"Lahore High Court Orders Release of Wrongfully Detained Woman, Actions Against Police for Misconduct"

"Lahore High Court Orders Release of Wrongfully Detained Woman, and Actions Against Police for Misconduct"

The Lahore High Court ordered the release of Mst. Nagina, who was unlawfully detained by the police. The court found the police fabricated evidence and misused their authority, leading to disciplinary and criminal actions against the officers involved.

The case revolves around Mst. Najma Bibi's petition seeking the release of her daughter-in-law, Mst. Nagina, from what she claimed was illegal detention by the police. According to Najma Bibi, on the night of May 4, 2024, police officers raided her house and took Mst. Nagina without any involvement in a criminal case. She alleged that the police demanded a bribe of Rs.10,00,000 for her release and threatened to implicate her in multiple criminal cases.

In response, the Lahore High Court ordered the SHO to produce Mst. Nagina in court. However, instead of complying, the SHO reported that Nagina was involved in a robbery case (FIR No. 754/24) and had been sent to judicial lock-up. The court found discrepancies in the police's claims, noting contradictions in their evidence and procedures. The SHO and investigating officers were accused of fabricating evidence and misusing their authority to detain Nagina unlawfully. The court declared Nagina's detention illegal, granted her post-arrest bail, and ordered disciplinary and criminal proceedings against the responsible police officers.

Form No: HCJD/C-121
 Case No. Crl.Misc.No.27821-H/24 
Mst. Najma Bibi 
S.H.O., etc. 
Sr.No.of order/ 
Date of order/ 
Order with signatures of Judge, and that of parties or counsel, 
where necessary.
M/S Israr Hussain and Muhammad Ashfaq Gujjar, 
Advocates with the petitioner. 
Rana Umair Abrar Khan, A.A.G. with Ikram Shehbaz, 
SHO, Najam ul Hassan, S.I. and Warris Virk, S.I. 
 Through this petition under Section 491 
Cr.P.C. the petitioner Mst. Najma Bibi, seeks 
recovery of Mst. Nagina, her daughter in law, from 
the illegal and unlawful confinement of 
respondents, inter-alia, on the grounds that on 
04.05.2024 around 2/3.00 A.M. (night) 
respondents alongwith other police officials raided 
at the house of the petitioner and took away the 
alleged detenue without her involvement in any 
criminal case; that when the petitioner contacted 
the respondents for release of the alleged detenue, 
they demanded illegal gratification of 
Rs.10,00,000/-, otherwise, threatened to involve 
her in multiple criminal cases. 
2. This Court vide order dated 06.05.2024 
directed respondent No.1/SHO, P.S. Daska (SHO) 
to produce the alleged detenue in the Court. 
3. SHO instead of producing the detenue, 
submitted a report that the alleged detenue was 
required in FIR No.754/24 dated 29.03.2024, in 
respect of an offence U/S 392 PPC, registered at 
P.S. City Daska and has been sent to judicial lock 
up on 08.05.2024. 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 2 
4. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits 
that the SHO has created false evidence against the 
detenue in order to cover his illegal act; that earlier 
the petitioner filed Writ Petition No.16520/24 
before this Court complaining the highhandedness/ 
harassment of the police authorities to the 
petitioner and her family members, in which vide 
order dated 03.04.2024, SHO submitted an 
undertaking that he will not harass the petitioner in 
any manner in future, upon which said writ 
petition was disposed of; that SHO nurtured 
grudge of filing of said writ petition against the 
petitioner and in order to teach her lesson illegally 
and unlawfully confined her daughter in law; that 
the petitioner has also filed contempt petition 
against the SHO in this regard. 
5. SHO, in attendance, was inquired how the 
alleged detenue was involved in the aforesaid 
criminal case, upon which he stated that vide case 
diary No.2 dated 09.04.2024, accused persons 
namely Attique Butt, Bilal and Awais during 
investigation disclosed that earlier they committed 
the offence of robbery with the help of Khalid, 
husband of the alleged detenue but after the arrest 
of said Khalid, they committed the robbery at the 
pointation of the alleged detenue; that thereafter 
the complainant in his supplementary statement 
recorded on 16.04.2024 involved the alleged 
detenue in the occurrence, as such she was arrested 
and sent to judicial lock up. This stance of the 
SHO is self contradictory, if the co-accused made 
disclosure qua involvement of the detenue in the 
occurrence then there should not be any need for 
the supplementary statement of the complainant 
and the Investigating Officer was required to 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 3 
proceed further there and then in the light of 
alleged disclosure but he remained dormant and 
then after almost seven days of alleged disclosure 
recorded the supplementary statement of the 
complainant which sans source of information. 
6. On Court’s query, he has failed to produce 
the police record, which contained case diaries but 
on the contrary produced the incomplete report 
U/S 173 Cr.P.C. which prima facie leads to the 
conclusion that something is wrong in the bottom. 
7. I have also gone through the FIR No.754/24 
dated 29.03.2024, in respect of an offence U/S 392 
PPC, registered at P.S. City Daska, which was got 
lodged by the complainant against three unknown 
persons. The alleged occurrence has taken place in 
Canal View Town, Daska, District Sialkot, 
whereas, the alleged detenue is resident of Tehsil 
Kamonke, District Gujranwala. Interestingly, the 
rest of three accused are also residents of Tehsil 
Daska and it seems very ludicrous, how the alleged 
detenue could point out a house for commission of 
an offence that was situated in some other district, 
in particular, when the complainant was previously 
stranger to her. Similar is the situation with the 
supplementary statement of the complainant which 
was recorded after twenty days of the alleged 
occurrence, wherein he did not disclose his source 
of information qua the involvement of the alleged 
detenue in the occurrence. The petitioner has 
knocked the door of this Court complaining illegal 
and unlawful confinement of the alleged detenue 
on 06.05.2024 and this Court required her 
production in the Court on 10.05.2024 and 
apparently on receipt of said notice, the SHO in 
connivance with the Investigating Officer of said 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 4 
case namely Najam ul Hassan, S.I. , in order to 
bypass the direction of this Court, produced the 
alleged detenue before the Magistrate Section-30, 
Daska on 08.05.2025 for sending her on judicial 
remand. Perusal of the remand paper shows that it 
was not forwarded by the concerned, Prosecutor 
but amazingly the learned Magistrate not only 
entertained the request of the Investigating Officer, 
without the same being forwarded by the 
Prosecutor but also send the alleged detenue to the 
judicial lock up in a mechanical manner without 
applying its judicial mind as to whether sufficient 
material was available against the alleged detenue 
to curtail her liberty or not. 
8. The liberty and dignity of a person have 
always remained sacrosanct and have been placed 
atop the fundamental/ human rights pedestal. Islam 
has conferred upon human being the highest level 
of dignity amongst all of Allah’s creation and 
secured and protected for them complete liberty 
within the prescribed limits. 1
 Everyone has the 
right to liberty and security of person. No one shall 
be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No 
one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such 
grounds and in accordance with such procedure as 
are established by law.2
 Life bereft of liberty 
would be without honour and dignity and it would 
lose all significance and meaning and the life itself 
would not be worth living. This is why “liberty” is 
called the very quintessence of a civilized 
 Even Article 9 of the Constitution of 
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 guarantees that 
no person shall be deprived of life and liberty save 
 See Kh. Salman Rafiq Case (PLD 2020 SC 456) 
 Article (9)(1) of the Int
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 5 
in accordance with law. Protection against 
arbitrary arrest and detention is part of the right to 
liberty and fair trial.4
 Here in the instant case, it is 
an admitted fact that the alleged detenue was not 
named in the crime report of the aforementioned 
criminal case. She was involved in the case 
subsequently on the so-called disclosure of the coaccused before the police. According to Article 38 
of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, admission 
of an accused before police cannot be used as 
evidence against the co-accused.5
 Even otherwise, 
it is well settled by now that confession of an 
accused before the police is inadmissible in 
evidence as far as admission of his own 
involvement in the alleged offence concerned, thus 
his statement vis-à-vis involvement of the coaccused is ordinarily twice removed from 
admissibility or reliability.6
 I am of the 
considered view that the so-called disclosure of the 
co-accused, which even not produced before the 
Court, was insufficient to curtail the liberty of the 
alleged detenue, which is her inalienable right 
enshrined in the Constitution. 
Second piece of evidence created by the 
SHO & Investigating Officer, in order to justify 
the arrest/detention of the alleged detenue is 
supplementary statement got recorded by him 
almost twenty days of the alleged occurrence but 
he did not disclose his source qua involvement of 
the alleged detenue in the alleged occurrence. 
Moreso, as has been discussed supra, the alleged 
detenue is resident of Tehsil Kamonke, District 
 See What Is A Fair Trial: A Basic Guide to Legal Standards and Practice, published by Lawyers Committee for 
Human Rights, USA (2000) 
 Raja Muhammad Younis .Vs. The State (2013 SCMR 669)
l.Misc.No.27821-H-24 6 
Gujranwala, whereas, the alleged occurrence has 
taken place in Tehsil Daska, District Sialkot and 
there is a complete silence in the statement of the 
complainant, how she could point out her house 
for the purpose of robbery, in particular, when she 
was earlier stranger to her. It is well settled by now 
that any statement or further statement of the first 
informant recorded during the investigation by 
police would neither be equated with First 
Information Report nor read as part of it.7
Apex Court in a plethora of judgments observed 
that supplementary statement recorded 
subsequently to the FIR can be viewed as 
 Although in order to strengthen the 
case against the alleged detenue recovery of one 
pair of gold earrings was shown against her but 
neither the weight of alleged recovered gold 
ornaments was mentioned nor its complete 
description was disclosed to connect her with the 
alleged crime. Moreso, occurrence has taken place 
on 29.03.2024 and the alleged recovery was shown 
to be effected from the handbag of the alleged 
detenue on 08.05.2024 i.e. after almost 1 ½ months 
and it is beyond comprehension that an accused of 
robbery kept the case property in her hand bag for 
such a long period. Apparently, the SHO in active 
connivance with the Investigating Officer 
manipulated forged and fabricated evidence in 
order to avoid the consequences of illegal 
detention. Unfortunately, learned Magistrate 
Section-30, Daska has also not applied its judicial 
mind and acceded the request of judicial remand of 
the alleged detenue, which was even not forwarded 
 Falak Sher .vs. The State (1995 SCMR 1350) 
 1993 SCMR 550,1998 SCMR 685,2011 SCMR 379, 2011 SCMR 161 & 2003 SCMR 426 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 7 
by the concerned Prosecutor, resulting into grave 
miscarriage of justice. 
9. For the reasons enumerated above, the 
detention of the alleged detenue namely Mst. 
Nagina Ashraf is hereby declared illegal and result 
of mis-use of authority by the SHO & 
Investigating Officer. The evidence so far 
collected against her is insufficient to curtail her 
liberty even for a minute, therefore, instead of 
making her ball of ping pong for approaching the 
Court of first instance for her release on bail, this 
Court while exercising its jurisdiction under 
Section 561-A Cr.P.C. , granted her post arrest bail 
subject to furnishing of bail bonds in the sum of 
Rs.10,000/- with one surety in the like amount to 
the satisfaction of the Trial Court. She shall be 
released from the jail forthwith, if not required in 
any other case. 
10. Having said so, the way and the manner the 
police officials abducted the alleged detenue by 
trespassing into her house at mid-night without any 
search warrants, confined her for a number of days 
and then created false and frivolous evidence 
against her in order to justify their act requires 
serious attention. Apparently, the SHO nurtured 
grudge against the petitioner for filing of 
harassment petition against him and in order to 
teach her lesson and made her example for the rest 
of aggrieved persons, he took the law into hands 
and abducted the alleged detenue, in the mid-night 
and confined her in unlawful custody. When the 
petitioner again approached to the Court seeking 
recovery of alleged detenue, then in order to cover 
his illegal act, he in active connivance with the 
Investigating Officer, involved her in the aforesaid 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 8 
criminal case. District Police Officer, is directed to 
suspend the SHO, P.S. City Daska namely Ikram 
Shehbaz and Syed Najam ul Hassan, SI, for 
misusing their authority forthwith, initiate 
departmental proceedings against them and 
conclude the same within three months from the 
date hereof under intimation to the Deputy 
Registrar (J) of this Court. He shall also ensure that 
no posting will be given to both the officials till the 
conclusion of the departmental proceedings. 
Besides above, SHO and Investigating Officer are 
also liable to face criminal case, therefore, 
petitioner is directed to move written application 
for abduction/ illegal confinement of the alleged 
detenue to the DPO, Sialkot, who shall ensure 
registration of case against them under the relevant 
provisions of law forthwith. To eliminate the 
excuse for non-registration of FIR on the ground 
that the petitioner has not appeared before the 
police for getting registration of case, in case of his 
failure, the DPO is directed to get FIR registered 
against the above-mentioned delinquent police 
officials through any of his subordinates not below 
than the rank of DSP. 
11. Before parting with this order, following 
directions are issued to all the concerned for strict 
compliance in the future:- 
(i) Liberty of a person is a fundamental 
right enshrined in the Constitution and no 
one can be allowed to curtail the same on 
the basis of malafide and colourful exercise 
of authority. 
(ii) Supplementary statement recorded by 
the complainant for involving a particular 
accused in an incident, without disclosing 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 9 
the source of information, is not per se
admissible piece of evidence, as such while 
recording such statement, the Investigation 
Officer should insist upon the complainant 
to disclose his source of information. 
(iii) Investigating Officer should not cause 
arrest of the accused straightaway upon the 
supplementary statement of the complainant, 
rather he is duty bound to first collect 
incriminating piece of evidence in support of 
such statement and then proceed in 
accordance with law. 
(iv) The request of the Investigating Officer 
for physical/judicial remand of such accused, 
must have been accompanied with the opinion 
of the concerned Prosecutor qua sufficiency 
of the material against him. 
(v) Any request sans of the opinion of the 
concerned Prosecutor shall not be entertained 
by the Area Magistrate or the Court as the 
case may be. 
(vi) The Area Magistrate or the Court, as 
the case may be, shall not grant 
physical/judicial remand in a mechanical 
manner, rather record its reasons for 
according such request. 
(vii) If the supplementary statement of the 
complainant is bereft of source of information 
for involvement of an accused, the Area 
Magistrate or the Court as the case may be, 
may require the presence of the complainant 
before dealing with such request. 
Crl.Misc.No.27821-H-24 10 
13. Copy of this order shall be circulated amongst 
all the concerned for compliance through Registrar 
of this Court. 
Disposed of. 
 (Asjad Javaid Ghural) 
Approved for Reporting 

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