Recovery of 22 million bill from company .

 Form No.HC.JD/C-121
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
M/s. Sui Northern Gas 
Pipelines Limited
M/s. Bhatti Fabrics etc.
S. No. of order/ 
Date of order/ 
Order with signatures of Judge, and that of parties 
or counsel, where necessary
M/s. Faisal Yaqub Khan and Muhammad Yasin 
Qadri, Advocate.
C.M. No.1/2024 & Main Case
Ch. Muhammad Iqbal, J:- Through this 
application (C.M.No.1/2023) under Section 5 of the 
Limitation Act, 1908 the applicant seeks
condonation of delay occurred in filing the titled 
appeal against the consolidated judgment & decree 
dated 17.03.2022 passed by the learned Additional 
District Judge, Faisalabad.
Brief facts of the case are that the 
appellant/plaintiff filed a suit for recovery of 
Rs.12,19,57,918/- against the respondent/defendant in 
respect of consumption of sui gas as after adjustment of 
deposited security, the said amount is found outstanding 
against the respondent/defendant. The 
respondent/defendant filed contesting written statement 
as well as filed a separate suit for declaration, 
mandatory and permanent injunction against 
the appellant/plaintiff. The Gas Utility Court, 
Faisalabad consolidated both the suits, framed 
issues, recorded evidence of the parties and 
decreed the suit filed by the respondent/defendant 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
whereas dismissed the suit of the appellant/plaintiff 
vide consolidated judgment & decree dated 
17.03.2022. Against the said decision, the appellant 
filed instant appeal alongwith an application under 
Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1908 for 
condonation of delay occurred in filing the appeal.
We have heard the arguments of learned 
counsel for the applicant/appellant and have gone 
through the record.
Admittedly, the Gas Utility Court passed the 
judgment & decree on 17.03.2022. The appellant
filed application for obtaining the certified copy of 
the impugned judgment & decree on 17.03.2022 and 
the requisite certified copies were prepared on 
20.04.2022 and instant appeal was filed on 
07.05.2022. On the same day, office of this Court 
raised certain objections allowing three days time to 
remove the same but the instant appeal was re-filed 
on 08.06.2024 after about 02 years & 02 months 
from the date of passing of the impugned judgment
& decree whereas under Section 13 of the Gas 
(Theft Control and Recovery) Act, 2016 only a 
period of thirty days is provided for filing of the 
appeal against the final decision / decree to this 
Court, as such this appeal is blatantly time barred.
Alongwith the appeal, an application 
(C.M.No.1/2024) for condonation of the delay was 
filed with the plea that the file of the title matter was 
mixed up with other files and on inquiry of the 
client it was traced out and thereafter the appeal was 
instituted immediately, thus the delay was neither 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
willful nor deliberate and same may be condoned, 
suffice it to say that the Gas (Theft Control and 
Recovery) Act, 2016 is a special law which provides 
30 days limitation for filing an appeal against the 
final decision/decree as such the provisions of 
Limitation Act, 1908 which is general law in nature,
is not applicable to the instant case. It is settled law 
the provisions of the special enactment always take 
preference over the general provisions of the Act 
ibid. Reliance in this regard is placed on the 
judgment of the Hon’ble Apex Court reported as 
Gulistan Textile Mills Ltd. and another Vs. Soneri 
Bank Ltd. and another (2018 CLD 203) and of this 
Court reported as Messrs MCB Bank Ltd. Vs. 
Commissioner Inland Revenue (2014 PTD 1874).
As regard the argument of the learned 
counsel for the applicant/appellant that initially the 
appeal was filed on 07.05.2022 which is well within 
the prescribed period of limitation, thus any period 
consumed in removing the office objections cannot 
frustrate a statutory remedy of appeal of the
appellant, suffice it to say that the appellant did not 
remove the office objections within time, rather 
remained mum for a period of 749 days and no 
convincing reason has been furnished in this regard,
thus the above argument has no force as a statutory 
remedy cannot be left open for a delinquent party to 
challenge the adverse order at the time of its own 
choice and if in contravention to the special 
statutory provision of limitation, the time period for 
availing a legal remedy is extended then there 
would be no end of the adversarial litigation which 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
tantamount to frustrate the ends of justice. Reliance 
in this regard is placed on a judgment of the 
Supreme Court of Pakistan cited as Asad Ali and 9 
others Vs. The Bank of Punjab and others (PLD 
2020 SC 736) the relevant portion whereof is 
reproduced as under: 
“14. In the context of controversy before us, 
namely whether limitation stops running if an 
appeal is filed within time, even if it is returned 
for removing objections and re-filing the same, 
reference may usefully be made to a judgment of 
this Court reported as Lahore Development 
Authority v. Muhammad Rashid (1997 SCMR 
1224), where this Court has clearly and 
categorically held as follows:
“Learned counsel appearing in support of 
this petition has not addressed us on the 
dismissal of the revision petition on the 
ground of limitation. On perusal of the 
impugned judgment, however, we find that 
dismissal of the revision petition as timebarred is unexceptionable. Revision 
petition was originally filed in the High 
Court on 29-12-1994. The Deputy 
Registrar (Judicial) raised certain 
objections and returned the revision 
petition on 4-1-1995 with the direction to 
remove the objections within seven days. 
Revision petition was, however, re-filed by 
the petitioner on 10-10-1995. Office 
raised an objection that the revision 
petition when re-filed had become timebarred by 247 days and the 
petitioner was, therefore, asked to file an 
application for condonation of delay and 
it was then that the petitioner moved an 
application under section 5 of the 
Limitation Act seeking condonation of 
delay. By that time, the revision petition, 
as observed by the learned Judge, had 
become barred by 300 days. Be that as it 
may, the delay was sought to be condoned 
on two grounds, viz that due to the change 
of office, the case file got mixed up in the 
heap of other files and could not be traced 
despite best efforts of the officials and the 
law as to limitation for filing the revision 
petition was misconstrued by the 
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petitioner as previously no limitation was 
prescribed therefor. The application was 
supported by an affidavit of Deputy 
Director (Legal)/General Attorney of the 
petitioner. Both the grounds were repelled 
by the learned Judge holding that the 
objections raised by the Deputy Registrar 
of the High Court were not of such a 
nature as would require recourse to the 
office of the petitioner and in any case, it 
was not believable that the file could not 
be located for about a year. Note was also 
taken of the fact that no affidavit of the 
officials who were stated to have made the 
efforts to locate the file was placed on 
record nor was it shown as to what action 
was taken against the officials who failed 
in the discharge of their duties in locating 
the file. With respect to the second 
ground, it has been observed by the 
learned Judge that ignorance of law is no 
excuse and in this case, the change in law 
regarding the limitation for filing a 
revision petition was knowing to all the 
members of legal profession. The 
circumstances pointed out by the learned 
Judge quite clearly show that the 
petitioner's officials acted with gross 
negligence in re-filing the revision 
petition. They took almost one year in 
doing what they were required to do in 
seven days and the explanation offered by 
them for this inordinate delay has not 
been found to be convincing by the 
learned Judge and rightly so in our view. 
It has not been denied that the High Court 
Rules and Orders empowered the Deputy 
Registrar to raise the objections and fix 
the time for removing the same. That 
being so, revision petition re-filed long 
after the expiry of the period specified by 
the office was rightly dismissed as timebarred. Even on merits, the view taken by 
the two Courts below consequent upon the 
findings recorded by them on the basis of 
the admitted documentary evidence was 
not open to any legitimate exception.”
Further, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan in a 
recent order dated 11.07.2023 passed in a case titled 
as Zulfiqar Ahmad Vs Malik Sarfraz (deceased) 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
through his L.Rs., etc. [C.P.No.1334-L/2021] has 
held that the time consumed in removing the 
objections will be counted under limitation and if 
time consumed more than the provided in the 
statute, then such matter will be dismissed as barred 
by time. The relevant portion of the order (supra) is 
reproduced as under:-
“This petition is barred by 146 days. There is no 
application for condonation of delay. Learned 
counsel for the petitioner submits that petition 
was filed within time. However, record indicates 
that petition was filed on 23.01.2021 but office 
returned the file with objections and gave time 
to remove office objections which were not 
removed within time. Finally, after removal of 
objections the petition was filed on 07.07.2021. 
In this view of the matter, the petition was filed 
with a delay of 146 days. Consequently, this 
petition is dismissed as barred by time.”
Besides above, limitation is not a technicality 
rather it affects the remedies of a party and law of 
limitation cannot be bypassed to rescue the indolent
persons who were sleeping over the infringement of 
their rights. Reliance in this regard is placed on 
cases cited as Ainuddin and others Vs. Abdullah and 
another (2019 SCMR 880) and Asad Ali and 9 
others Vs. The Bank of Punjab and others (PLD 
2020 SC 736). Thus, the application under Section 5 
of the Limitation Act, 1908 for condonation of delay 
occurred in filing the instant appeal is dismissed 
being not maintainable. 
Furthermore, a party could not be allowed to 
sleep over an adverse order for infinitum and 
challenge the same at the time of its own choosing 
or according to its own whims and caprice rather the 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
aggrieved party is placed under legal obligation to 
challenge such adverse decision/order/decree within 
the prescribed period of limitation before the proper 
forum, whereas after expiry of the prescribed period 
of limitation, a tangible right stood accrued in 
favour of the opposite party and the said right 
cannot be frustrated merely on whimsical grounds. 
Reliance is placed on cases cited as Shahid Pervaiz 
alias Shahid Hameed v. Muhammad Ahmad Ameen
(2006 SCMR 631), Messrs Blue Star Spinning Mills 
Ltd. VS Collector of Sales Tax and others (2013 
SCMR 587), Ghulam Hussain Ramzan Ali VS 
Collector of Customs (Preventive), Karachi” (2014 
SCMR 1594) and Ashiq Hussain Sabri Vs Secretary 
Health, Government of the Punjab & 8 Others 
(PLD 2011 Lahore 490 (D.B). 
As instant appeal is blatantly time barred 
which deserves dismissal, as such there is no need 
to requisition the record of the case and to decide 
the issue raised in the main appeal on merits. 
Reliance is placed on the case titled as Muhammad 
Din Vs Abdul Ghani & Another (2012 SCMR 
In view of above, this appeal is also 
dismissed being barred by time.
Before parting with this judgment, it is noted 
with great concern that as a huge amount of 
Rs.12,19,57,918/- was involved in this case but the 
negligent conduct of the concerned officers/officials 
of the appellant-company who were pursing the 
matter is the most deplorable. This appeal was 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
initially filed on 07.05.2022 which met with certain 
objections raised by the office of this Court but after 
receiving back the file from the office, the 
officers/officials of the appellant who were dealing 
with the instant case, not only misplaced the 
objection form but also did not re-file the appeal 
within stipulated period rather they fell in deep 
slumber for about 02 years and re-filed the appeal 
on 08.06.2024 which constitute deliberate and 
intentional misconduct of the said officers/officials,
which caused huge monetary loss to the appellantcompany. Thus, the concerned officers/officials 
including the Legal Wing of the appellant-company 
are prima facie responsible for this mischief.
Reliance is placed on a case cited as Chairman, 
District Evacuee Trust Jhelum Vs. Abdul Khaliq 
through Legal Heirs and others (PLD 2002 SC 
436) wherein the Hon'ble Supreme Court of 
Pakistan has held as under:
“5. We are conscious that on declining relief 
either to the government or public litigant in 
view of the provision of limitation, serious, 
injustice is caused to either of the party before 
the Court but we cannot help it in view of the 
existing law. However, concerning the cases 
belonging to the Government/autonomous 
bodies, at least one thing can be done that if case 
is decided against it on the question of limitation, 
the direction must be passed to the high-ups of 
the department so he/they may initiate 
departmental action against those officers who 
are directly or indirectly responsible for causing 
delay in instituting the cases beyond period of 
limitation and even in absence of such directions, 
it would be duty of such officer to take action 
accordingly because if such unscrupulous 
persons are not proceeded against, they will have 
no fear of causing huge losses to the 
Government/autonomous functionaries at the 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
cost of public exchequer because ultimately it is 
the public at large who suffers, being ultimate 
beneficiaries of the Government property.
6. We appreciate the steps taken by the 
incumbent Chairman of Evacuee Trust Property 
Board, Lahore for initiating actions against the 
officers who are responsible for filing instant 
petition beyond period of limitation and we are 
hopeful that in future other responsible officers 
would also do so.”
Another reliance is placed on a judgment titled as 
Chairman/Secretary, Pakistan Railways, Ministry of 
Railways, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad and 
others Vs. Muhammad Sharif Javaid Warsi (PLD 
2003 SC 6) wherein the Hon'ble Supreme Court of 
Pakistan has held as under:
“5… It would not be out of context to note here 
that prior to this matter, we have already made 
identical directions in the case of Chairman, 
District Evacuee Trust, Jhelum (ibid) to the 
effect that the officers of Government 
Departments who are responsible for causing 
delay in instituting proceedings before different 
Courts shall be penalized because on account of 
their such conduct, Government sustains 
considerable loss which ultimately have to be 
borne by the public and lethargic tactics of the 
delinquent officers cannot be tolerated merely 
either on account of their ignorance of law or for 
any extraneous consideration.”
The Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan in another 
case cited as Province of Punjab Vs. Sh. M. Riaz 
Shahid (2005 SCMR 1435) has held as under:
“8. However, before we part with this order we 
must express our grave concern over the conduct 
of the concerned officials in the matter of 
discharge of their obligations and who were 
consequently, grossly negligent in protecting 
public interest. In the first place the 
Superintending Engineer of Depalpur Canal 
Circle was negligent in the matter for neither 
having conducted the arbitration proceedings for 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
more than two years nor having informed the 
concerned parties of his inability to perform the 
said task. No interest was taken by the 
Department to pursue the proceedings before the 
Arbitrator which led to the passing of the award 
in question. The Department was again more 
than negligent in taking no steps to file an appeal 
in the Lahore High Court in proper time and took 
1-1/2 years to do the needful.
9. This is neither the first time nor the only time 
when we have noticed such a misconduct on the 
part of the Government functionaries in the 
matter of protecting public interest. At times one 
gathers the impression that the concerned 
functionaries are in collusion with the private 
parties and permit the proceedings to go 
undefended and then file appeals and revisions 
etc. In the higher fora only to use the same to 
cover their illegal and dishonest designs. It is 
about time that the Government took stock of 
such-like conduct on the part of the Government 
functionaries which cause huge losses to public 
funds and property.
10. Send a copy of this order to the Chief 
Secretary of the Government of Punjab who shall 
look into the matter and then take proper action 
against the delinquent officials. He should also 
devise some mechanism and activate the same in 
consultation with the Law Secretary, the Solicitor 
and the Advocate-General amongst others to 
ensure proper pursuit of Court cases and other 
judicial proceedings so that public interest was 
properly pursued and protected”
Office is directed to dispatch copies of this order 
alongwith the appeal as well as the judgment & 
decree of the Gas Utility Court to the Managing 
Director, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited who 
shall hold a thorough probe / extensive enquiry into 
the matter, take stern action against the delinquent 
officers/officials including the Legal Wing of the 
appellant company involved in the delayed filing of 
the appeal and affect recovery of amount from the 
officers/officials who are found guilty in the said 
inquiry. He is also directed to transmit copy of final 
R.F.A. No.36584/2024
actions taken or recommendations made in this 
regard to the Deputy Registrar (Judicial/Civil) of 
this Court who shall place the same before this 
Court for perusal on administrative side. 
 (Sultan Tanvir Ahmad) (Ch. Muhammad Iqbal)
Abdul Hafeez
Approved for reporting.
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