Case law on necessary and unnecessary parties

اس کیس میں ڈیفنس ہاؤسنگ اتھارٹی (ڈی ایچ اے) لاہور اور پرویز ریاض کے درمیان زمین کے ایک ٹکڑے کا تنازعہ تھا۔ پرویز ریاض نے 2009 کے سیل ڈیڈ کی بنیاد پر ملکیت کا دعویٰ کیا اور ڈی ایچ اے اور دیگر کے خلاف قانونی چارہ جوئی کے ذریعے ملکیت کا مطالبہ کیا۔

کارروائی کے دوران، ڈی ایچ اے نے دلیل دی کہ مقدمے میں نامزد کئی مدعا علیہان غیر ضروری تھے کیونکہ ان کے دعوے صرف ڈی ایچ اے کے خلاف تھے۔ ٹرائل کورٹ نے ابتدائی طور پر پرویز ریاض کو ان مدعا علیہان کے بارے میں تفصیلات بتانے کے لیے مقدمے میں ترمیم کرنے کا حکم دیا۔ ڈی ایچ اے نے اتفاق نہیں کیا اور نظرثانی کی درخواست دائر کی۔

لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے کیس کا جائزہ لیا اور نتیجہ اخذ کیا کہ متنازعہ زمین میں براہ راست ملوث فریقین کو شامل کیا جانا چاہیے جو عدالت کے فیصلے کو متاثر کر سکتے ہیں۔ چونکہ 3 سے 103 تک کے مدعا علیہان نے ڈی ایچ اے سے پلاٹ خریدے تھے اور گھر بنائے تھے، لیکن وہ براہ راست پرویز ریاض کے معاوضے یا متبادل جائیداد کے دعوے کا حصہ نہیں تھے، عدالت نے فیصلہ دیا کہ وہ مقدمے کے لیے ضروری نہیں تھے۔ لہٰذا ان کے نام مقدمے سے نکالے جائیں اور پرویز ریاض کو اس کے مطابق مقدمے میں ترمیم کرنے کی ہدایت کی گئی۔

مختصراً، عدالت کا مقصد اس بات کو یقینی بنا کر کیس کو ہموار کرنا تھا کہ صرف متنازعہ زمین میں براہ راست ملوث اور فیصلے کے لیے ضروری فریقین کو شامل کیا جائے، اس طرح غیر ضروری پیچیدگی اور قانونی چارہ جوئی سے گریز کیا جائے۔

اگر آپ کے مزید سوالات ہیں یا مزید وضاحت کی ضرورت ہے تو بلا جھجھک پوچھیں!

The case involved a dispute over a piece of land between Defence Housing Authority (DHA), Lahore, and Pervaiz Riaz. Pervaiz Riaz claimed ownership based on a sale deed from 2009 and sought possession through a lawsuit against DHA and others.

During the proceedings, DHA argued that many defendants named in the suit were unnecessary because their claims were against DHA alone. The trial court initially ordered Pervaiz Riaz to amend the lawsuit to specify details about these defendants. DHA disagreed and filed a revision petition.

The Lahore High Court reviewed the case and concluded that only parties directly involved in the disputed land—who could affect the court's decision—should be included. Since the defendants numbered 3 to 103 had purchased plots from DHA and built houses, but were not directly part of Pervaiz Riaz's claim for compensation or alternate property, the court ruled they were not necessary to the lawsuit. Therefore, their names were to be removed from the lawsuit, and Pervaiz Riaz was instructed to amend the lawsuit accordingly.

In essence, the court aimed to streamline the case by ensuring that only parties directly involved in the disputed land and necessary for a decision were included, thus avoiding unnecessary complexity and litigation.

If you have more questions or need further explanation, feel free to ask!

Stereo. HCJDA 38
Civil Revision No.45297 of 2021
Defence Housing Authority, Lahore
Pervaiz Riaz
Date of Hearing: 05.04.2024
M/s Altaf Ur Rahman Khan, 
Muqarab Javed Ghumman and 
Ishfaq Amir Hussain, Advocates
M/s Syed Ali Zafar (ASC) and Syed 
Haider Ali Zafar (AHC), Advocates
SHAHID BILAL HASSAN-J: Facts in concision are 
as such that respondent instituted a suit for possession 
with permanent and mandatory injunction in respect of 
land measuring 47-Kanals 17-Marlas, situated in Mauza 
Charrar, Tehsil Cantt., District Lahore (the suit 
property) by claiming that he became owner of the suit
property by virtue of a sale deed dated 18.07.2009, 
registered in the execution of a decree for specific 
performance, obtained by the respondent/plaintiff on 
20.03.2008. The respondent impleaded 101 owners of 
the houses in Blocks W and Z in Phase-III of DHA, 
Lahore in the array of the defendants in addition to the 
C.R.No.45297 of 2021
petitioner/DHA. Majority of the defendants/house 
owners were impleaded in the suit as alleged owners of 
the houses etc. constructed over the suit property, 
without even mentioning their names and parentage. 
The petitioner/DHA contested the suit on various 
factual as well as legal grounds. The petitioner also 
filed an application under Order I, Rule 10, Code of 
Civil Procedure, 1908 for deletion of names of the 
defendants No.3 to 103 as they derived their title from 
the petitioner/DHA and purportedly no useful purpose 
would be served by dragging them into the litigation 
which was essentially between the plaintiff and the 
DHA; that the said application was still pending when 
on 28.05.2021 the learned trial Court passed an order 
directing the plaintiff/respondent to file amended plaint 
by mentioning the names and parentage of 67 
defendants and by providing names of 36 defendants. 
The petitioner filed a review application against the said 
order dated 28.05.2021. The learned trial Court took up 
both application under Order I, Rule 10, Code of Civil 
Procedure, 1908 and review application and dismissed 
the same vide impugned order dated 19.06.2021; hence, 
the instant revision petition.
C.R.No.45297 of 2021
Considering the arguments and going 
through the record, it is avowed that only those persons 
are necessary and proper party to the proceedings, 
whose interest are under challenge in the suit and 
without their presence matter could not be decided on 
merits. The necessary party is one who ought to have 
been joined and in whose absence no effective decision 
can take place. The object of Order I, Rule 10, Code of 
Civil Procedure, 1908 is to avoid multiplicity of 
proceedings, litigation and to ensure that all proper 
parties are before Court for proper adjudication on 
merits. Once the Court comes to the conclusion that a 
person applies for becoming a party is a necessary party 
then the Court ought to pass an order directing such 
person to be impleaded as party in the proceedings. It is 
well settled proposition of law that Court is empowered 
under this provision to add any person as plaintiff or 
defendant in the suit at any stage and even in appeals or 
to delete any person. Joining of party at any stage is 
binding in all subsequent proceedings until set-aside in 
legal manner. Order I, Rule 10 read with section 107 
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 is applicable to appeals 
and the appellate Court has discretion to substitute or 
add any person as appellant or respondent provided
they are proper and necessary party to the proceedings.
C.R.No.45297 of 2021
In the instant case, in paragraphs No.12 
and 14 of the plaint, the respondent has pleaded that:-
‘12. That the land in question is in illegal and 
unlawful possession/occupation of 
defendants and if any notification 
regarding acquisition of land in question 
was issued by the defendant No.1 & 
2/DHA, even then, the plaintiff is entitled 
for alternate land in equal status or is 
entitled for compensation in shape of plots/ 
payment in lieu thereof as per rules and 
policy laid down in this behalf.
That the defendants are in illegal and 
unlawful possession of the suit property of 
the plaintiff and no compensation in shape 
of alternate land or of developed plots was 
given to the plaintiff, for which the plaintiff 
is legally entitled and the defendants are 
bound under law to compensate the 
plaintiff in either way suitable to the 
Meaning thereby the main claim of the respondent is 
against the present petitioners and not against the 
defendants No.3 to 103 and the respondent/plaintiff 
would be satisfied if a decree as to compensation or 
alternate property in equal status is passed in his favour 
against the DHA, if he succeeds in proving his case as 
per mandate of law, from whom the other defendants 
No.3 to 103 purchased the plots, which are comprising 

C.R.No.45297 of 2021
of more than 200 Kanals, whereas the disputed property 
of the respondent is 47-Kanals 17-Marlas and from the 
contents of the plaint is not clear whether the said 
defendants No.3 to 103 are in possession of the same 
after constructing their houses or not? therefore, 
without such specific particulars the defendants No.3 to 
103 cannot be said to be necessary and proper party 
especially when they are bona fide purchaser after 
spending a huge amount and without notice. They 
cannot be dragged into litigation mere on the basis that 
they purchased the plots from the present petitioner and 
are in possession of the same after constructing houses. 
In judgment reported as Dr. Saleem Javed and others v. 
Mst. Fauzia Nasim and others (2003 SCMR 965), the 
Supreme Court of Pakistan held that:-
‘There is no cavil to the legal proposition 
that if in absence of a person no effective 
decree or an order can be passed in the 
suit such person is necessary party and the 
suit cannot proceed in his absence and 
thus the requirement of addition of a party 
in the suit would be essential if in absence 
of such party the adjudication of the 
dispute is not possible: The legal heirs of 
the deceased in a civil suit to recover the 
amount of debt due are necessary party 
but a stranger in such a suit is neither a 
necessary nor proper party. In nutshell we 
C.R.No.45297 of 2021
may point out that if a dispute in a suit can 
effectively be adjudicated in absence of a 
person, such person is not a necessary 
party to be impleaded in the suit.’
Under Order I, Rule 10, Code of Civil 
Procedure, 1908, the Court at any stage of the 
proceedings either upon or without the application of 
either party and on such terms as may appear to the 
Court to be just, may order that the name of any party 
improperly joined be struck out. When no relief was 
sought against a person otherwise his presence was not 
necessary to enable the Court to settle the controversy, 
such person may not be added as defendant. In 
judgment reported as Hamza Haneef Awan and 7 others 
v. Sher Ali Mengal and 9 others (2019 CLC 292), it has 
been held that:-
‘If a dispute can effectively be adjudicated 
in absence of a person such person is not a 
necessary party. While proper party is a 
person if its presence before the Court is 
necessary to enable it to effectually and 
completely adjudicate upon and settle the 
questions involved in the suit and it is not 
necessary that the plaintiff must seek relief 
against such proposed defendant. The 
object of adding proper party is to avoid 
needless multiplicity of the suit. It is also 
well settled that where there is no cause of 
action against any such defendant, his 

C.R.No.45297 of 2021
name may be struck off from the plaint. 
The plaintiff is dominus litis but the theory 
of dominus litis cannot be overstretched in 
the matter of impleading the parties 
because it is the duty of the Court to 
ensure that if for deciding the real matter 
in dispute a person is necessary or proper 
party the Court can order to implead such 
person and vice versa can also order
deletion of any such person from the plaint 
who is not found to be proper or necessary 
party. What makes a person a necessary 
party is not merely that has relevant 
evidence to give on some questions 
involved that would only make him 
necessary witness. The only reason which 
make it necessary to make a person a party 
to an action is so that he should be bound 
by the result of action. 
It has further been held in the said judgment that:-
‘A party is not a necessary party simply 
because a pending action might have some 
impact on the party’s rights, or otherwise 
affect the party. Instead, a person whose 
interests may be affected by a decree, but 
whose presence is not essential in order 
for the court to adjudicate the rights of 
others is a proper party but not a 
necessary party.
Though the plaintiff, in the present case respondent, is 
dominus litis but the theory of dominus litis cannot be 

C.R.No.45297 of 2021
expanded in the matter of impleading the parties 
because it is the duty of the Court to ensure that if for 
deciding the real controversy a person is necessary or 
proper party the Court can order to implead such person 
and vice versa can also order deletion of any such 
person from the plaint who is not found to be proper 
and necessary party. As observed above, no 
specification of the land occupied by the defendants 
No.3 to 103 has been given in detail by the respondent 
rather it is an admitted position on record that the DHA 
Housing Society is consisting of more than 200 Kanals 
and main relief has also been claimed by the respondent 
against the present petitioners, therefore, the defendants 
No.3 to 103 are, in peculiar facts and circumstances of 
the instant case, not necessary and proper party, 
because in their absence the matter can be resolved and 
an effective decree, if any, can be passed in favour of 
the respondent, obviously, after due process in 
accordance with law.
In view of the above, it is concluded that 
the learned trial Court at the time of passing the 
impugned order has not considered the true facts of the 
case and has failed to exercise vested jurisdiction as per 
mandate of law. Resultantly, the revision petition in 
hand is accepted, impugned order dated 19.06.2021 is 
C.R.No.45297 of 2021
set aside, consequent whereof while allowing the 
application of the petitioners filed under Order I, Rule 
10, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the names of 
defendants No.3 to 103 are ordered to be deleted and 
necessary amended plaint be filed before the learned 
trial Court by the respondent/plaintiff. No order as to 
the costs.
Announced in open Court on 10.05.2024.
Approved for reporting.

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