power of attorney (Vakalatnama) only grants authority explicitly mentioned within its terms

خاص طور پر، یہ اس بات پر روشنی ڈالتا ہے کہ جب تک پاور آف اٹارنی کسی کیس میں سمجھوتہ کرنے، مقدمہ واپس لینے، یا حکم نامہ حاصل کرنے کے اختیار کا واضح طور پر ذکر نہیں کرتا، اٹارنی کے پاس یہ اختیارات نہیں ہیں۔ دستاویز کی مکمل تشریح کی جانی چاہیے، اور مخصوص اختیارات کے دائرہ کار سے باہر کیے گئے کسی بھی اقدام کی قانونی حیثیت نہیں ہو سکتی اور اس پر کیس کیا جا سکتا ہے۔

The  explains that a power of attorney (Vakalatnama) only grants authority explicitly mentioned within its terms. It does not imply authority for actions like compromising a case or obtaining a decree unless specifically stated. Any actions taken beyond the specified powers may not be legally valid. The principles discussed likely apply to the case "Writ Petition-3631-15 FALAK SHER VS HASHMAT BIBI."

 the interpretation of a power of attorney (Vakalatnama) in the context of a lawsuit or legal representation. The emphasizes that a power of attorney grants authority strictly according to what is expressly stated or necessarily implied within its terms. 

Specifically, it highlights that unless a power of attorney explicitly mentions the authority to compromise a case, withdraw a suit, or obtain a decree, the attorney does not possess these powers. The document must be interpreted as a whole, and any actions taken beyond the scope of the specified powers may not have legal validity and could be contested.

The case mentioned, "Writ Petition-3631-15 FALAK SHER VS HASHMAT BIBI," likely pertains to a specific legal case where these principles are being applied or discussed.

If you have further questions or need more specific information about this legal topic, feel free to ask!

PLJ 2024 Lahore 322
PLJ 2024 Lahore 262

Power of attorney.
Authority of counsel to get a decree of compromise on the basis of his statement.

Power of attorney must be construed strictly as giving only such authority as is conferred expressly or by necessary implication and it cannot empower beyond what it really conveys and its contents must be taken into consideration as a whole. Power of attorney only gives that power which is specifically mentioned therein.  
The power of attorney (Vakalatnama) does not confer impliedly the power of compromise on the counsel or to make any statement to withdraw the suit or to get decree the suit, until and unless such powers have been specifically given to the attorney.

There is hardly any doubt that if the power to do an act has not been specifically given to an attorney, such an act, whether compromise or otherwise, is of no legal consequence at the option of the concerned party.  

Writ Petition-3631-15

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