New Ruling of federal Shariat Court about Khula.

### I) کیا اسلام میں خلع کا حق عورت کا مکمل حق ہے اور خلع کے حصول کے لیے کیا شرائط ہیں؟

خلع کا حق درحقیقت اسلام میں عورت کا مکمل حق ہے۔ وفاقی شرعی عدالت (ایف ایس سی) کے فی

صلے کے مطابق، جو کہ قرآن و سنت میں جڑی ہوئی ہے، عورت کو خلع کے ذریعے نکاح کی تحلیل کا حکم نامہ حاصل کرنے کا بنیادی حق حاصل ہے۔ FSC کا فیصلہ کئی نکات پر زور دیتا ہے:

1. **بنیادی حق:** یہ ایک عورت کا بنیادی حق ہے کہ وہ عدالت سے نکاح کو تحلیل کرے، اور اس حق سے انکار نہیں کیا جاسکتا۔
2. **غلط سلوک کا کوئی الزام درکار نہیں:** خلع کا حکم نامہ حاصل کرنے کے لیے، عورت کو بدسلوکی یا بدسلوکی کا الزام لگانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ اس کے لیے یہ بتانا کافی ہے کہ وہ اپنے شوہر کو اس حد تک ناپسند کرتی ہے کہ وہ اس کے ساتھ اللہ کی مقرر کردہ حدود میں نہیں رہ سکتی۔
3. **مہر کی واپسی:** اگر عورت اپنے شوہر سے بدلہ خولہ کے طور پر وصول کی گئی مہر کی پوری رقم واپس کرنا چاہتی ہے، تو عدالت کو بغیر کسی تاخیر کے حکم نامہ جاری کرنا چاہیے۔
4. **مہر پر صوابدید:** عورت کے لیے ہمیشہ یہ ضروری نہیں ہوتا کہ وہ اپنے مہر کو مکمل طور پر ترک کرے۔ خلع کے معاوضے کی رقم مہر کی وصول کردہ رقم سے زیادہ نہیں ہو سکتی۔ اگر شوہر بد سلوکی کی وجہ سے قصوروار ہے تو عدالت معاوضے کی رقم کو کم کر سکتی ہے یا سنگین صورتوں میں اسے مکمل طور پر معاف کر سکتی ہے۔

### II) کیا جج خلع دے سکتا ہے جب کسی شخص کی بیوی کی طرف سے ایسا مطالبہ کیا جائے اور شوہر بیوی کو دینے پر راضی نہ ہو؟

ہاں، جج خلع دے سکتا ہے خواہ شوہر اس پر راضی نہ ہو۔ ایف ایس سی کا حالیہ فیصلہ واضح کرتا ہے کہ عدالت کو یہ اختیار حاصل ہے کہ وہ خلع کا حکم جاری کرے جب بیوی اس کا مطالبہ کرے۔ عدالت کے کردار میں شامل ہیں:

1. **عدالت کا اختیار:** اگر بیوی مہر یا باہمی رضامندی سے رقم واپس کرنے پر رضامند ہو تو عدالت کو شادی کو تحلیل کرنے کا اختیار حاصل ہے۔
2. **حالات کا اندازہ:** اگر بیوی بدسلوکی یا بدسلوکی کا دعویٰ کرتی ہے، تو عدالت صورت حال کا جائزہ لے گی۔ شواہد کی بنیاد پر عدالت معاوضے کی رقم کو ایڈجسٹ کر سکتی ہے یا مہر کی واپسی کے بغیر خلع دے سکتی ہے اگر شوہر کی غلطی پائی جاتی ہے۔
3. **لازمی گرانٹ:** عدالت کو خلع دینے سے پہلے مصالحت کا موقع فراہم کرنا چاہیے۔ تاہم، اگر بیوی اپنے مطالبے پر قائم رہتی ہے، تو عدالت اس کے خلع کے مطلق حق کا احترام کرتے ہوئے نکاح کو تحلیل کرنے کی پابند ہے۔

ایف ایس سی کا فیصلہ اس بات پر زور دیتا ہے کہ خلع ایک بنیادی حق ہے جو خواتین کو قرآن اور سنت کی طرف سے دیا گیا ہے، اس بات کو یقینی بناتا ہے کہ اگر وہ ایسا کرنے کا انتخاب کرتی ہیں تو عدالتی ذرائع سے شادی کو تحلیل کر سکتی ہیں۔

### I) Whether the right of Khula is an absolute right of a woman in Islam and what are the requirements that are necessary to obtain Khula?

The right of Khula is indeed an absolute right of a woman in Islam. According to the decision by the Federal Shariat Court (FSC), rooted in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, a woman has the fundamental right to seek a decree for the dissolution of marriage through Khula. The FSC decision emphasizes several points:

1. **Fundamental Right:** It is a fundamental right for a woman to seek dissolution of marriage from the court, and this right cannot be denied.
2. **No Allegation of Mistreatment Required:** To seek a decree of Khula, a woman does not need to allege maltreatment or misbehavior. It is sufficient for her to state that she dislikes her husband to the extent that she cannot live with him within the limits prescribed by Allah.
3. **Return of Mahar:** If the woman is willing to return the full amount of Mahar (dower) received from her husband as Badal-e-Khula, the court should grant the decree without delay.
4. **Discretion on Mahar:** It is not always necessary for the woman to completely forego her dower. The compensation amount for Khula cannot exceed the Mahar amount received. If the husband is at fault due to maltreatment, the court may reduce the compensation amount, or in severe cases, waive it entirely.

### II) Whether a Judge can grant Khula when so demanded by a wife of a person and the husband is not agreeing to grant it to his wife?

Yes, a judge can grant Khula even if the husband does not agree to it. The FSC's recent ruling clarifies that a court of law has the authority to grant a decree of Khula when a wife demands it. The court's role includes:

1. **Court's Authority:** The court has the power to dissolve the marriage if the wife is willing to return the Mahar or a mutually agreed-upon amount.
2. **Assessment of Circumstances:** If the wife claims maltreatment or mistreatment, the court will assess the situation. Based on the evidence, the court may adjust the compensation amount or grant Khula without any return of Mahar if the husband is found at fault.
3. **Mandatory Grant:** The court must provide an opportunity for reconciliation before granting Khula. However, if the wife persists in her demand, the court is obliged to dissolve the marriage, respecting her absolute right to Khula.

The FSC's judgment emphasizes that Khula is an intrinsic right granted to women by the Holy Quran and Sunnah, ensuring their ability to dissolve a marriage through judicial means if they choose to do so.

PLD 2024 FSC 9
PLJ 2024 CrC 478
عورت کے حق خلع پر وفاقی شرعی عدالت کا تازہ ترین انتہائی عالمانہ فیصلہ
I) Whether the right of Khula is an absolute right of a woman in Islam and what are the requirements that are necessary to obtain Khula? 

II) Whether a Judge can grant Khula when so demanded by a wife of a person and the husband is not agreeing to grant it to his wife?  

These are considered by scholars of Ahadith as the basic Ahadith that explain the legality of Khula as a right of women in the Islamic Law because it was granted to them by the Holy Prophet (SAW) when so demanded by the ladies in lieu of Mahar. The abovementioned Ayat No.229 of Surah Al-Baqarah and Ahadith give us some fundamental points of guidance necessary for a court of law to keep in mind while passing a decree and judgment of dissolution of marriage on the basis of Khula. These points are as follows:  

Firstly, it is the fundamental right of a woman according to the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah to claim decree for dissolution of marriage from the court of law, which cannot be denied.

Secondly, to seek a decree of dissolution of marriage on the basis of Khula from the court of law, levelling of any allegation of maltreatment or mistreatment and misbehavior is not at all necessary. It is sufficient for her to state that she dislikes her husband to the extent that she cannot live with him as his wife within the limits prescribed by Allah for the court to proceed upon her demand. The wordings of these Ahadith are also very relevant that any kind of subjective feeling regarding disliking of a husband is a valid ground of dissolution of marriage on the basis of Khula, no additional ground or proof is required by the court to prolong the matter. 

Thirdly, in addition to that, the statement which is referred to in the preceding paragraph, if woman wants Khula from her husband and she willfully returns the full amount of Mahar to her husband as Badal-e-Khula (بدل خلع), then the court should pass a decree of Khula without delay.  

We would like to highlight this important point regarding Khula that it is not always necessary or binding on the woman to completely forego her dower for seeking dissolution of marriage on the basis of Khula. The amount of monetary compensation, which is to be paid by a woman, in a case of Khula cannot be greater than the dower amount received by her from her husband. 

However, if a wife claims that she is forced to seek a decree of Khula because of her husband's ill-treatment or mistreatment, etc., the Court may reduce the amount of compensation if it finds the husband at fault after recording of evidence so much so that in severe cases, the Court may grant divorce in case of Khula to a wife without paying back any amount of Mahar at all. Many great Muslim jurists are of this opinion, like Imam Muhammad Hassan Al-Shaybani, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam al-Kasani etc. 

This point was also elaborated by this Court in our earlier judgment reported as PLD 2022 FSC 25 (Imran Anwar Khan v. Government of Punjab, etc.). We have already declared in our abovementioned judgment that under the Islamic law, as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, no Badl-e-Khula can be fixed by a statute as a mandatory amount for claiming Khula from the husband through a Court. In case a woman voluntarily surrenders the entire amount of dower she received at the time of her marriage in lieu of claiming Khula or Badl-e-Khula through a Court, then the Court has no option but to grant the decree of dissolution of marriage in her favour, after providing a chance to the spouses for reconciliation before passing of any decree of Khula. However, if a lady claims that she wants to seek Khula from her husband through a Court due to any maltreatment, mistreatment or ill-treatment, then the Court will decide the quantum of amount to be returned by the lady to the husband for seeking Khula based on the evidence and circumstances of the case after determining who is responsible for breakdown of the marriage. 

The right of Khula granted to women by the Holy Quran and Sunnah is an absolute and a unique right, whereby a marriage can be dissolved through a Court at her will. A wife can get this right by showing her willingness to return the Mahar to her husband and in addition by simply stating in a court of law that she can no longer live with her husband as his wife within the prescribed limits set by the Almighty Allah as a reason for dissolution of marriage. This right of women cannot be denied by the court of law.  

Section 10(5) was declared as against the injunctions of Islam by this Court through its judgment, dated 17.02.2022, in case reported as PLD 2022 FSC 25 (Imran Anwar Khan v. Government of Punjab, etc.), wherein this Court specifically mentioned the date of 01.05.2022 for becoming Section 10(5) of the Family Courts (Amendment) Act, 2015 as null and void under Article 203D(2)(b) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Haji Saif-ur-Rahman Shaheen VERSUS Islamic Republic of Pakistan
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