Law aid to vigilant and not to aid of a person who is negligent or indolent--In such cases

عدالت نے اپنے
 ریمارکس میں کہا:

"قانون اور عدالتیں ان لوگوں کی مدد کرتی ہیں جو چاک و چوبند اور بروقت اقدامات کرتے ہیں، نہ کہ ان لوگوں کی جو اپنے حقوق کو نظرانداز کرتے ہیں اور تاخیر سے کارروائی کرتے ہیں۔ رشید نے اپنی درخواست چار سال کی تاخیر کے بعد دائر کی، اور اس نے اپنی تاخیر کی کوئی مناسب وجہ بھی نہیں پیش کی۔ لہذا، اس کی درخواست 'لاچاری' کے اصول کی بنیاد پر مسترد کی گئی ہے۔"
اس مقدمے میں، لاہور ہائی کورٹ کی ڈویژن بنچ نے عبدالرشید کی لاہور ڈویلپمنٹ اتھارٹی (ایل ڈی اے) کے خلاف اپیل کو مسترد کر دیا۔ بنیادی مسئلہ "لاچاری" (laches) کا تھا کیونکہ رشید نے اپنی آئینی درخواست کو تقریباً چار سال کی تاخیر کے بعد دائر کیا۔ عدالت نے یہ بات واضح کی کہ قانون ان لوگوں کی مدد کرتا ہے جو چاک و چوبند ہوتے ہیں، نہ کہ ان لوگوں کی جو اپنے حقوق کو نظر انداز کرتے ہیں۔ چونکہ رشید نے تاخیر کی وجوہات کی وضاحت نہیں کی اور سنگل جج کے فیصلے کو چیلنج نہیں کیا، اس لیے اپیل مسترد کر دی گئی۔ عدالت نے سنگل جج کے فیصلے میں کوئی غیر قانونی بات نہیں پائی اور سپریم کورٹ کے ایک فیصلے کا حوالہ دیا جس میں بروقت کارروائی کی اہمیت پر زور دیا گیا۔

PLJ 2022 Lahore 148 (DB)
D.G. and others--Respondents
I.C.A. No. 55377 of 2021, decided on 13.12.2021.
Limitation Act, 1908 (IX of 1908)--
----S. 5--Law Reforms Ordinance, (XII of 1972), S. 3--Rejection of bidding officer--Filing of 
writ petition--Dismissed--Principle of laches--Golden maxim--Law and Courts come to aid of 
a person who is vigilant and not to aid of a person who is negligent or indolent--In such cases, 
golden maxim that "law aids vigilant cannot be over-sighted--Helpful hand cannot be 
extended to a litigant having gone into deep slumber on having become forgetful of his rights-
-Single Judge, rightly refused to interfere in matter--No illegality has been pointed out in 
impugned findings--Petition dismissed. [P. 149] A & B
2012 SCMR 280 ref.
Ch. Kausar Ali, Advocate for Appellant.
Sahibzada Muzaffar Ali Khan, Advocate/Legal Advisor for Respondents-LDA.
Date of hearing: 13.12.2021.
Through instant appeal, appellant has assailed vires of order dated 21.06.2021, passed by 
learned Single Bench of this Court, whereby appellant's constitutional petition, assailing order 
dated 17.05.2017, passed by Respondent No. 4 rejecting the bid offered by appellant, was 
dismissed on the principle of laches having been filed after lapse of 04-years.
2. Learned counsel for appellant, at the very outset, was confronted with the observations 
of learned Single Judge recorded in the impugned order qua laches. In response, he could not 
controvert the same despite arguments at some length.
3. Arguments heard. Available record perused.
4. Admittedly, the order impugned through constitutional petition was passed on 
17.05.2017 and appellant came to know about said order on 02.10.2017 when the first criminal 
original filed by him was disposed of, however, despite having knowledge of the aforesaid 
impugned order, the writ petition was filed in the year 2021 i.e. about 04-years after passing of 
impugned order. Needless to observe here that law and Courts come to the aid of a person who is 
vigilant and not to the aid of a person who is negligent or indolent. In such cases, golden maxim 
that "law aids the vigilant and not the indolent” cannot be over-sighted. Helpful hand cannot be 
extended to a litigant having gone into deep slumber on having become forgetful of his rights. 
Learned Single Judge, keeping in view the above circumstances, rightly refused to interfere in 
the matter.
5. No illegality has been pointed out in the impugned findings, which are based upon the 
law laid down by the Hon'ble Apex Court in State Bank of Pakistan through Governor and 
another v. Imtiaz Ali Khan and others (2012 SCMR 280), thus, no exception can be taken to the 
6. In view of the above, instant appeal, being devoid of any merit, is 
hereby dismissed. No order as to costs.
(J.K.) Petition dismissed
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