Order 37 suit is not maintainable when part payment is received .

R.F.A.No.1693 of 2014
Shaukat Iqbal Vs Muhammad Shumail
Date of Hearing : 19.05.2022
Appellant by :
Mr. Mehram Ali Bali, 
The respondent/plaintiff was 
proceeded against ex-parte on 
Brief facts necessary for the adjudication 
of this lis are that the respondent/plaintiff filed a suit for recovery of 
Rs.300,000/- under Order XXXVII CPC against the appellant/defendant 
with the specific averments that he paid an amount of Rs.300,000/- to the 
defendant/appellant as a loan on 12.07.2006 in presence of witnesses 
namely Zafar Abbas & Mohammad Mushtaq and the appellant/defendant 
handed over to the respondent/plaintiff a cheque No.641730 and the said 
cheque was dis-honoured for insufficient funds on 09.11.2006. 
Thereafter, the respondent/plaintiff presented the cheque on 01.02.2007 
& 22.03.2007 but the cheque was not encashed due to insufficient fund, 
hence the instant suit. The appellant/defendant denied about the receipt of 
loan from the respondent/plaintiff with the claim that the disputed cheque 
was handed over to the respondent/plaintiff as رپ وطر ےک زرامضتن. He further 
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pleaded that an amount of Rs.100,000/-was returned by him to the 
respondent/plaintiff after the initiation of criminal proceedings against 
the appellant/defendant. Out of divergent pleadings of the parties, issues
were framed by the learned Trial Court and parties led their respective 
oral as well as documentary evidence. After hearing the arguments 
advanced by both the parties, the learned Trial Court vide judgment and 
decree dated 13.02.2016 decreed the suit. Feeling aggrieved, the 
appellant/defendant preferred instant appeal and challenged the validity 
of the impugned judgment and decree passed by the learned trial court.
Apart from other arguments, learned counsel for appellant mainly 
argues by placing reliance on the case reported as Khalid Mahmood Vs 
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Ltd through Manager, Personnel and 
Administration Faisalabad (PLD 2011 Lahore 52) that learned trial court 
had no jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate upon the lis because after 
the receipt of an amount of Rs.100,000/- by the respondent/plaintiff 
before filing of suit, negotiable instrument lost its enforceability under 
special law. I have heard the arguments of learned counsel for the 
appellant/ defendant and minutely gone through the record as well as the 
impugned judgment and decree.
There is no denial of facts that disputed cheque No.641730 was 
issued on 12.07.2006, suit was instituted on 21.10.2009 on the basis of 
cheque amount and the respondent/plaintiff admittedly received an 
amount of Rs.100,000/- from the appellant/defendant in the year 2008
before filing suit. While appearing as PW-1, respondent/plaintiff 
conceded about the part-payment in cross-examination but by concealing 
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this fact intentionally, failed to plead this fact in his plaint and simply 
filed a suit for recovery of cheque amount. Now the question which 
comes up for consideration is as to what the expression “sum of amount 
undertaken or ordered to be paid to payee” means in a case where the 
admitted liability of the drawer of the cheque gets reduced, on account of 
part-payment made by him, after issuing the cheque. No doubt, the 
expression “sum of amount undertaken or ordered to be paid to payee”
would mean the amount of the cheque alone in case the amount payable 
by the drawer but, can it be said the expression “sum of amount 
undertaken or ordered to be paid to payee” would always mean the 
amount of the cheque, even if the actual liability of the drawer of the 
cheque has got reduced on account of some payment(s) made by him 
towards discharge of the debt or liability in consideration of which 
cheque in question was issued. If it is held that the expression “sum of 
amount undertaken or ordered to be paid to payee” would necessarily 
mean the amount of cheque in every case, the drawer of the cheque 
would be required to make arrangement for more than the cheque amount 
payable by him to the payee of the cheque in case of part-payment by the 
drawer of cheque to the payee. Obviously this could not have been the 
intention of the legislature to make a person liable to pay more amount 
than amount payable through cheque. If the drawer of the cheque is made 
to pay more than the amount actually payable by him, the inevitable 
result would be that he will have to chase the payee of the cheque to 
recover the excess amount paid by him. Therefore, it is difficult to take 
the view that even if the admitted liability of the drawer of the cheque has 
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got reduced, on account of certain payment(s) made after issuance of 
cheque, the payee would be entitled to present the cheque for the whole 
of the amount to the banker for encashment or in such a case, if cheque is 
dishonoured for want of funds, a cause of action compulsorily will arise
to file a suit for recovery of cheque amount under order XXXVII CPC. I 
am also conscious/aware of the situation where with a view to 
circumvent and get out of summary procedure under Order XXXVII 
CPC, the drawer of a cheque can make part-payment of the amount of the 
cheque but this can easily be avoided by payee of the cheque, either by 
taking new cheque of the reduced amount from the drawer or by making 
an endorsement through a note on the cheque by the drawer 
acknowledging the part-payment and then presenting the cheque for 
encashment of only the balance amount due and payable to him. In fact, 
Section 56 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 specifically provides for 
an endorsement on a Negotiable Instrument with regard to part-payment 
and the instrument can thereafter be negotiated for the balance amount. If 
the drawer and payee of cheque adopt the procedure given in section 56 
of Negotiable Instrument Act, then it would be open to the payee of the 
cheque to present the cheque for payment of only that much endorsed 
balance amount which is due to him. After the receipt of admitted partpayment from the amount of cheque before filing the suit, the payee can
neither present the cheque for encashment without adopting procedure 
under Section 56 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 nor can file suit for 
recovery of cheque amount while invoking special jurisdiction under 
Order XXXVII CPC in new circumstances/ situation which is a 
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subsequent agreement rather will file a suit for recovery of balance 
amount of cheque before an ordinary civil court of plenary jurisdiction.
Generally, there is no cavil to the proposition that Order XXXVII CPC 
does not restrict person(s) /plaintiff(s) from filing an ordinary suit for 
recovery of cheque amount before an ordinary civil court of plenary 
jurisdiction rather provides discretion to either institute a suit by invoking 
special jurisdiction under Order XXXVII CPC or to file the same under 
ordinary procedure before ordinary civil court of plenary jurisdiction and 
there exists no legal compulsion to restrict the choice of 
In view of the foregoing discussion, I am of the affirmed view that 
the learned trial court erred in law in decreeing the suit vide impugned 
judgment dated 30.10.2014, hence, the same is hereby set-aside by 
allowing this regular first appeal on the question of jurisdiction with the 
direction to learned Additional District Judge to return the plaint under 
Order VII Rule 10, CPC to the respondent/plaintiff for filing the same 
before an ordinary civil court of plenary jurisdiction.
Approved for reporting.

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