Register Hibba through attorney cancelled by high court due to permission efidavit was not present in evidence .

Register Hibba through attorney cancelled by high court due to permission efidavit was not present in evidence .

فیصلے میں عدالت نے درج ذیل ریمارکس دیے:

1. **ثبوت کی کمی:**
   - عدالت نے یہ نکتہ اٹھایا کہ مدعا علیہ نے نہ تو تحریری ثبوت پیش کیا کہ مرحوم والد نے تحفے کے لیے خصوصی اجازت دی تھی اور نہ ہی تحفے کی قانونی اجزاء (آفر، قبولیت، اور ملکیت کی منتقلی) کو ثابت کیا۔

2. **پاور آف اٹارنی کی حد:**
   - عدالت نے کہا کہ عمومی پاور آف اٹارنی میں مخصوص اختیارات کا ذکر نہیں تھا جو کہ تحفے کے لیے درکار تھے۔ اس سے ثابت ہوتا ہے کہ پاور آف اٹارنی کا استعمال تحفے کے لیے نہیں کیا جا سکتا تھا۔

3. **قانونی اصول:**
   - عدالت نے وضاحت کی کہ ایک وکیل یا ایجنٹ کی طرف سے تحفے کی منتقلی کے لیے خاص اجازت یا ہدایات ضروری ہوتی ہیں۔ بغیر اس کے، تحفہ قانونی طور پر درست نہیں مانا جا سکتا۔

4. **عدالتی فیصلے کی توثیق:**
   - عدالت نے ٹرائل کورٹ کے فیصلے کو برقرار رکھتے ہوئے کہا کہ مذکورہ تحفے کی دستاویز اور پاور آف اٹارنی قانونی طور پر درست نہیں ہیں، اور اسی بنا پر ان کو کالعدم قرار دیا گیا۔

5. **قانونی نظائر:**
   - فیصلے میں کئی قانونی نظائر کا حوالہ دیا گیا جو کہ وکیل یا ایجنٹ کی طرف سے تحفے کی منتقلی کے لیے ضروری شرائط کی وضاحت کرتے ہیں۔ 

یہ ریمارکس فیصلے کی بنیاد فراہم کرتے ہیں اور یہ واضح کرتے ہیں کہ قانونی معیار اور طریقہ کار پر عمل درآمد کی اہمیت ہے۔

**فیصلہ کا خلاصہ:**

1. **مقدمے کی تفصیلات:**
   - **پارٹیاں:** 
     - **مدعی:** رابع نواز (مرحوم) کے قانونی ورثاء
     - **مدعا علیہ:** مسٹ سمرا اندلیب
   - **مقدمے کا معاملہ:** 
     - مدعی کی بیٹی نے اپنے مرحوم والد کی جانب سے کیے گئے زبانی تحفے کی تبدیلی اور عمومی پاور آف اٹارنی کو چیلنج کیا۔
     - مدعا علیہ نے تحفے کی دستاویز اور پاور آف اٹارنی کے ذریعے مرحوم کے اثاثے اپنی بیوی کے نام منتقل کیے۔

2. **عدالتی فیصلے کی تفصیلات:**
   - **ٹرائل کورٹ:** 
     - تحفے کی دستاویز (دستاویز نمبر 4000/1) اور پاور آف اٹارنی (دستاویز نمبر 712/4) کو کالعدم قرار دیا۔
   - **اپیل:** 
     - مدعی اور مدعا علیہ دونوں نے فیصلے کے خلاف اپیل کی۔
     - ایڈیشنل ڈسٹرکٹ جج نے دونوں اپیلوں کو مسترد کیا اور تحفے کی دستاویز کو کالعدم قرار دینے کا فیصلہ برقرار رکھا۔

3. **فیصلے کی بنیاد:**
   - **مدعی کی جانب سے:** 
     -  تحفے کی تبدیلی اور پاور آف اٹارنی کی درستگی کو چیلنج کیا۔
   - **مدعا علیہ کی جانب سے:**
     - دعویٰ کیا گیا کہ تحفے کی دستاویز اور پاور آف اٹارنی کو قانونی طور پر درست طریقے سے تیار کیا گیا تھا، مگر اصل میں ان کے پاس اس کا کوئی تحریری ثبوت نہیں تھا۔

4. **عدالتی رائے:**
   - **ثبوت کی کمی:** 
     - مدعا علیہ نے زبانی اجازت یا تحریری دستاویزات پیش نہیں کیں جو تحفے کے قانونی ہونے کی تصدیق کرتی۔
   - **پاور آف اٹارنی کی تفصیلات:** 
     - عمومی پاور آف اٹارنی میں تحفے کے لیے خاص اختیارات نہیں دیے گئے تھے۔
   - **فیصلے کی توثیق:** 
     - عدالت نے ٹرائل کورٹ کے فیصلے کو برقرار رکھا اور اپیل مسترد کی۔

**آخری فیصلہ:** 
- **شہری نظرثانی:** 
  - مدعا علیہ کی طرف سے چیلنج کردہ فیصلے کو برقرار رکھا، تحفے کی دستاویز کو کالعدم قرار دیا اور شہری نظرثانی مسترد کردی۔

Form No: HCJD /A38 
Civil Revision No. 44182 of 2024
Rab Nawaz deceased son of Abdul Haq through his legal heirs etc.
Mst. Samra Andleeb
Date of Hearing: 
Petitioners by:
Farzana Nazir Bhullar, Advocate.
Concise facts of this civil revision 
are that the daughter of deceased Abdul Haq /plaintiff/respondent 
challenged oral gift mutation No. 132 dated 04.07.1996 allegedly 
entered/sanctioned by the plaintiff/respondent’s deceased father in 
favour of his son/defendant No.1/predecessor in interest of the 
petitioners and also challenged the validity of general power of 
attorney No.712/4 dated 10.11.2001/Ex.D-3 allegedly executed by 
the plaintiff/respondent’s deceased father/principal in favour of 
defendant No.1/his son/attorney who transferred the principal’s 
property to his wife/defendant No.2/petitioner No.1-A through gift 
deed No.4000/1 dated 29.12.2004/Ex.D-1
without the 
special/express permission of principal. The suit was duly contested 
by the petitioners/defendants by filing written statement and by 
raising certain factual as well as legal objections. Out of divergent 
pleadings of the parties, issues were framed by the learned trial 
court. The parties produced their respective evidence and after 
recording the same, learned trial Court dismissed the suit of the 
 C.R. No.44182-2024
plaintiff to the extent of gift mutation No.132 dated 04.07.1996 and 
partially decreed the suit of plaintiff by declaring the gift 
transaction/gift deed gift deed No.4000/1 dated 29.12.2004/Ex.D-1
executed on basis of general power of attorney No.712/4 dated 
10.11.2001/Ex.D-3 as void ab initio vide judgment and decree 
dated 08.06.2002. Feeling aggrieved, the plaintiff/respondent as 
well as defendants/petitioners filed their respective appeals and the 
learned Addl. District Judge, Sahiwal vide consolidated judgment 
and decrees dated 21.05.2024 dismissed both the appeals. Being 
dissatisfied, the defendants/petitioners have filed the instant civil 
revision and challenged the validity of the impugned judgments and 
decrees passed by the learned Courts below only to the extent of 
findings on gift transaction/gift deed No.4000/1 dated 29.12.2004 
& general power of attorney No.712/4 dated 10.11.2001.
The learned counsel for the petitioners/defendants mainly 
argues that the disputed gift deed was registered by the defendant 
No.1/son of deceased Abdul Haq in favour of defendant No.2/his 
wife on behalf of his father after not only obtaining the oral 
permission/consent from his father/principal to gift the disputed 
property to his wife but also obtained an affidavit from his father, 
permitting the defendant No.1 to gift the land to his wife. On 
Court’s query, the learned counsel for the petitioners concedes that 
the alleged affidavit has not been pleaded or exhibited in evidence 
by the defendants/petitioners in their evidence.
I have heard the arguments of learned counsel for the 
petitioners and minutely gone through the record as well as the 
impugned judgments and decrees.
 C.R. No.44182-2024
There is no denial of the facts that the defendants/petitioners 
have neither specifically pleaded in the written statement about the 
alleged special/specific permission of the principal/father to his
attorney/son/defendant No.1 to gift his property to his 
wife/defendant No.2/petitioner No.1-A through gift deed No.4000/1
dated 29.12.2004 or the original transaction of gift with time, date, 
day, month etc. nor three essential/basic/inseparable ingredients of 
valid gift i.e. offer, acceptance and delivery of possession. The 
defendants/petitioners have also not pleaded/exhibited any 
document(s) especially showing the written consent/permission of 
the principal to the attorney as is allegedly written in the disputed 
gift deed. On the basis of alleged general power of attorney 
No.712/4 dated 10.11.2001/Ex.D-3, alleged gift deed 
No.4000/1/Ex.D-1 dated 29.12.2004 was registered during the 
lifetime of the principal and it is strange that neither the principal
himself exercised the right and power for the purpose of making a 
gift to alleged donee/his daughter in law by taking a mentally
conscious decision nor signed disputed gift deed in favour of the 
alleged donee, who had no mental or physical incapacity at that 
time, pleaded by the defendants/petitioners themselves in their 
written statement. Power of attorney is an instrument in writing, 
conferring authority or power by a principal to his attorney to do 
certain acts in a specific and limited manner and in the disputed 
general power of attorney No.712/4 dated 10.11.2001/Ex.D-3, no 
specific powers were given by the principal/father to his
attorney/his son to gift his land to attorney’s wife/defendant 
No.2/petitioner No.1-A by clearly specifying the name of donee
 C.R. No.44182-2024
and the power of attorney is also not clearly indicating/conveying 
the principal’s knowledge, intention and consent for making gift of 
his land to his attorney’s wife/principal’s daughter in law. There is 
no cavil to the proposition that generally an attorney cannot utilize
the powers conferred upon him to transfer the property to himself 
or his kith and kin, without special and specific consent/permission 
of the principal and in case of gift transaction, more strict 
conditions have been attached by the Superior Courts for proving 
the gift made by an attorney as a valid gift transaction because 
being voluntarily and gratuitous, gift reflects the personal 
sentiments of love, affection, kindness and compassion of donor for 
the donee or sometimes sentiments due to personal services 
rendered by the donee to the donor and personal sentiments of 
donor/principal cannot be expressed by an attorney on behalf of 
donor, therefore, the process of making valid gift must preferably
be initiated & completed by the donor himself with the exception 
that the attorney may gift the property on the express permission 
and instructions of his principal. Strong personal sentiments of 
donor must necessarily be directly established in gift transaction in 
clear terms through pleadings and irrefutable evidence because 
alleged donor has allegedly deprived his daughter/plaintiff from his 
land. The resume of the discussion is that the defendants/petitioners 
miserably failed to plead and prove through evidence (i) execution 
of general power of attorney/Ex.D-3 & (ii) making of original oral 
gift transaction with its legal ingredients, valid gift with offer, 
acceptance and delivery of possession, express
permission/instructions of donor/principal to his attorney for 
 C.R. No.44182-2024
making gift & execution of gift deed/Ex.D-1. Reference is made to 
the cases reported as “Mst. Shumal Begum Vs. Mst. Gulzar Begum 
and 3 others” (1994 SCMR 818), “Haji Faqir Muhammad and 
others Vs. Pir Muhammad and another” (1997 SCMR 
1811),“Maqsood Ahmad and others Vs. Salman Ali” (PLD 2003 
S.C. 31), “Jamil Akhtar and others Vs. Las Baba and others”
(PLD 2003 S.C. 494), “Ijaz Bashir Qureshi Vs. Shams-un-Nisa 
Qureshi and others” (2021 SCMR 1298), “Syed Atif Raza Shah
Vs. Syed Fida Hussain Shah and others” (2022 SCMR 1262) and 
“Babar Anwar Vs. Muhammad Ashraf and another” (2024 SCMR 
In view of above, challenged findings of the learned Courts 
below in impugned judgments and decrees to the extent of 
declaring the gift deed No.4000/1 dated 29.12.2004 as invalid 
transaction are upheld / maintained. Neither any misreading or 
non-reading of evidence on record nor any infirmity, legal or 
factual, has been pointed out in the challenged findings of the 
learned Courts below in impugned judgments and decrees passed 
by the learned Courts, therefore, this civil revision is, hereby, 
dismissed in limine.
Approved for reporting.

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