Land acquisition act. All legal heir should ne consider single entity and get single big developed plot as if their mother alive , she receive.

High court was that Naziran Bibi's legal heirs should be treated as a single entity for the land exemption/adjustment. This meant they would collectively receive the plots Naziran Bibi was entitled to, rather than being treated as separate individuals with insufficient shares.

Story of the case

Amtal Sabour and her siblings inherited a piece of land from their mother, Naziran Bibi, which had been acquired by the government for a development project. Naziran Bibi was entitled to a land exemption/adjustment, but after her death, the government treated each heir's share separately, making them eligible only for compensation, not the land.

Determined to honor their mother's legacy, Amtal filed a petition in the Lahore High Court. The court ruled that Naziran Bibi's entitlement should extend to her heirs as a collective group. The legal heirs were to be treated as a single entity and allotted the plots their mother would have received. This decision ensured that the family received the developed land, preserving their inheritance and Naziran Bibi's legacy.

Main points decided 

1. **Collective Entitlement:** Naziran Bibi's legal heirs are to be treated as a single entity, not as separate individuals, for the purpose of land exemption/adjustment.
2. **Basis of Entitlement:** Since Naziran Bibi was alive at the time of the land acquisition, her entitlement to the exemption/adjustment applies to her heirs.
3. **Allocation of Plots:** The legal heirs are to be jointly allotted plots equivalent to what Naziran Bibi would have received had she been alive.
4. **Availability of Plots:** The court confirmed that plots are available in the scheme for allocation to the heirs.
5. **Policy Adherence:** The respondents must process the case in line with the policy allowing exemption/adjustment to Naziran Bibi's heirs.

1. **اجتماعی استحقاق:** نذیراں بی بی کے قانونی ورثاء کو زمین کی ایڈجسٹمنٹ کے مقصد کے لیے الگ الگ افراد کے طور پر نہیں بلکہ ایک واحد ہستی کے طور پر سمجھا جائے گا۔
2. **استحقاق کی بنیاد:** چونکہ زمین کے حصول کے وقت نذیراں بی بی زندہ تھیں، اس لیے استثنیٰ/ ایڈجسٹمنٹ کا ان کا حق اس کے ورثاء پر لاگو ہوتا ہے۔
3. **پلاٹوں کی الاٹمنٹ:** قانونی ورثاء کو مشترکہ طور پر پلاٹ الاٹ کیے جائیں گے جتنا کہ نذیراں بی بی کو ملتا اگر وہ زندہ ہوتیں۔
4. **پلاٹوں کی دستیابی:** عدالت نے تصدیق کی کہ ورثاء کو مختص کرنے کے لیے اسکیم میں پلاٹ دستیاب ہیں۔
5. **پالیسی کی پابندی:** جواب دہندگان کو نذیراں بی بی کے ورثاء کو ایڈجسٹمنٹ کی اجازت دینے والی پالیسی کے مطابق کیس پر کارروائی کی جاۓ۔


Form No: HCJD/C-121 
WP No.10317 of 2015
Amtal Sabour
Deputy Director (E.M.) PHATA region, Multan etc
S. No. of order/
Date of order/
Order with signature of Judge, and that of
parties or counsel, where necessary
 08.06.2017 Mr. Aurangzaib Ghuman, Advocate for petitioner. 
Mr. Muhammad Javaid Saeed Pirzada, AAG with 
Masood Ahmad, Management Officer. 
Through this constitutional petition, the petitioner 
has sought a direction to the respondents to allot joint 
land/plots to the petitioner and proforma respondents 
according to their shares in their mother’s inheritance on 
the basis of the land belonging to their mother measuring 
03-kanals 06-marlas acquired by the respondents which 
may be divided between the petitioner and proforma 
respondents according to their shares. 
The brief facts of the case are that the mother of 
the petitioner and proforma respondents, namely, Naziran 
Bibi was allottee of the land measuring 03-kanals 06-
marlas at Chak No. 447/EB, which was acquired by the 
respondents for Area Development Scheme No.II, 
Burewala in the year 1983. The mother of the petitioner 
died in the year 1998 and inheritance mutation was 
entered in the name of the petitioner and proforma 
respondents and their father according to their shares. 
The father of the petitioner died later on and his share in 
property was inherited by the petitioner and proforma
WP No. 10317 of 2015
Dated 08.06.2017. 
respondents. The petitioner claims to be entitled to be 
allotted exempted/adjusted land that is available as 
against 03-kanals 06-marlas but the respondents are not 
providing the same to the petitioner and the proforma 
respondents on the pretext that each of the legal heir is to 
be treated separately and share of none of the legal heir is 
enough for allotment of exempted plot in the scheme 
developed by the respondents wherein plots of one kanal, 
10 marlas, 07 marlas and 05 marlas have been carved out 
of the land, therefore, they are entitled to compensation
In the comments, it is admitted that property of 
petitioner’s mother was acquired. The Chief Minister, 
Punjab approved summary on 27.08.2007 whereby exland owners are entitled to exemption/adjustment equal 
to 30% on the basis of their entitlement reflected in the 
revenue record and as per revenue record, each 
individual is being treated separately, hence entitled to 
compensation only. 
Learned counsel for the petitioner has argued that
the date on which land was acquired, the mother of the 
petitioner was alive and had to be treated as a single 
individual from whom 03-kanals 06-marlas land was 
acquired and on the basis of same acquisition, mother of 
the petitioner was entitled to exemption/adjustment, 
therefore, same be allowed to her legal heirs. 
It is seen from the record that Area Development 
Scheme, Burewala-II, comprising an area of 99-Acre, 01-
kanal and 16-marlas which included 61-Acres, 01-kanal 
and 12-marlas of private land owners and Dakheels 
Karaans was launched by Housing & Physical Planning 
WP No. 10317 of 2015
Dated 08.06.2017. 
Department in the year 1984. The possession of scheme 
was taken over on 29.10.1984. The scheme was 
completed in few years by incurring expenditure of 
Rs.50.293 million. The award of private land was 
accordingly announced by the Land Acquisition 
Collector, H&PP Circle, Multan (defunct) at the rate of 
Rs.1,32,000/- per Acre plus 15% compulsory acquisition 
charges on 29.02.2000. Being aggrieved of it, the exland owners had not accepted the above award and 
approached the Chief Minister, Punjab for redress of 
their grievance. The case was examined in order to 
resolve the deadlock, and a summary was approved by 
the Chief Minister Punjab for redress of grievance of 
land owners featuring that the compensation of land at 
the rate of Rs.1,32,000 per acre plus 15% acquisition 
compulsory charges and 30% exemption of land in shape 
of developed plots after recovering the development
charges at the rate of Rs.7972/- per marla. As per 
direction of the Chief Minister, Punjab issued in the 
above said summary, the land owners exemption/
adjustment committee in its meeting held on 03.04.2015 
has allocated the plots for allotment to be ex-land owners 
of Area Development Scheme No.II at Burewala as per 
their entitlement/mutations submitted by them and were 
verified by the concerned revenue staff. 
The Chief Minister, Punjab approved the 
summary by observing therein that for the purpose 
developed plots equivalent to 30% of the land holding 
may be sold/exempted to them at this stage under the 
enabling provision of the law on recovery of 
development charges of Rs. 7972/- per marla. This 
WP No. 10317 of 2015
Dated 08.06.2017. 
proposal, it was observed, would be a just dispensation 
for the land owners but would require compassionate 
interpretation of Section 4(g) of the Disposal of Land by 
Development Authorities (Regulation) Act, 1998, which 
is reproduced below:
“4(g) Notwithstanding anything contained in this 
Section Government may allow sale and disposal of 
land in special circumstances at such rate and on 
such terms and conditions as it may determine.” 
Admittedly, at the time of acquisition of the 
property, mother of the petitioner was alive so she has to 
be treated as a single individual from whom the property 
was acquired. She died in the year 1998, i.e. 14 years 
after possession of the land for the scheme was taken 
over. After the death of the petitioner’s mother, the land 
was mutated in favour of her legal heirs but the said heirs 
cannot be treated as separate individuals as the 
entitlement of their mother had matured on the 
acquisition and taking over possession by the 
The representative of the respondent department 
was asked whether any plots are available in the said 
scheme, he has stated that some plots are still available. 
In this view of the matter, all the legal heirs of 
Naziran Bibi shall be treated as her representatives and 
thereafter the case of the petitioner and proforma 
respondents shall be processed by respondent No.1
keeping in view the policy allowing 
exemption/adjustment to the legal heirs of Naziran Bibi
and the legal heirs will jointly be allotted plots to which
Naziran Bibi would have been entitled had she been 
WP No. 10317 of 2015
Dated 08.06.2017. 
For what has been discussed above, this petition is 
allowed in the aforesaid terms. 
 (Muzamil Akhtar Shabir) 

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