Case law, eviction petition is allowed on the grounds of sublet.

(Appellate Jurisdiction)
Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar
Mr. Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi
Mr. Justice Irfan Saadat Khan
Civil Petition No.917-K of 2022
[Against the Judgment dated 07.03.2022, passed by the High Court of Sindh 
Karachi in Constitutional Petition No. S-931 of 2021] 
Ashfaq Hussain and another.
Ghulam Nabi and another.
For the Petitioner(s)
: Mr. Naeem Suleman, ASC
For Respondent No.1
: Mr. Aamir Asher Azeem, Advocate 
High Court
Mr. K.A Wahab, AOR
Date of Hearing
: 12.06.2024.
Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, J.- Through this petition, 
the petitioners have challenged the judgment dated 07.03.2022 
(the impugned judgment), passed by the High Court of Sindh, 
Karachi (the High Court), whereby constitutional petition filed by 
the Respondent No. 1 (the respondent) was allowed. 
Facts in brief are that the petitioners are the coowners/ landlords of Shop bearing No.4, located at ground floor of 
Haji Naik Muhammad Building, constructed over Plot No. RC-
4/32, situated in Aja Maoji/ Al-Shifa Street, Ranchorline, 
Gazdarabad, Karachi South (subject premises/shop).The subject
premises/shop was let out to the grandfather of the respondent,
namely, Allauddin as the tenant who carried on business over 
Civil Petition No.917-K of 2022
there solely. However,
after death 
of the original 
tenant/grandfather, the respondent occupied the subject
premises/shop as tenant without informing the landlords about 
the death of his grandfather. The respondent continued to pay the 
monthly rent till June 2009, at the rate of Rs.600/-. Thereafter, in 
June, 2019, the respondent sublet the subject premises/shop to 
three doctors, namely, Dr. Fazal Ellahi, Dr. Jaipal and Dr. Chetan 
Lal for running a clinic, namely Muhammadi Clinic vide
Partnership Deed Exh.O/21 without consent or knowledge of the 
Consequently,the petitioners filed a Rent Case No.656 
of 2021 in the Court of Vth Rent Controller (South) at Karachi for 
the eviction of tenant on the ground of default in payment of rent 
as well as subletting the subject premises/shop. That ejectment 
application was allowed in favour of the petitioners vide order 
dated 05.04.2021. Being aggrieved, the respondent preferred an 
appeal (First Rent Appeal No. 120/2021) in the Court of Additional 
District & Session Judge-XII/Model Civil Appellate Court, District 
South, Karachi (the Appellate Court), that was dismissed vide
judgment dated 20.11.2021. The respondent challenged the 
judgment of the Appellate Court by filing a constitutional petition 
in the High Court, which was decided in favour of the respondent
vide judgment dated 07.03.2022. 
The learned counsel for the petitioners contends that
subject premises/shop was let out to the grandfather of the 
respondent who was solely running a business in it; that the 
respondent or legal heirs of the tenant has sublet the shop in 
question to doctors and has malafidely shown himself as the 
partner; He relied upon the cases of M.D Tahir Advocate vs. 
Civil Petition No.917-K of 2022
Lahore High Court (1994 SCMR 1507), Muhammad Shafi vs. 
State Life Insurance Corporation(2009 SCMR 893) and State 
Life Insurance Corporation vs. Sami-Ur. Rehman (2018 SCMR 
On the contrary, the learned counsel for the 
respondent contends that the respondent has not committed any 
default in payment of rent; that he has not sublet the 
premises/shop but has entered into a partnership with doctors,
which does not amount to subletting. He relied upon the cases 
reported as State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan vs. 
M/S Siddiqui Tailors (PLD 1993 Karachi 642), Syed Fakhar 
Mahmood Gillani vs. Abdul Ghafoor (1995 SCMR 96),
KhudaBaksh vs. Muhammad Yaqoob (1981 SCMR 179), Habib
ur Rehman vs. Mehromal (1993 SCMR 1163), Habibullah vs. 
Rent Controller Peshawar and 11 other (1998 SCMR 
2656),Ahmed Khan vs. Rasul Shah (PLD 1975 SC 311) and
Barkhurdar vs. Muhammad Razaq (PLD 1989 SC 749). 
Heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused 
the material available on the record. 
Perusal of the evidence of the parties reveals that the 
respondent has admitted that he never informed the landlords 
about the death of his grandfather who was the original tenant 
inducted by the petitioners. Moreover,the respondent has himself 
admitted in his cross-examination that doctors have been running 
clinic in the subject premises/shop with the name of Muhammadi 
Clinic. The respondent produced the Registration Certificate 
Exh.0/21 of the said clinic. He has also admitted that he entered 
into a partnership in respect of the subject premises/shop with 
three doctors, namely, Dr. Fazal Ellahi, Dr. Jaipal, and Dr. Chetan 
Civil Petition No.917-K of 2022
The respondent has also admitted that 
petitioners/landlords were not aware about the registration of said 
clinic and he never informed them about it.
Section 15 of the Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance, 
1979 (SRPO, 1979) envisages the various grounds on the basis of 
which the landlord may seek eviction of the tenantincluding the 
ground of default in payment of rent and subletting of any rented 
premises without the written consent of the landlord. The case of 
the petitioner is that the respondent without the consent and 
knowledge of the petitioners/landlords started the business of 
running of aclinic and entered into a partnership with the doctors
named above in respect of the subject premises/shop. 
It appears from the record that the evidence of the 
parties adduced before the learned Rent Controller has not been 
properly appreciated and discussed in the impugned judgment.
In view of the above, the impugned judgment is hereby 
set aside and the case is remanded back to the High Court to 
decide it afresh after providing an opportunity of hearing to both 
the parties and after evaluating the evidence available on the 
record within a period of 60 days excluding the period of summer 
12th June, 2024

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