

Punjab service tribunal

Government Service cases

Punjab service tribunal

How can appeal in the Punjab service tribunal? Punjab service tribunal is a court where you can appeal against the govt departments which are under Punjab govt. like matter transfer, any other order of higher authorities against you.

Departmental Appeal

you will have to Appeal before your department first to authorities which are the appellate authority within the time otherwise your Appeal before Punjab service tribunal will not be accepted.
How can write Departmental Appeal
the way of writing Departmental Appeal is very simple. on the top write the name or appellate authority. and then write the status of the appeal and against the order of dated and on the under the status. you will have to start with Respectfully and all your grievances. with references to documents attached herewith. 

Documents Needed

All the documents which support your version and related your case will have to attach with the Appeal.

Writ Petition before High court

If your departmental Appeal is pending before any authority and authority is not deciding your appeal or application you can file a writ petition before Honorable High court. 

Writ before Punjab Service tribunal

If the department decides your appeal against you. then the remedy is Punjab service tribunal. you will have to take a verified copy of  departmental orders

Documents needed to file before the Punjab service tribunal.

  1. copy of orders department
  2. All the documents which support your case

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