

Dowery articles | What is the recovery of dowry articles | case laws on dowry articles | saman Jahez Ka Dawa. Case process of dowry articles.

What is the dowry articles 

A dowry typically consists of gifts, house hold items like furniture, electronics, deep freezer etc that a bride's family gives to the bride and groom or his family upon marriage. The specific articles can vary across cultures and regions, but they often include items like jewelry, household goods, so if in future any dispute arise between husband and wife, the wife can file case " recovery of dowry articles" called in Urdu " saman Jahez ka dawa .

 فیملی کورٹ میں مدعیہ کا پیش ھونا ضروری نہ ھےمدعیہ بزریعہ ایجنٹ یا اٹارنی بھی پیش ھو سکتی ھے۔



Dowry Articles how to recover 

Saman Jahez 

Dawa Saman Jahez ( Maintenance of Minors )

Sab se pehle dawa se pehle larki wale through rishtadaran koshish karain ke agar saman jahez through rishtadaran wapis mil jai tu dono parties aik bare kharche or khawari se bach sakti hain.

Agar faraz kia ke dono parties agree hu jatin hain ke saman jahez baith kar wapis kar dain tu husband ko kia ahtiati tadabeer kar leni chahien ke aap mustaqabal main larki wale saman lene ke baad dubara dawa na kar dain

Husband ko aik add istam jari karwan hai larki ke id card per 

Or istamp iss tarah likhna ke falan falan saman tha wo sab utha lia hai or aab koi saman baqi na hai.

Or larki ke bhai , bap ya kisi close rishtadar ko gwah zaroor bana lain.

2nd yeh ke saman le jate hoe un ki video bana leni hai or sara saman dikhana jate hoe

Saman Jahez kia hai  ?

 . Saman jahez wo saman jo dulhan ko shadi ke waqat dia jata hai or talaq ho jane ke baad wo us ko wapis lene ka haq rakhti hai .
Saman Jahez ka Dawa bachon ke kharche  ke dawa ya kisi or dawa haqmaher ya divorce waghira  ke sath aktha bhi kia j
a sakta hai.

Saman jahez ka dawa dair karne ke liye kin documents ki zaroorat hoti hai

  1. larki {petitioner } ka id card . Agar ID card na ho tu  pic se bhi kam chalia  ja sakta hai .
  2. copy Nika nama  ki         Optional
  3. copy  Talak  ka certificate jo union counsil jari karti hai .
  4. or us ke Ilawa jo documents app ke Pass mojod hon 
  5. Saman jahez ki list  with  prices or total amount jo banti hai 
  6. raseedain  saman ki jiss kadar available hon

Tamam documents le kar app lawyer ke through  family court main dawa dair karain .
Mazeed mufat qanooni mashwar jaat ke liye call karain

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 Case Laws on Dowry articles

Court ne khawand ko saman jahez wapsi ka hukam dia ya maliat 8 lakh rupe maqarar ki husband ne 12 saal tak na raqam na saman jahez wapis kia supreme court ne qarar dia ke khatoon ko iske zewarat or saman jahez ke badle aaj ke rate ke hisab se raqam di jai.8 lakh ki bajai khawand ko double raqam dena pari. 2019 SCMR 321

Saman jahez ka dawa bazreea qanooni warsan karna jaiz karar dia gia.  (2010 YLR 2253)
(2006 CLC 1393)(PLD 1975 Lahore 739)

Dawa saman jahez decree hone per talai zewarat ki qeemat mojoda market value ke hissab se ho gi. (2013 SCMR 1049)

sirf mudaia ke bian pr bhi dawa saman jahez decree kia ja sakta. 2012 MLD 756

Jahez ki raseedat ki  koi ahmiat nahi hai dawa saman jahez decree shud 2013 CLC 698

Decree Saman jahez aik lakh se kam hone per bhi bv iss ke khalaf apeal kar sakti hai. dafa 14 ka sub section bar na hai. 2018 SCMR 1885

عدالت نے خاوند کو بیوی کا سامان جہیز واپس کرنے کا حکم دیا۔اور اسکی مالیت 8لاکھ 31 ہزار 7 سو روپے مقرر کی۔خاوند نے 12 سال تک نہ سامان جہیز اور نہ ہی رقم واپس کی۔کیس سپریم کورٹ تک آیا۔سپریم کورٹ نے قرار دیا کہ خاتون کو اسکےزیورات اور سامان جہیز میں شامل چیزوں کے آج کے ریٹ کے حساب سے پیسے دیے جائیں۔8 کے بجائے خاوند کو ڈبل دینا پڑا۔
2017 SCMR 321

ﻓﯿﻤﻠﯽ ﻋﺪﺍﻟﺖ ﻣﯿﮟ ﺑﯿﻮﯼ ﮐﻮ ﺳﺎﻣﺎﻥ ﺟﮩﯿﺰ ﺛﺎﺑﺖ ﮐﺮﻧﮯ
ﮐﮯ ﻟﯿﮯ ﺭﺳﯿﺪﺍﺕ ﭘﯿﺶ ﮐﺮﻧﮯ ﮐﯽ ﺿﺮﻭﺭﺕ ﻧﮩﯿﮟ

2022 MLD 2077
2013 CLC 698

Suit for recovery of dowry articles. Non-
production of receipts for dowry articles.
ﻓﯿﻤﻠﯽ ﻋﺪﺍﻟﺖ ﻣﯿﮟ ﺑﯿﻮﯼ ﮐﻮ ﺳﺎﻣﺎﻥ ﺟﮩﯿﺰ ﺛﺎﺑﺖ ﮐﺮﻧﮯ
ﮐﮯ ﻟﯿﮯ ﺭﺳﯿﺪﺍﺕ ﭘﯿﺶ ﮐﺮﻧﮯ ﮐﯽ ﺿﺮﻭﺭﺕ ﻧﮩﯿﮟ
ﮐﯿﻮﻧﮑﮧ ﻭﺍﻟﺪﯾﻦ ﻧﯿﮏ ﺗﻤﻨﺎﺅﮞ ﮐﮯ ﺳﺎﺗﮫ ﺑﯿﭩﯽ ﮐﻮ ﺭﺧﺼﺖ
ﮐﺮﺗﮯ ﮨﯿﮟ ﺍﺱ ﻟﯿﮯ ﻭﮦ ﺭﺳﯿﺪﺍﺕ ﺳﻨﺒﮭﺎﻝ ﮐﺮ ﻧﮩﯿﮟ
ﻟﮍﮐﯽ ﮐﯽ ﺯﺑﺎﻧﯽ ﺷﮩﺎﺩﺕ ﭘﺮ ﮨﯽ ﻋﺪﺍﻟﺖ ﻟﮍﮐﯽ ﮐﺎ ﮐﻠﯿﻢ
ﮈﮔﺮﯼ ﮐﺮﺳﮑﺘﯽ ﮨﮯ ﻟﮩﺬﺍ ﺭﺳﯿﺪﺍﺕ ﭘﯿﺶ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ ﻻﺯﻣﯽ ﻧﮧ
Provisions of the Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984
were not applicable in the proceedings
before the Family Court in view of S.17 of the
West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964.
Intent of the legislature was clearly to
simplify the procedure and the law-makers
were aware of the fact that in cases relating
to dower,
The lists were seldom prepared and receipts
were very rarely kept intact as everyone
made arrangements for marriage of one’s
Daughter with the hope and prayer that she
would lead a happily married life

New judgment of saman jahez

2023 SCMR 1394

Recovery of Dower Amount .
 Per Section 10(5) of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, in a suit for dissolution of marriage, if reconciliation fails, the Family Court shall immediately pass a decree for dissolution of marriage and in case of dissolution of marriage through khula, may direct the wife to surrender up to fifty percent of her deferred dower or up to twenty-five percent of her admitted prompt dower to the husband. 

The house from the petitioner, as mentioned in Nikahnama, is the deferred dower and as per the khula judgment, the respondent is only entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the house (deferred dower). This premise is grounded in Section 10(5) ibid that while obtaining dissolution on the sole basis of khula, the respondent is bound to surrender fifty percent (50%) percent of her share in deferred dower.

2023 SCMR 1394

مہر کی رقم کی وصولی
  ویسٹ پاکستان فیملی کورٹس ایکٹ، 1964 کے سیکشن 10(5) کے مطابق، شادی کو تحلیل کرنے کے مقدمے میں، اگر مصالحت ناکام ہو جاتی ہے، تو فیملی کورٹ فوری طور پر نکاح کو تحلیل کرنے کا حکم نامہ پاس کرے گی اور خلع کے ذریعے نکاح کو تحلیل کرنے کی صورت میں، بیوی کو اپنے موخر مہر کا پچاس فیصد تک یا اپنے تسلیم شدہ فوری مہر کا پچیس فیصد تک شوہر کے حوالے کرنے کی ہدایت کر سکتا ہے۔

درخواست گزار کا مکان، جیسا کہ نکاح نامہ میں مذکور ہے، موخر مہر ہے اور خلع کے فیصلے کے مطابق، مدعا علیہ گھر کے صرف پچاس فیصد (50%) کا حقدار ہے۔ اس بنیاد کی بنیاد دفعہ 10(5) میں رکھی گئی ہے کہ خلع کی واحد بنیاد پر تحلیل حاصل کرنے کے دوران، مدعا التواء مہر میں اپنا پچاس فیصد (50%) فیصد حصہ دینے کا پابند ہے۔



  1. aoa. sir mera jahaiz jo mana gya tha court se decree hua lekin ex husband ne faisly per stay le lia session court mai or apeal manzoor krwa li. hum mamla highcourt mai le gy hn.ab wo munkir hai saman se. sir ab wakeel bolta k saman toota hua milta hai. agar esa hua to aagy kya krna ho ga? mera sb saman new tha. shadi 8 maah chali bus

    1. I m not lawyer. But Mera bhi Saman Ka ha,Ammi ne meri shadi se 9 saal pehlay jora tha,mjhe bht Aziz ha

  2. G saman jahez per time lagta hai dono parties ke pass apeal ka right hai or apeal ke baad hi decree final hoti hai. koi jan boojh kar tu nahi torta agar tota hoa tu aap court main application de dena.

    1. Mazrat. Lekin onho ne khud nhi buy kea hota is lea qadar nhi hoti. Ma rokhsat ho k aai Tu meri cupboard, dressing,tables, mirror totay hoe thy

  3. sir mera samaan use ni hua tha. mery ex ne bola tha k tor k dy ga. mera samaan mai kai chezain pack thn

  4. Sir meri shadi just 2 mah rhi mera saman bilkul new hai mujhy talaaq ka 1 notus mila hai abhi 1 notus k bad hum log samaan ka dawa ker skty hn ya nh

  5. Assalam o aliakum sir.meri aur wife ki understanding ni hoi. Wife ki family chahti thee k me divorce de do aur unho ne wife ko ghr bithaa lia apne 2 saal se. Me ne divorce ni di me basanaa chahta tha.ab wife k bhai ne khulla ki application di aur degree krwa k khulaa ly li.

  6. Ab court ki tarf se letter aya jis me jaheez ki demand ha. Me jehaz deny k liye agree same usi condition me ha jaheez. But shadi k waqt unho ne gold be daala tha 1 k me ne wife ki marzi se sale kia tha shadi attend krny k liye. Lekin gold nikkah namy me ni likha. Kia ab mjhe gokf b dena ho ga.ya sirf jahez.

    1. Gold kisi taraf se bhi dala hu lari ki malkiat hota hai . high court ke faisle mojod hain iss bare main.baith kar un se baat karo or ju gold baich hai us ke badle gold ya raqam de do or saman jahez ju para hai wohi wapis kar du.

    2. Gold BHI or jahez bhi kionke ap ne wo cheez sale ki ju k bv ki malkiat thi gold dalne k baad bv ki malkiat hota

  7. Mai abhi 7 month pregnant hoon.mairay husband nay mjhy 3 month Pehlay aik choti si larai ki waja say mairay maa baap kay ghar chor diya hai na kharcha day rahain hain na lay kr ja rahain hain.mainay bachay aur apni dono ki Maintenance ka case ker diya hai.mjhy yeh pochna hai kay Maintenance kay case kay baad mai saman uthnay ka case ker skti hoon?

    1. Mairay husband nay jawab nama jama krwaya hai kay mai apni marzi say apni maa kay ghar gai hoon lihaza mairay honay walay bachay ko to kharcha milay ga magar bv yani mjhy woh kharcha nhi day ga jub kay mai basna chahti hoon mager agar woh na basaye to next mai kya krun?

    2. Mairay husband islamabad mai job krty hain aur woh mjhy islamabad say lahore chor kr gaye jub kay maira susral Lahore mai hai aur maira jahaiz aur zewar sub Lahore mai hai jisay mainay hath tak nhi lgaya ub mai woh saman aur zewar kaisay wapis lay skti hoon

    3. Agar maira miyan mjhy maintenance na dainay ki waja say talaq day daita hai to kya mai apna gold jahaiz aur susral ki tarf say milnay wala gift mai gold ka dawa kr skti hoon?aur agar khulla loon to kya yeh sub cheezain tub bhi mai claim kr skti hoon?

    4. Saman jahez gold or bachu ka kharcha AAP claim kr sakti Hain chahe khulla hu ya wo divorce Kate. Magar aap ka kharcha nhi mile ga or khulla ki soorat main haqmahar bhi chorna par sakta

  8. Agar mai saman laina chahun to uska legal procedure kya ho ga?aur kya sirf apna gold he claim krna paray ga ya jo miyan aur susral walon nay diya tha woh bhi claim krna paray ga?

    1. Gold tu dono aap ke hain jab unho ne dal dia gold tu phir aap ka hu gia magar yeh saabat karna thora mushkal hota hai jab aap khud udharchor kar aa gain. kionke court main wo kahain ge ke aap sath le gai hu or aap kahu gi ke un ke pass hai. court kehti hai ke zewar larki k pass hota.

    2. Phr zewar ka claim kaisay ker skty hain?

    3. Jese aik aam claim karte Hain with all proves and evidence

  9. Sir Mein Apni Bv Se Behad Pyar Krta Hun Lekin Pichly Kuch Mah Halat Tang Hony Ki Waja Se Wo Mujhe Chor Kr Chali Gai. Or Mujhe Adalti Saman Mosol Hui Hai. Larki Ne Apna Saman Bhi Rakha Hua Hai Lekin Phir Bhi Dawa Kr Dia Hai AbMein Kia Krun. Wo Khula Lena Chahti Hai.

    1. Khulla ka agar dawa kia hai or Sath saman jahez ka tu aap ko case ka jawab Dena hu ga. Or Sath main Koshish Karni hu gi sulah k Liye through family agar ap supah chahte Hain tu. Or conjugal rights ka dawa BH I kar sakte hain ghar basane k liye

  10. Khula jb Leni ho Tu court k feslay se pehlay oarat apna Saman le ja skti ha?

    1. G Le sakti bahmi razamandi see bian e halfi ka istam Le lain .

  11. Sir mere bhai ki shadi ko 8 mah huwe hain or wo apni wife ko divorce dena chahta hy q k larki khud nh rehna chahti lekin wo talaq apne husband k mun se kehlwana chahti hy or larki walon ka dawa ye hy k divorce k bd 5 lacs jurmana or 5 lacs saman ka maang rahe hain total 10 lacs to mein ap se ye janna chahta hun k divorce dene pe koi jurmana dena parta hy ya srf saman wapis karna parta hy .

    1. divorce per jurmana nahi hai agar haqmahar likha hoa hai tu wo aap ko pay karna pare ga. or saman jahez ke dawa main wo case kar sakte hain ju ke evidence se faisla hota he, wese tu har koi saman ziada mangta hai magar aksar wohi milta hai after evidence ju aap ne dia hota.baqi aap saman dete waqat wife se istam likhwa lain ke lain dain clear hu gia or koi saman abb baqi nahi raha.

    2. Sir agar smaan pora karny k bad larki waly stam dyny sy mukar jaye or mazeed idhar udhar k bahany bna kr or paiso ka mutalba karyn to larky walo ko kya karna chahie.... Or agar larka talaak dy to jo shaadi ma larki waalo ki taraf sy salaamia or larky ko or us ghr walo ko kaprry diye jaty hyn wo larki walo ko wapis karny party hyn ya ni????

    3. Gigt wapis nahi hote. Sirf saman jahez or zewar larki ka wapis hota.

  12. Sir agar larki k gold ma sy koi cheez susral ma chori ho jaye or larka larki to talaak dydy to larky ko wo gold bhi larki to dyna parta hy????

    1. nahi dena parta. Gift wapis nahi hota or dosri baat zewar ko prove karna mushkal hota

  13. maine apne shohar se khula li hai tou, ab mai jaheiz k saman ka dawa kr rhi hun tou kya mjhe wo saman bhi dawa kr k le skti hun jo maine aur mere shohar ne shadi k bd mere paiso se saman liya ya sirf jahaiz k saman ka he dawa kr skti?


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