Validation of gift deed.

  سندھ ھائیکورٹ کی جانب سے 28.10.2009 کو گفٹ ڈیڈ کی درستگی کو صیح قرار دیا اور مداخلت کرنے والوں کی جانب سے دھوکہ دہی اور غیر ضروری اثر و رسوخ کے الزامات کے باوجود۔ عدالت نے زور دیا:

1. **ویلڈٹی برقرار**: گفٹ ڈیڈ، 60% حصہ مدعی کو اور 40% مدعا علیہ کو منتقل کرتا ہے، کو درست قرار دیا۔ کیونکہ اسے قانونی طور پر انجام دیا گیا، رجسٹر کیا گیا اوروالد کو گواہ بنایا گیا تھا۔

2. **قانونیت کا قیاس**: رجسٹرڈ دستاویزات میں درستگی کا اندازہ ہوتا ہے۔ دھوکہ دہی کے الزامات میں  تعمیل کے وقت ذہنی خرابی کے ٹھوس ثبوت نہیں تھے۔

3. **سٹیٹس کو برقرار**: حتمی فیصلہ تک، عدالت نے جائیداد کی ملکیت کو محفوظ رکھا اور ناقابل تلافی نقصان کو روکنے کے لیے فریق ثالث کے مفادات کو روک دیا۔

4. **علیحدہ قانونی کارروائی**: مداخلت کرنے والوں کو گفٹ ڈیڈ کو آزادانہ طور پر چیلنج کرنے والے علیحدہ مقدمے میں اپنے دعووں کی پیروی کرنے کی اجازت تھی۔

یہ فیصلہ جائیداد کی منتقلی میں قانونی طریقہ کار پر زور دینے اور رجسٹرڈ دستاویزات کے تنازع میں ثبوت کے بوجھ پر ایک نظیر قائم کرتا ہے۔

SUIT NO.1685 OF 2023
Mst. Shahida Khatoon….………….…………………..…..…Plaintiff
Zahid Rehman……………..…………………………..……Defendant
Abdul Moiz Jafri, Advocate, for the Plaintiff.
Zohaib Hussain Jagirani, for the Defendant.
Muhammad Asghar Awan, along with Harchand Rai, 
Advocates, for the Interveners
Dates of hearing : 
22.02.2024 and 07.03.2024
YOUSUF ALI SAYEED, J. – The Suit pertains to an 
immovable property measuring 1506 square yards, bearing 
No. 301/7A, Street No.23, Block 3, Delhi Mercantile 
Cooperative Housing Society, Karachi (the “Suit Property”), 
which had been allotted by the aforementioned Society to the 
mother of the parties, namely Mst. Saeeda Khatoon (the 
“Deceased”), with a Form “A” Sub-License being executed in 
her favour on 30.09.1980, whereafter a double storey 
bungalow was constructed by her thereupon.
2. The Plaintiff claims joint ownership of the Suit Property 
on the strength of a Declaration of Oral Gift dated 
28.10.2009 executed by the Deceased and registered at 
No. 1744 of Book No.1 by the Sub-Registrar III, Gulshane-Iqbal Town, Karachi with M.F. Roll No. 5024 (the 
“Gift”), as per which a 60% share is said to vest with her 
and the remaining 40% with the Defendant, being one of 
her brothers.
3. Through the Suit, the Plaintiff has sought a declaration of 
title as well as the partitioning of the Suit Property, or in 
the alternative, that the same be sold with the proceeds 
being distributed between both parties in accordance 
with their shares. It has also been sought that the 
Defendant be restrained from dispossessing her from the 
Suit Property or otherwise creating any third-party 
interest therein pending final determination of the 
matter. That claim proceeds on the basis of the Gift, 
coupled with the mutation of the Suit Property shown to 
have been carried out in the names of the parties in the 
records of the Society, with an Allotment Letter dated 
16.04.2015 having been issued evincing their admission 
as its members in place of the Deceased, and it being 
averred that whilst they have remained in join possession 
of the Suit Property since virtually the time of the Gift, a 
recent breakdown in their relations attributed to 
oppressive behavior on the part of the Defendant has 
sown discord and given rise to a serious apprehension of 
dispossession at his hands, necessitating the Suit.
4. On the other hand, seven other children of the Deceased 
(collectively the “Interveners”) have come forward while 
seeking to be added as parties, having also filed Suit No. 
Nil (-2033)/23 so as to impugn the Gift as having been 
obtained through fraud and undue influence, and
seeking its cancellation whilst asserting a share in the 
Suit Property as her heirs. Their case for joinder is based 
on their professed status as heirs of the Deceased, with 
paragraphs 7 to 11 of their respective Affidavits reading
as follows:
“7. That, I say that our deceased mother namely 
SAEEDA KHATOON W/o Khalil-ur-Rehman in her 
life time wanted to distribute shares amongst the all
legal heirs according to Muhammadan law but due 
to ill health she executed Irrevocable General Power 
of attorney dated 21/01/1997, in my favour being 
one of her legal heir, duly registered by SubRegistrar T Div.-II-A bearing Registration No.63, in 
respect of her immovable property in question, 
whereby she nominated me as authorized & 
responsible individual to sell the suit property and 
distribute the shares amongst all the legal heirs 
That, I say that despite the clear existence and 
validity of the afore mentioned Irrevocable General 
Power of Attorney, a disturbing tum of events 
unfolded, Plaintiff & Defendant have taken 
advantage of the deceased mother's vulnerable state 
due to her illness. With apparent malafide 
intentions and ulterior motives, they manipulated 
and persuaded her into signing a Gift Deed on the 
ominous date of October 28, 2009. This Gift Deed 
pertained to her immovable suit property, a 
significant and valuable asset.
That, I say that it is crucial to underscore the 
circumstances under which such Gift Deed was 
obtained secretly with fraudulently manner by the 
plaintiff &defendant, therefore they had not shared 
with the rest of legal heirs. It is submitted that the 
plaintiff & defendant are accused for conducting 
their motives in secrecy and deliberately withhold 
such information from me as well as other 
interveners/objectors. The clandestine nature of 
this transaction raises grave concerns about the 
integrity of the process at a time when the deceased 
mother was undoubtedly facing health challenges 
and was potentially incapable of fully grasping the 
implications of the Gift Deed, whereas the both 
plaintiff & defendant have exploited her 
vulnerability for their personal gain which raises 
questions about the ethics and morality actions, as 
well as their commitment with the other legal heirs 
of the deceased, from such alleged acts of plaintiff & 
defendant, it is clearly proved that how they have 
managed to deprive the other legal heirs from their 
respective share from the suit property.
10. That, I say that the plaintiff & defendant by 
orchestrating the signing of the Gift Deed without 
the knowledge or consent of me as well as other 
interveners / objectors have violated the very 
essence of family trust and unity, such actions have 
been manifested from the beginning till now, as they 
wanted to deprive the other legal heirs of their 
rightful share in the suit property.
11. That, I say that such situation created by the 
Plaintiff & defendant, has caused significant 
distress among the other legal heirs / interveners by 
managing intentionally with ill motives to deprive 
the other legal heirs / interveners from their legal 
shares, whereas the Plaintiff & defendant remained 
silent and did not disclosed for almost 14 years 
about such alleged managed Gift Deed and after the 
death of mother & father I & my brothers & sister / 
intervener / objectors approached to the Plaintiff & 
Defendant and requested to sale out suit property 
for distribution of their shares amongst the legal 
heirs of deceased mother but the Plaintiff & 
defendant kept the interveners on promise that they 
both are not well off therefore they are residing at 
deceased mother's suit property and due to 
economic condition of country the value of suit 
property has been decreased, so waiting for suitable 
time. In the month of May, 2023 I and other 
interveners/objectors once again requested the 
Plaintiff & Defendant that handover photo copy of 
documents of suit property as we may sale the suit 
property, then Defendant showed photo copy of Gift 
Deed dated 28/10/2009 to us and we become very 
astonished that how Plaintiff & Defendant managed 
such Gift Deed, keep it secretly about 14 years and 
never ever disclosed with us /the 
interveners/objectors nor showed such documents 
to us / legal heirs of deceased prior to May, 2923.”
5. For his part, the Defendant has essentially echoed the 
contentions of the Interveners, with it being stated in 
Paragraphs E to H of the Preliminary Objections raised 
through his written statement that:
“E. That the plaintiff and defendant were well aware 
with the facts that their deceased mother had 
instructed / authorized the brother of the parties, 
namely Sultan Rehman S/o Khlil-ur-Rehman, to 
sell the suit property and distribute the share 
amongst all the legal heirs according to 
Mohammadan law and in this respect, she, in her 
life time executed Irrevocable General Power of 
attorney dated: 21/01/1997, in favour of all legal 
heirs, duly registered by Sub-Registrar T Div.-II-A 
bearing Registration No.63, in respect of her 
immovable property, whereby she nominated her 
son as authorized individual to sell the suit property 
and distribute the shares among all the legal heirs 
That the plaintiff enticed the defendant into 
getting their mother sign and register a Gift Deed 
discreetly, secretly and without knowledge of the all 
other legal heirs to devour the suit property for their 
personal gain, leaving their mother with the belief 
that she was actually signing the document for 
distributing shares to all the legal heirs. This was to 
be accomplished by taking advantage of the ill 
health of their late mother and father as they were 
not mentally alert and were incapable of 
understanding the true motives and implications of 
their misdeed.
G. That the plaintiff convinced the defendant with 
malafide intentions to obtain the signature of their 
late mother on the Gift Deed dated 28/10/2009 and 
get it registered insecrecy and without the 
knowledge of other legal heirs. Further the 
defendant fell prey to her pleadings for personal 
gainas greed had overcome me.
H. That the defendant agreed to pleadings by 
plaintiff, Defendant managed his mother to sign and 
register Gift Deed to have the whole suit property in 
their name as per 60/40% share by misleading the 
facts and deceiving their mother.” [sic]
6. The interlocutory applications pending within that 
framework are:
(a) CMA No. 16046/2023, under Order 39 Rules 1 & 2 
CPC, whereby the Plaintiff has sought to restrain the 
Defendant from interfering with her possession of 
the Suit Property and creating any third-party 
interest in respect thereof; and
(b) CMA No. 1670/2024, under Order 1, Rule 10 CPC, 
whereby the Interveners have sought to be added as 
7. Proceeding thereon, learned counsel appearing on behalf 
of the Plaintiff argued that the instrument of Gift had 
been lawfully executed by the Deceased of her own 
accord whist of sound mind, without any undue 
influence, duress or coercion and, had then been
registered for good measure, hence validly conferred title 
of the Subject Property on the parties. He submitted that 
contention of the Interveners that the Deceased was ill 
and in a vulnerable state at the time of execution of the 
Gift was false, and was belied by the fact that the 
Deceased had herself appeared before the Registrar with 
along with both beneficiaries to have the same registered. 
Moreover, the husband of the Deceased (i.e. the father of 
the parties), namely the late Khalil-ur-Rehman, was one 
of the witnesses to the Gift. Per learned counsel, such 
facts and circumstances demonstrated that the Gift was 
not one that had been obtained in secrecy and completely 
dispelled the version of the Interveners and showed that 
they had concocted a false narrative in an attempt usurp 
the Suit Property. He submitted that the Interveners had
advanced a grossly exaggerated case as to the Deceased 
being of ill-health at the time of execution of the Gift 
Deed, whereas she had very much been in her senses
and had in fact lived on for approximately eight years 
thereafter without challenging its validity or calling for its 
revocation, and her husband had also lived on for 
approximately nine years after the execution of the Gift 
Deed, without raising any challenge in the matter.
8. Conversely, learned counsel appearing for the Defendant 
and Interveners fell back on the contentions raised 
through the respective pleadings and presented their 
arguments while reiterating their challenge to the Gift.
9. Having heard the arguments, it falls to be considered that 
the mere assertion of fraud or undue influence is not 
sufficient of itself to vitiate a registered instrument, which 
carries a presumption of correctness and legitimacy. The 
assertions made by the Interveners and Defendant are of 
a vague and general nature, with no material having been 
placed on record to even suggest at this stage that either 
the Deceased or her husband were of feeble mind or 
otherwise labouring under any impairment at the time of 
the Gift.
10. Under the given circumstances, in view of the Gift and 
the admitted fact of possession of the Suit Property 
vesting jointly with the Plaintiff and Defendant, a prima 
facie case for preservation thereof stands established, 
with the balance of convenience being in favour of 
maintaining the status quo pending final determination 
of the mater and it being apparent that an element of 
irreparable loss would be occasioned in the event of 
dispossession or creation of any third-party interest. As 
for the Interveners, it is apparent that they may advance 
their claim through their own Suit, as is already pending, 
which would fall to be determined on its own terms.
11. That being so, CMA No. 16046/2023 stands allowed with 
the ad-interim order made on 17.10.2023 for preserving 
the possession of the Suit Property and restraining the 
creation of any third-party interest therein being 
confirmed, and CMA No. 1670/2024 being dismissed. 

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