Khula is a basic right of a woman under Muslim family law---Right to seek Khula is the exclusive and absolute right of the woman-

PLD 2024 سپریم کورٹ 645 میں، عدالت نے فیصلہ دیا کہ خولہ، مسلم عائلی قانون کے تحت عورت کا حق ہے، اس کے لیے عدالت کے سامنے اس کی واضح اور غیر مبہم نیت کا اظہار کرنا ضروری ہے۔ عدالت اس وقت تک خلع نہیں دے سکتی جب تک کہ عورت واضح طور پر اپنا مہر معاف کر کے شادی کو تحلیل کرنے کی خواہش کا اظہار نہ کرے۔ لہٰذا، عدالت کے لیے خلع دینے پر غور کرنے کے لیے اس کی رضامندی اور واضح درخواست ضروری ہے۔

PLD 2024 Supreme Court 645

Khula is a basic right of a woman under Muslim family law---Right to seek Khula is the exclusive and absolute right of the woman---She must in unambiguous and unequivocal terms express her intention to exercise such right before the court, that is to say, she must put her offer before the court that she seeks release from the marriage by waiving her dower and only then the court can grant her Khula ---Fundamentally, the principle is that Khula cannot be granted, if it has not been explicitly sought for by the woman because she has to give up her right to dower---Hence, a court cannot on its own pass the decree of Khula if it has not been sought for by the woman---Therefore, her consent is vital.

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