they both had to first surrender to serve their sentences of imprisonment, in order for their present petitions for leave to appeal to be maintainable under the Supreme Court Rules, 1980

Sure, here's a shorter version:

**Case Summary:**

**Parties:** Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar vs State

**Background:** Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment by a lower court. They appealed to the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

**Legal Issue:** Whether they could file their appeal petitions immediately or needed to surrender to begin serving their sentences first.

**Decision:** The Supreme Court ruled that convicted individuals must surrender to begin serving their sentences before their appeal petitions can be considered.

**Outcome:** Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar were required to surrender themselves to serve their sentences before their appeals could proceed in the Supreme Court.

The case of *Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar vs State* involves criminal proceedings before the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Here’s a summarized story of the case:

Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar were involved in a criminal case where they were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment by a lower court. Dissatisfied with the verdict, they sought to appeal their conviction and sentence before the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

**Legal Issue:**
Before the Supreme Court, a crucial procedural issue arose regarding their petitions for leave to appeal. The Supreme Court had to determine whether Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar were eligible to file their appeals directly or if there were prerequisites they needed to fulfill first.

**Decision and Rationale:**
The Supreme Court clarified that for individuals challenging their conviction and sentence of imprisonment, they must first surrender themselves to begin serving their sentences. This surrender is a prerequisite to make their petition for leave to appeal maintainable before the Supreme Court. 

Since Mehboob-ur-Rehman and Jawar had already been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment, they were required to surrender themselves to the authorities before their petitions for leave to appeal could proceed further in the Supreme Court. This ruling ensured adherence to procedural requirements and the orderly administration of justice in criminal cases.

In essence, the case underscores the importance of procedural compliance and the Supreme Court’s role in upholding legal standards in criminal appeals.

PLD 2024 Supreme Court 639
PLJ 2024 SC (Cr.C.) 174

O.XXIII, R. 8 ---Criminal proceedings---Conviction and sentence maintained by the High Court---Criminal petition for leave to appeal filed before the Supreme Court---Pre-requisites---Surrendering to the order of imprisonment---For an accused challenging any adverse order relating to his prayer for the grant of bail before arrest, the accused may not surrender to the police, and still undertake to appear and surrender in the Supreme Court at the time of hearing of his petition for the grant of bail before arrest, to render the petition maintainable---For a convict challenging his conviction and sentence of imprisonment, he has to first surrender to undergo the term of the sentence awarded, so as to render his petition (before the Supreme Court) as maintainable---In the present case, since the appellants had been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment, they both had to first surrender to serve their sentences of imprisonment, in order for their present petitions for leave to appeal to be maintainable under the Supreme Court Rules, 1980

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