیر مؤثر قرار دیے جاتے ہیں کیونکہ ان کے پاس قانونی حصے سے زائد فروخت کرنے کا اختیار نہیں تھا۔"

4. **انصاف کی بحالی:** "مدعیوں کے حقوق کو بحال کیا جاتا ہے اور یہ واضح کیا جاتا ہے کہ قانونی تبدیلیاں جائیداد کے حقوق پر اثر انداز ہوتی ہیں اور ان کا نفاذ ضروری ہے۔"

فیصلے میں کہا گیا کہ قانون کی تبدیلی کے نتیجے میں فاضل بیگم کی جائیداد کے معاملات پر اثر پڑا اور ان کی طرف سے کی گئی لین دین ان کی قانونی حدود کے باہر تھی۔

**فاضل کی میراث**

 بیسویں صدی کے اوائل میں فاضل نامی ایک شخص قیمتی زمین کا مالک تھا۔ فاضل کی بیوی فاضل بیگم اور بیٹی افسر جان تھیں۔ فاضل کی موت 1938 میں ہوئی، اور اس کی جائیداد اس کی بیوی فاضل بیگم کو منتقل کر دی گئی، جو اس جائیداد کی محدود مالک تھی۔ یعنی، فاضل بیگم کو زمین کا استعمال تو مل گیا، مگر اس کی وراثت بعد میں فاضل کے قانونی وارثوں کو ملنی تھی۔

1948 میں فاضل بیگم نے زمین کے کچھ حصے کو فروخت کر دیا۔ اس فروخت کو جمال انور حسین نے چیلنج کیا، جو فاضل کا قریبی رشتہ دار تھا۔ اس نے عدالت میں کہا کہ فاضل بیگم کو محدود ملکیت حاصل تھی اور وہ اس سے زیادہ جائیداد فروخت نہیں کر سکتی۔ عدالت نے اس بات کو تسلیم کیا اور فیصلہ دیا کہ فاضل بیگم کی فروخت دوبارہ وراثتی حقوق پر اثر انداز نہیں ہوگی۔

سالوں بعد، 1962 میں ویسٹ پاکستان مسلم پرسنل لاء (شاریت) ایپلیکیشن ایکٹ نافذ ہوا، جس نے مسلم خواتین کی محدود جائیدادوں کو ختم کر دیا۔ اس قانون کے تحت، فاضل بیگم کی محدود ملکیت 1963 میں ختم ہو گئی اور اس وقت سے وہ صرف ایک آٹھویں حصہ کی مالک رہ گئی، باقی جائیداد کو فاضل کے قانونی وارثوں، بشمول افسر جان اور دوسرے رشتہ داروں میں تقسیم کیا جانا تھا۔

1978 میں فاضل بیگم نے اپنی پوتی کو زمین کا ایک بڑا حصہ تحفے میں دیا اور کچھ زمین انور حسین کو فروخت کر دی۔ انور حسین نے اس فروخت کو بھی چیلنج کیا، اور 1986 میں مدعیوں نے عدالت میں دعویٰ دائر کیا کہ فاضل بیگم کی فروخت کے معاہدے کو کالعدم قرار دیا جائے، کیونکہ ان کے پاس قانونی حصے سے زائد فروخت کا حق نہیں تھا۔

ٹرائل کورٹ نے مدعیوں کے حق میں فیصلہ دیا، لیکن اپیلیٹ کورٹ نے اس کیس کو مدت کے حوالے سے مسترد کر دیا۔ پھر مدعیوں نے لاہور ہائی کورٹ سے رجوع کیا۔

لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے مدعیوں کے حق میں فیصلہ دیا اور کہا کہ فاضل بیگم، جن کی محدود ملکیت 1963 میں ختم ہو چکی تھی، کو قانونی حصے سے زائد جائیداد فروخت کرنے کا حق نہیں تھا۔ اس لیے، 1978 میں کی گئی لین دین کو غیر مؤثر قرار دیا گیا۔

اس فیصلے نے مدعیوں کے جائیداد کے حقوق کو بحال کر دیا اور یہ واضح کیا کہ قانون میں تبدیلیاں جائیداد کے حقوق پر اثر انداز ہوتی ہیں اور ان کا نفاذ ضروری ہے۔

یوں، فاضل کی میراث کو ان لوگوں کو واپس کر دیا گیا جن کا یہ حق تھا، اور انصاف کے تقاضے پورے ہوئے۔


یہ کہانی وراثت، قانونی تبدیلیوں اور جائیداد کے حقوق کے حصول کی جدوجہد کی عکاسی کرتی ہے۔

Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
Abdul Hussain (deceased) through LRs, etc.
Mst. Afsar Jan (deceased) through LRs etc.
Date of hearing:
Petitioners by:-
Aziz Ahmad Sheikh, 
Respondents by:
Sheikh Zameer Hussain, Advocate.
Respondent Nos.14 & 15 
Raja Mehfooz Ali Satti, Advocate.
SADAQAT ALI KHAN, J. Unnecessary 
facts apart, Fazal died in the year 1938 leaving behind 
his widow Fazal Begum and daughter Afsar Jan
defendants ("respondents"), 
land/estate (detail of which is mentioned in the plaint) was 
transferred to his widow (Fazal Begum) being limited owner 
vide mutation No.1057 dated 10.04.1939 (Exh.P-2) 
excluding his daughter (Afsar Jan). Fazal was sonless 
)والدرنہنی ا بِال(, Fazal Begum sold out some portion of suit land 
i.e. 6-Kanals 7-Marlas to Bagh Ali through registered 
sale deed dated 02.10.1948 which was challenged by 
Jam Anwar Hussain s/o Muhammad Alam (predecessor-ininterest of the petitioners) by filing suit for declaration before the 
learned Civil Court which was decreed vide judgement
Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
and decree dated 07.11.1949 (Exh.P-7) by observing as 
“I therefore pass a decree in favour of the plaintiff 
against the defendants declaring that the alienation 
is in question would not effect his reversionary right-s 
after the termination of the interst of the widow. 
Subject to the provisions of the Shariat Act, the 
reversioners heirs shall be entitled to get the land on 
payment of Rs.900/- to the vendee. No order as to 
It is important to note here that before substitution of 
Section 3 of the West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law 
(Shariat) Application Act, 1962, limited estates of
Muslim female limited owners were to be terminated 
under customary law on the occasion of their death or 
remarriage and the same were to be reverted to the legal 
heirs of last male owners while in this case Mst. Fazal 
Begum being a limited female owner at that time,
neither had died nor contracted second marriage, rather 
remained limited owner of the suit property till 
termination of her limited estate by operation of law vide 
Section 3 of the West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law 
(Shariat) Application Act, 1962. On 27.05.1978, Fazal 
Begum had gifted 167-Kanals 14-Marlas out of suit 
property to her maternal grand-daughter Khursheed 
Begum (daughter of Afsar Jan) through registered gift deed on 
the basis of which mutation No.439 was sanctioned on 
22.04.1981 (Exh.P-12) and also sold some portion of suit 
property to Anwar Hussain s/o Muhammad Alam 
(predecessor-in-interest of the petitioners) vide mutation No.355 in 
the year 1974 (Exh.P-11) (detail of which is mentioned in the plaint).
Petitioners being plaintiffs filed suit for declaration
on 18.02.1986 with the assertions that Fazal Begum 
(widow of Fazal, last male owner of the suit property) being limited 
owner could not alienate suit property excessive to her 
sharai share (1/8) and remaining share i.e. 7/8 of the 
Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
suit property was reverted to the reversionaries
including petitioners being collaterals and Afsar Jan 
daughter of Fazal (last male owner of suit property) by virtue of 
Section 3 of the West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law 
(Shariat) Application Act, 1962 and her limited estate 
had been terminated in the year 1963 (Section 3 substituted 
on 21.11.1963 vide Ordinance XXXIX of 1963). All the transactions 
qua alienation of suit property by Fazal Begum 
excessive to her sharai share (1/8) (detail of which is mentioned in 
the plaint) are ineffective upon the rights of the petitioners 
and are liable to be cancelled. On the other hand, 
respondents filed written statement controverting the 
assertions made in the plaint. Learned trial Court, out 
of divergent pleadings of the parties, framed issues
whereafter both the parties adduced their respective 
evidence i.e. oral and documentary. At the end, learned 
trial Court after hearing learned counsel for the parties,
decreed the suit of the petitioners vide judgment and 
decree dated 01.03.1989. Appeal filed by the 
respondents was accepted by learned lower Appellate 
Court vide judgment and decree dated 15.05.2006 
dismissing the suit of the petitioners only on the issue 
of limitation and affirming the findings of the learned 
trial Court on other issues (not challenged by the respondents by 
filing cross objections), hence instant civil revision.
Learned counsel for the petitioners while arguing 
the case has also reiterated the grounds taken in the 
instant revision. On the other hand, learned counsel for 
the respondents have vehemently opposed this civil 
revision. With the able assistance of learned counsel for 
the parties the record has been perused. 
Petitioners have produced pedigree table (Exh.P-16) 
for the years 1955-1956 to prove themselves as 
Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
collaterals of Fazal (last male owner) wherein Anwar Hussain 
s/o Muhammad Alam (predecessor-in-interest of the petitioners) is 
mentioned as collateral of Fazal (deceased). Exh.P-7 is 
judgement and decree dated 07.11.1949 of the learned 
Civil Court regarding suit filed by Anwar Hussain 
(predecessor-in-interest of petitioners) who had challenged the sale 
of some portion of suit property by Fazal Begum, widow 
of Fazal (last male owner) wherein it has been held (issue No.1)
that Anwar Hussain (predecessor-in-interest of petitioners) is 
collateral and suit was decreed in his favour observing 
therein that alienation by Fazal Begum would not effect 
reversionary rights after termination of interest of the 
widow reproduced above. Ameer Qabil (attorney of 
respondents) while appearing as DW-1 also admitted in his 
cross-examination that Fazal Begum (widow of Fazal) had 
sold out land measuring 6-Kanals 7-Marlas out of suit 
property in the year 1948 and Anwar Hussain (predecessorin-interest of the petitioners) had filed suit challenging the said 
sale. Ameer Qabil (DW-1) made evasive denial (amounting to 
admission) in cross-examination stating therein that he 
does not know whether petitioners are collaterals of 
Fazal (deceased) or not. In these circumstances, both the 
learned Courts below have rightly declared that 
petitioners are collaterals of Fazal (deceased).
It is an admitted fact that Fazal (deceased) had left 
Fazal Begum (widow) and Afsar Jan (daughter) with no male 
issue (son).
It is also admitted by Ameer Qabil (DW-1) during 
cross-examination that Fazal (last male owner) had been 
governed by customary law and suit land was 
transferred to his widow Fazal Begum under Customary 
Law being limited owner. Relevant portion of his crossexamination is hereby reproduced:-
Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
In view of above, it is concluded that Fazal Begum was 
limited owner of the suit property. 
Section 3 (substituted on 21.11.1963 vide Ordinance XXXIX of 
1963) of the West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law 
(Shariat) Application Act, 1962 has terminated the 
limited estates in respect of immoveable property held 
by Muslim females under the customary law which is 
hereby reproduced for reference:-
“3. Termination of limited estates under 
customary law.—The limited estates in respect of 
immoveable property held by Muslim females under 
the Customary Law are hereby terminated:
Provided that nothing herein contained shall 
apply to any such estate saved by any enactment, 
repealed by this Act, and the estates so excepted 
shall continue to be governed by that enactment, 
notwithstanding its repeal by this Act.”
Section 5 of the Act ibid is also hereby reproduced 
for reference:-
“5. Devolution of property on the termination of 
life estate and certain wills.—The life estate 
terminated under section 3 or the property in respect of 
which the further operation of a will has ceased under 
section 4 shall devolve upon such persons as would 
have been entitled to succeed under the Muslim 
Personal Law (Shariat) upon the death of the last full 
owner or the testator as though he had died intestate; 
and if any such heir has died in the meantime, his 
share shall devolve in accordance with Shariat on such 
persons as would have succeeded him if he had died 
immediately after the termination of the life estate or the 
death of the said legatee:
Provided that the share to which a Muslim female 
holding limited estate under Customary law would have 
been entitled under the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) 
upon the death of the last full owner shall devolve on 
Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
In view of the above, the rights of Fazal Begum qua the
suit property being limited owner had been terminated
in the year 1963 by operation of law whereafter she was
only owner of 1/8th share of the suit property under
Sharai law being widow of Fazal (deceased), remaining
property was devolved upon his reversionaries i.e.
petitioners being collaterals and Afsar Jan being his
daughter according to their Sharai shares and have
become co-sharers in the suit property, Fazal Begum
being not owner of whole suit property in the year 1978,
was not competent to alienate it through registered sale
and gift deeds and mutations mentioned in the plaint,
which are cancelled being void, to the extent of the
transactions excessive to her Sharai share (1/8). It is
made clear that suit property means property mentioned
in mutation No.1057 dated 10.04.1939 (Exh.P-2).
The observations of the learned lower appellate
Court that suit of petitioners filed on 18.02.1986,
challenging transactions of alienation of suit property is
time-barred have no substance as petitioners being
collaterals had become owners according to their Sharai
share out of suit property by operation of law on
termination of limited estate of limited owner Fazal
Begum in view of section 3 (substituted on 21.11.1963) of the
West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law (Shariat)
Application Act, 1962 irrespective of disputed
transactions by Fazal Begum who was not competent to
alienate the share of the petitioners, being collaterals of
Fazal, the last male owner of the suit property. The
petitioners’ suit was based upon right, created by the
statutory provisions i.e. section 3 of the West Pakistan
Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1962
Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
whereby limited estates of Muslim females under the
customary law were terminated and under section 5 of
the Act, such female owners (limited owners) were only
entitled under Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) according
to their Sharai shares being legal heirs of the last male
owner. It is, therefore, clear that new rights were created
by operation of law in favour of petitioners in respect of
the estate of Fazal (deceased). It is sufficient to state that a
legal fiction has been created by the combined effect of
Sections 3 and 5 of Act of 1962. Although the last male
owner may have died long back in the past, yet he is
deemed to have died on the date of enforcement of the
Act (The West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1962)
and succession would be deemed to have opened to his
estate on such date. It is recognized principle of Muslim
Law that immediately upon the death of a Muslim
proprietor, his estate devolves on his legal heirs
irrespective of any mutation of inheritance. It may also
be observed that a rightful owner of the property cannot
be deprived of his share unless precluded to claim the
same due to conscious abandonment or relinquishment,
Fazal Begum (limited owner) after termination of limited
estate discussed above had become co-sharer in the suit
property to the extent of her Sharai share and being cosharer in the suit property could not deprive the
petitioners of their share by alienating the property
falling in their share. So far as the limitation is
concerned, no question of limitation could arise as the
limitation could not run against such a co-sharer in
such an eventuality. Reliance is placed in this context to
the cases reported as 1988 SCMR 1696, “Mst. Jannat
Bibi Versus Sher Muhammad and others”. 2010 SCMR
18, “Muhammad Shamim through Legal Heirs Versus 

Civil Revision No.115 of 2007
Mst. Nisar Fatima through Legal Heirs and others”, 2015 
SCMR 869 “Mahmood Shah Versus Syed Khalid 
Hussain Shah and others”
10. In view of the above, this Civil Revision is allowed, 
impugned judgement and decree of learned lower 
Appellate Court dated 15.05.2006 are hereby set aside 
being suffered from mis-reading, non-reading of 
evidence as well as being non-application of relevant 
law, consequently the judgment and decree of learned 
trial Court dated 01.03.1989 are hereby restored.

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