Supreme court acquitted conviction of life imprisonment in 9c cnsa case due to procedure irregularities .

( Appellate Jurisdiction )
Justice Jamal Khan Mandokhail 
Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi
Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan 
(On appeal against the judgment dated 30.11.2021 passed by the 
High Court of Balochistan, Quetta in Crl. A. No.04/2021)
Sarfraz Ahmed 
The State 
For the petitioner :
Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Rahmani, ASC 
(via video link from Quetta)
For the State 
Ms. Rubina Butt, ASC as State counsel 
(on behalf of Govt. of Balochistan).
Habibullah, SI/SHO
Date of hearing
O R D E R 
On the basis of 
Murasillah sent by SI/SHO Habibullah (PW.1) from the National 
Highway about eight kilometers away from Police Station (PS) City 
Kalat to the Officer Incharge PS City Kalat on 27 August 2020 at 
3.20 am, FIR No.34 of 2020 was registered against the petitioner 
u/s 9 (c) of Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 (‘CNSA
1997’) with PS City Kalat on 27 August 2020 at 4.30 am. 
As per contents of the FIR, while patrolling on the National 
Highway, PW.1 received information through special informer that 
huge quantity of contraband is going to be smuggled from Quetta 
to Karachi due to which the National Highway was block raided.
Checking of vehicles coming from Quetta was started. A mini 
wagon bearing registration No.BMA-934 was stopped at 3.20 am.
The driver disclosed his name as Sarfraz Ahmed s/o Ijaz Ahmed 
(the petitioner) resident of Jam Colony, Hub Chowki. On checking,
secret cavities were found in the floor of the vehicle wherefrom 150 
pieces of baked Charas were recovered. On weighing, the same 
were found 146.200 Kgs. One small piece from each of the 150 
pieces of the baked Charas (total weighing 1.350 Kg) were
Crl. P. No. 130-Q of 2021
separated for analysis and sealed in parcel No.1 while the 
remaining baked Charas weighing 144.850 Kgs was sealed in 
parcel No.2. Recovery memos of the contraband, sample parcel and 
vehicle were prepared in presence of the witnesses.
During investigation parcel No. 1 was sent to Forensic
Science Laboratory (FSL) for analysis. Awaiting report of FSL,
incomplete Challan was submitted. After receiving report of FSL
supplementary Challan was submitted whereafter the trial 
commenced before the Court of learned Special Judge Control of 
Narcotic Substances, Kalat (‘the Trial Court’). The petitioner did 
not plead guilty to the charge under section 9(c) of CNSA 1997. The 
prosecution witnesses were examined. Statement of petitioner was 
recorded u/s 342 of the Criminal Procedure Code (‘Cr.P.C.’). The 
petitioner neither recorded his statement on oath u/s 340 (2) 
Cr.P.C. nor produced any defence witness. 
On conclusion of trial the petitioner was convicted u/s 9 (c) 
of CNSA 1997 by the Trial Court vide judgment dated 29 December 
2020 and he was awarded sentence of rigorous imprisonment (RI) 
for twenty five years with fine of Rs.100,000/- and in default of 
payment of fine to further undergo six months S.I. with benefit of 
section 382-B Cr.P.C. The Trial Court further ordered that the 
contraband and vehicle be confiscated in favour of the State. 
The petitioner challenged his conviction and sentence by 
filing appeal before the High Court of Balochistan (‘the Appellate 
Court’). The appeal has been dismissed vide impugned judgment 
dated 30 November 2021 against which the petitioner has filed the 
instant Criminal petition for leave to appeal. 
After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner and the 
learned State counsel we have perused the available record. It 
reveals that instead of separately sealing the 150 pieces of the 
separated samples (total weighing 1.350 Kgs) in 150 separate 
parcels, the same were sealed in one parcel i.e. parcel No. 1 in 
flagrant violation of the dictum laid down by this Court in the case 
of “Muhammad Hashim v. The State”1.
PLD 2004 SC 856

Crl. P. No. 130-Q of 2021
In his statement recorded at the trial, PW.1 has not stated 
that he had handed over parcel No.1 and parcel No.2 to Ali 
Muhammad SI/investigating officer (PW.4) on 27 August 2020 at 
the place of recovery.
In his examination-in-chief, PW.4 has not mentioned that he 
had handed over parcel No.1 and parcel No.2 to the Moharrar of PS 
Kalat. However, while responding to a question of learned defence 
counsel during cross-examination, PW.4 answered that he had 
handed over both the parcels to Moharrar of PS Kalat and parked 
the seized vehicle in the premises of PS Kalat.
In order to prove the safe custody of the parcels of the 
contraband, Moharrar (Abdul Qayyum) of PS Kalat has not been 
produced at the trial by the prosecution. In the cases of “Said 
Wazir v. The State”2, “Muhammad Shoaib v. The State”3 and
“Ishaq v. The State”4 it has been held that due to nonappearance of the Moharrar at the trial, the safe custody of the 
parcel of the contraband as well as the sample parcel has not been 
established by the prosecution.
 In the case of “Zahir Shah v. The State”5 it has been laid as 
follows by this Court: 
“This court has repeatedly held that safe custody and 
safe transmission of the drug from the spot of recovery till its 
receipt by the Narcotics Testing 
Laboratory must be 
satisfactorily established. This chain of custody is fundamental 
as the report of the Government Analyst is the main evidence for 
the purpose of conviction. The prosecution must establish that 
chain of custody was unbroken, unsuspicious, safe and secure. 
Any break in the chain of custody i.e., safe custody or safe 
transmission impairs and vitiates the conclusiveness and 
reliability of the Report of the Government Analysis, thus, 
rendering it incapable of sustaining conviction.”
To prove the existence of secret cavities in the floor of the 
vehicle and for corroborating the statements of the prosecution 
witnesses about recovery of 150 pieces of contraband therefrom,
the seized vehicle was not produced at the trial by the prosecution
2023 SCMR 1144
2022 SCMR 1006
2022 SCMR 1422
2019 SCMR 2004
Crl. P. No. 130-Q of 2021
and in this regard no explanation has been offered by the 
No driving license was recovered from the petitioner.
Ownership of the petitioner for the seized vehicle has also not been 
proved by the prosecution. No probe was made during 
investigation about the ownership of the vehicle with reference to 
its registration number.
In view of all the above infirmities it is concluded that the 
prosecution has failed to prove the charge against the petitioner
beyond reasonable doubt. It is further concluded that the 
conviction and sentence awarded to the petitioner by the Trial 
Court and maintained by the Appellate Court is result of misappreciating the evidence available on record and same is violative 
of the dictum laid down by this Court in the above referred 
For the above reasons drawn today, vide our short order 
dated 22 May 2024 (reproduced herein below), the petition was 
converted into appeal and same was allowed:
“For reasons to be recorded later, this petition is 
converted into appeal and allowed. The judgment 
dated 30.11.2021 passed by the High Court of 
Balochistan is set aside and petitioner Sarfraz Ahmed 
is acquitted of the charge in this case. He shall be 
released from jail forthwith if not require in any other 

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