Ahmadi ( qadiani) Appeal dismiss by high court. Upheld the decision of DCO.

The case concerns the cancellation of the declaration for the Ahmadiyya community's monthly magazine "Misbah" due to its alleged propagation of Ahmadiyya beliefs, which is prohibited under Section 298-C of the Pakistan Penal Code.

### Key Points:

1. **Muttehida Ulema Board's Recommendation**: 
   - The Board recommended canceling the magazine's declaration, citing objectionable material promoting Ahmadiyya beliefs.

2. **District Coordination Officer's Notice**:
   - The DCO issued a notice to Mr. Tahir Mehdi Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich, the magazine's printer, to explain the allegations.

3. **Hearing and Decision**:
   - After reviewing the case, the DCO concluded that "Misbah" violated the law and ordered the cancellation of its declaration.

4. **Appeal**:
   - Mr. Warraich appealed the decision, arguing lack of authority and discrimination.
   - The court dismissed the appeal, finding the cancellation lawful and properly reasoned.

### Court's Short Order:

The appeal against the cancellation of the declaration for the monthly magazine "Misbah" is dismissed. The order dated February 15, 2012, by the District Coordination Officer, Chiniot, stands affirmed, canceling the declaration due to the publication's propagation of Ahmadiyya beliefs, in violation of Section 298-C PPC.

The appeal against the cancellation of the Ahmadiyya community's magazine "Misbah" is dismissed. The February 15, 2012, order by the District Coordination Officer, Chiniot, is upheld. The magazine's declaration is canceled for propagating Ahmadiyya beliefs, violating Section 298-C of the Pakistan Penal Code.

Stereo. H C J D A 38
Press Appeal No.225/2012
Tahir Mehdi Imtiaz 
Ahmad Warraich
Government of Punjab through 
Secretary, Home Department 
Ch. Muhammad Iqbal, J:- Through this appeal under 
Section 20 of the Press, Newspapers, News Agencies and Books 
Registration Ordinance 2002, the appellant has challenged the 
validity of order dated 15.02.2012 passed by the District 
Coordination Officer, Chiniot who while invoking jurisdiction 
under Section 19 of the Ordinance ibid, cancelled the declaration 
in respect of Monthly Magazine “Misbah” and the appellant/
printer was directed to stop the circulation of the said magazine.
Brief facts of the case as stated by learned counsel for the 
appellant are that the appellant is the publisher of Monthly 
Magazine “Misbah” [hereinafter referred to as the “magazine”] 
published from Chanab Nagar (Rabwah) District Chiniot for the 
female followers of Quadiani group. The original publisher 
namely, Sh. Khurshid Ahmad had died and the appellant has 
applied for substituting his place as such the respondent No.2 has 
treated the appellant as publisher. The appellant received a show 
cause notice (No.1532 dated 01.02.2012) from respondent 

Press Appeal No.225/2012
No.2/D.C.O, Chiniot wherein it was mentioned that the magazine
contained objectionable material under Section 298-C of the 
Pakistan Penal Code and appellant was further called upon that as 
to why the magazine should not be banned and its declaration be 
cancelled under Section 19 of the Press, Newspapers, News 
Agencies and Books Registration Ordinance 2002. The appellant 
appeared before the respondent No.2 on 06.02.2012 and also got 
recorded his statement regarding compliance of law. On 
15.02.2012, the appellant received an order from the respondent 
No.2 whereby the declaration in respect of the magazine was 
cancelled and order was passed to stop the printing, publication 
and circulation of the said magazine. Hence, this appeal. 
I have heard learned counsels for the parties and have 
gone through the record.
The matter in issue relates to cancellation of declaration of 
press/ publication of a magazine/Misbah. Under Article 19 of the 
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973
[hereinafter referred to as “Constitution”], every citizen has a 
right of freedom of speech and expression as well as freedom of 
the press but said rights can only be enjoyed subject to the 
conditions imposed in the said Article as well as the law. For 
ready reference, Article 19 of the Constitution is reproduced as 
Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and 
expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any 
reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of glory of 
Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part 
thereof, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency 
or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, commission of or 
incitement to an offence.”
(emphasis supplied)
As the matter in issue relates to the publication of a magazine 
which publication falls within the domain of “press” and the 
Article ibid while guaranteeing the freedom of press gives 
Press Appeal No.225/2012
authority to impose restriction in accordance with law. For press 
entities, an Ethical Code of Practice has been given in the 
Schedule of the Press Council of Pakistan Ordinance, 2002,
which is reproduced as under:
(See Section 8 (I) (iv))
Ethical Code of Practice
An Ethical Code, of Practice is formulated as under for the 
press for the purpose of its functioning in accordance with the 
canons of decency, principles of professional conduct and precepts 
of freedom and responsibility to serve the public interest by 
ensuring an unobstructed flow of news and views to the people 
envisaging that honestly accuracy, objectivity and fairness shall be 
the guidelines for the press while serving the public interest in any 
form of publication such as news items, articles, editorials, features 
cartoons, illustrations, photographs and advertisements: etc-
(1) The press shall strive to uphold standards of morality and 
must avoid plagiarism and publication of slanderous and libelous 
(2) The press shall strive to publish and disclose all essential 
and relevant facts and ensure that the information it disseminates is 
fair and accurate.
(3) The press shall avoid biased reporting or publication of 
unverified material, and avoid the expression of comments and 
conjecture as established fact, Generalization based on the 
behaviour of an individual or a small number of individuals will be 
termed unethical. 
(4) The press shall respect the privacy of individuals and shall 
do nothing which tantamounts to an intrusion into private, family 
life and home;
(5) Rumours and unconfirmed reports shall be avoided and if 
at all published shall be identified as such. 
(6) The information, including picture, disseminated shall be 
true and accurate.
(7) The press shall avoid originating, printing, publishing and 
disseminating any material, which encourages or incites 
discrimination or hatred on grounds of race, religion, caste, sect, 
nationality, ethnicity, gender, disability, illness, or age, of an 
individual or group.
(8) The press shall not lend itself to the projection of crime as 
heroic and the criminals as heroes.
(9) The press shall avoid printing, publishing or disseminating 
any material, which may bring into contempt Pakistan or its people 
or tends to undermine its sovereignty or integrity as an independent 
Press Appeal No.225/2012
(10) The press shall not publish or disseminate any material or 
expression, which is violative of Article 19 of the Constitution of 
the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
(11) The press shall rectify promptly any harmful 
inaccuracies, ensure that corrections and apologies receive due 
prominence and afford the right of reply to persons criticized or 
commented upon when the issue is of sufficient importance.
(12) While reporting on medical issues, care must be taken to
avoid sensationalism, which could arouse baseless fears or false 
hopes in the readers. Early research finding should not be presented 
as though they were conclusive or almost conclusive.
(13) Sensationalism of violence and brutalities shall be 
avoided. All reporting shall be accurate, particularly when Court 
proceedings are covered and an accused person must not be 
presented as guilty before judgment has been pronounced.
(14) In the cases, of sexual offences and heinous crime against 
children, juveniles and women, names and identifying photographs 
shall not be published.
(15) Confidentiality agreed upon at briefings and background 
interviews must be observed.
(16) The press while publishing findings of opinion polls and 
surveys shall indicate the number of people, geographical area on 
which the polls and surveys were conducted, and the identify of the 
(17) Any kind of privilege or inducement, financial or 
otherwise, which is likely to create conflict of interest and any 
inducement offered to influence the performance of professional 
duties and is not compatible with the concept of a reputable, 
independent and responsible press, must be avoided.”
The crux of the aforesaid Ethical Code of Practice is that no one 
including “press” is allowed to violate the honor of any 
individual and the state of Pakistan as well as the religion of 
Further, Section 5 of the Press, Newspapers, News 
Agencies and Books Registration Ordinance 2002 deals with the 
directions regarding publishing material in the publication 
whereas Section 6 of the Ordinance ibid directs the printer to 
submit declaration with the undertaking to abide by the 
aforementioned Ethical Code of Practice. For ready reference, 
Sections 5 & 6 of the Ordinance ibid are reproduced as under
Press Appeal No.225/2012
“5. Publication of newspapers.--No newspaper shall be published 
except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance and 
without prejudice to the provisions of Section 3, every copy of 
every such newspapers shall contain the name of the owner and 
editor thereof printed clearly on such copy and also the date of its 
publication. Similarly, no news agency shall disseminate or defuse 
news except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance 
unless there subsists a declaration authenticated by the District 
Coordination Officer.
6. Declaration of the printer, publisher and news agency.-- (1) 
The printer and publisher of every newspaper or an owner of news 
agency shall appear in person or by agent authorised in this behalf 
before the District Co-ordination Officer within whose local 
jurisdiction such newspaper shall be printed or published, or news 
agency ordinarily operates and shall make and subscribe, in 
duplicate originals a declaration in Form 'B' or in such other form as 
may be prescribed, and the District Co-ordination Officer shall, 
immediately upon the filing of such form, issue a receipt for the 
(2) Every declaration shall specify the title of the newspaper, the 
language in which it is to be published, the periodicity of its 
publication and shall contain such other particulars as may be 
prescribed to include bank where account will be operated and 
financial funding, if any.
(3) Where the printer or publisher of a newspaper making a 
declaration is not the owner thereof, the declaration shall specify the 
name of the owner and shall also be accompanied by an authority in 
writing from the owner authorising such person to make and 
subscribe such declaration.
(4) The declaration of news agency shall contain its name, language 
of dissemination of news and credit lines to include bank where 
account will be operated.
(5) Submission of declaration and its authentication under this 
Ordinance shall be necessary before the publication of newspaper or 
dissemination of news by any news agency.
(6) The declaration submitted by the publisher under sub-section (5) 
shall be accompanied by an undertaking by the editor to abide by 
the Ethical Code of Practice contained in the Schedule to the Press 
Council of Pakistan Ordinance, 2002.”
The appellant is follower of Quadiani group and the magazine in 
question was being used to preach and propagate teaching of the 
said group which is prohibited under Section 298-C of Pakistan 
Penal Code, 1860 (PPC). As per Section 298-C PPC, every 
person of Quadiani group has been banned not only from posing 
himself as a Muslim but also from preaching or propagating his
Press Appeal No.225/2012
faith. For ready reference, Section 298-C PPC is reproduced as 
“298C. Person of Quadiani group, etc., calling himself a 
Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith.__Any person 
of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call 
themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name) who, directly or 
indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his 
faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites 
others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or 
by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever 
outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished 
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may 
extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.”
Under Section 19 of the Press, Newspapers, News Agencies and 
Books Registration Ordinance 2002, the parameters for 
cancellation of declaration of a newspaper are given. For ready 
reference, aforesaid provision is reproduced as under:
“19. Cancellation of declaration. – (1) On the application of the 
Press Registrar either suo moto or based on the information through 
any person, the District Co-ordination Officer empowered to 
authenticate a declaration under this Ordinance, is of opinion that 
any declaration made in respect of a newspaper should be cancelled, 
he may, after giving the person concerned an opportunity of 
showing cause against the action proposed to be taken, hold an 
enquiry into the matter and if, after considering the cause, if any, 
shown by such parties and after giving them reasonable opportunity 
of being heard, he is satisfied that; 
(a) the news paper, in respect of which the declaration has 
been made is being published in contravention of the 
provisions of this Ordinance or rules made their under; or 
(b) the newspaper mentioned in the declaration bears a title 
which is the same as or similar to, that of any other newspaper 
published either in the same language or in the country; or
(c) the printer and publisher has ceased to be the printer or 
publisher of the newspaper mentioned in such declaration; or 
(d) the declaration was made on knowingly false 
representation on the concealment of any material fact or in 
respect of a periodical work which is not a newspaper; the 
District Co-ordination Officer may, by order, cancel the 
declaration and shall forward as soon as possible a copy of the 
order to the person making or subscribing the declaration and 
also to the Press Registrar. 
(2) During the period of sixty days of the cancellation order no 
person shall be issued a declaration in the name of the same title to 
any other perso
Press Appeal No.225/2012
The appellant while obtaining the declaration of magazine, 
submitted his affidavit-cum-undertaking to abide by the 
provisions of the Ordinance ibid as well as the Rules and 
Regulations made thereunder but subsequently he has committed 
blatant grave violations to the aforesaid declaration.
However, as an abandoned caution, the Chief Minister, 
Punjab constituted Muthida Ulma Board Punjab to ascertain 
regarding preaching of objectionable material. The said Board in 
its meeting held on 27.06.2011 after perusing the contents of the 
magazine, recommended for cancellation of its declaration on the 
ground of publishing objectionable material. For reference, 
relevant portion of the decision dated 27.06.2011 is reproduced as 
6- امانہہم ابصمح 
امرچ 2001
رمزا لیلخ ادمح 
اقدایین ذمبہ یک غیلبت رپ لمتشم وماد رپ ینبم اس 
راسہلرپاپدنبیاوراساکڈی کلرنشیوسنمخ
رکےن یک افسرش یک اجیت ےہ۔
ہمکحم داہلخ اجنپب
In this regard, Home Department, Government of the Punjab 
issued a notification dated 26.10.2011, by holding that the 
magazine contains a deliberate mischief of malicious and 
objectionable material. For reference, aforesaid notification is
reproduced as under:
“Government of the Punjab
Home Department
Dated Lahore the 26th October, 2011
No. SO (IS-III) 6-15/2010 WHEREAS, the Government of Punjab 
is satisfied that the following books/booklets/ Magazines/News 
Papers contain matter which is objectionable and 
deliberately/maliciously intended to outrage religious feelings:-
Mahmood Ahmad 
Abbasi (Aqaid-oNazriat)/Khalafat Hazrat 
Amir Muawaia & Yazid 
Syed Ali Mutahar 
Naqvi Amrohi
Press Appeal No.225/2012
Yeh Teesri Eid (Booklet) Eng. Abdul 
Qaddus Salfi
Eid Milad-un-Nabi ki 
Haqeeqat (Booklet)
Abu Muawia 
Muhammad Ayaz
Way of Seekers (Book)
Mriza Bashir-udDin Mahmood 
Al-Fazal (Weekly & 
Abdul Samih 
Monthly Misbah, March, 
2001 (Magazine)
Mirza Khalil 
Ahmad Qamar
New Canada (Magazine) Syed Hasnat 
2. Now therefore, in exercise of powers conferred under Section 99-
A Cr.P.C 1898, the Government of the Punjab is pleased to ban and 
confiscate all copies of the above mentioned books/ booklets/ 
Magazines/Newspapers alongwith its translation in any language, 
wherever found in open market or at any Madrissa, with immediate 
Secretary to Govt. of the Punjab
Home Department”
The Home Department, Government of the Punjab issued 
direction to the District Coordination Officer, Chiniot on 
27.10.2011 and recommended for cancellation of declaration of 
magazine for publishing objectionable material. For reference, 
letter dated 27.10.2011 is reproduced as under:
“NO.SO (IS.III) 6-15/2010
Dated Lahore, the 27th October, 2011
The District Coordination Officer,
I am directed to convey that the Muttehida Ulama 
Board Punjab has recommended cancellation of declaration of 
monthly Magazine “Misbah” for publishing objectionable material 
in its meeting held on 27.06.2011.
I am further directed to request that necessary 
action may please be taken in the matter under intimation to this 
Press Appeal No.225/2012
Department according to Pakistan Newspapers, News Agencies and 
Books Registration Ordinance, 2002.
Section Officer (IS.III)”
In view of the aforesaid facts, a show cause notice under Section 
19 of the Press, Newspapers, News Agencies and Books 
Registration Ordinance 2002 was issued on 01.02.2012 to the 
appellant with the allegation that the magazine is being used to 
preach the teachings of Qadiani group which practic is prohibited 
under Section 298-C PPC. For ready reference, the notice dated 
01.02.2012 is reproduced as under:
"ازدرتفڈرٹسٹکوکآرڈی نی ش نآرسیفوینچٹ
 01-02-2012 ومرہخ 1532 ربمن
ونسٹ انبم:- اطرہ دہمی اایتمز ادمح وڑاچئ رپرٹن امانہہم "ابصمح" انچب رگن
زری دہعف 19رپسی وینز رپیپ، وینز ایسنجی و کب ررٹسجنشی آرڈسننی 2002
یملق ےہ ہک امانہہم "ابصمح" اک رشلبپ وفت وہ اکچ ےہ ہکبج آپ امانہہم ذموکر ےک رپرٹن 
ںیہاورآپےنرباےئدبتیلیی ن لن کی ش ندرتفذہاںیم دروخاتس دے ریھک ےہ۔
امہرے ملع ںیم ہی ابت آیئ ےہ ہک امانہہم "ابصمح" یک ااشتع اجری ےہ۔ سج ںیم 
اقدتین یک غیلبت یک اجیت ےہ۔ وج ہک زری دہعف 298/Cزعتریات اپاتسکن اقلب وماذخہ ےہ۔ 
ذہلا آپ وک ہقلعتم رفقی رگداےتن وہےئ ذبرہعی ونسٹ ذہا علطم ایک اجات ےہ ہک آپ
ومرہخ 06.02.2012وک وبتق 11:30ےجب درتف احرض آرک وہج ایبن رکںی ہک ویکں ہن ااشتع امانہہم 
"ابصمح"رپاپدنبیاگلرکڈی کلی رنشیوسنمخایکاجےئ۔دعماحرضییکوصرتںیمبسحاضہطباکروایئ
لمع ںیم الیئ اجوے یگ۔
ڈرٹسٹکوکآرڈی نی ش نآرسیف
اٹنٹسس رنشمک الایلں ونسٹ ہیلع یک لیمعت بسح اضہطب رکواںیئ اور ونسٹ دعب لیمعت لبق از اترخی واسپ 
اراسل رکںی۔
ڈرٹسٹکوکآرڈی نی ش نآرسیف
In response to the aforesaid notice, the appellant filed following 
written reply on 06.02.2012: 
م-ےکونسٹےکہلسلسںیم احرض وہا۔ آن مکرمےسدروخاتسےھہکامانھہم
ایبن رب فلح:
"اخاسکرآن مکر
"ابصمح" ںیم وکیئ اقلب ارتعاض وماد اشعئ ںیہن وہات۔
ڈی کلرنشیوکلسنیکہنایکاجےئ 
Press Appeal No.225/2012
The aforesaid reply given by the appellant shows that he neither 
controverted the allegations levelled against him nor explained 
about his stance rather made an evasive denial by stating that 
nothing objectionable is being printed in the magazine. 
The District Coordination Officer, Chiniot on the basis of 
aforesaid facts of the case and after providing opportunity of 
hearing to the appellant, passed a well-reasoned order dated 
15.02.2012 and the reasons mentioned in the said order could not 
be rebutted by the learned counsel for the appellant. For ready 
reference, order dated 15.02.2012 is reproduced as under:
Briefly stating, Mutehida Ulema Board Punjab in 
its meeting held on 27.06.2011 has recommended cancellation of 
declaration of Monthly Magazine Misbah for publishing 
objectionable material. This information was received through letter 
No.SO (IS.III) 6-15/2010, dated 27.10.2011 of Home Department, 
Government of the Punjab. It has also been informed that 
propagation of Qadianiat is a crime Under Section 298-C of PPC. 
The Monthly Misbah has been declared as propagating Qadianiat 
and as such recommended to be banned by Mutahida Ulema Board 
Punjab constituted by the Chief Minister Punjab. Therefore, 
declaration of Monthly Misbah may be cancelled.
In pursuance of the subject matter, the record 
pertaining to Monthly Misbah was obtained from District Jhang as 
the same was not available in this office. Perusal of record reveals 
that the declaration of Monthly Misbah in the name of Sheikh 
Khurshid Ahmad S/o Sheikh Salamat Ali was authenticated by the 
then District Magistrate on 22.09.1986. After going through the 
relevant material received from the Home Department, Government 
of the Punjab, a Notice U/S 19 of Press, Newspapers, News 
Agencies and Books Registration Ordinance, 2002 was issued in the 
name of Tahir Mehdi Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich, the Printer of 
Monthly Misbah Chenab Nagar. It is pertinent to mention here that 
on account of death of Sheikh Khurshid Ahmad in whose name the 
declaration in question was authenticated, the said notice was served 
upon Mr. Tahir Mehdi Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich who is the Printer as 
well as applicant for change of Publisher of Monthly Misbah, 
considering him the concerned party
Press Appeal No.225/2012
Mr. Tahir Mehdi Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich appeared 
before the undersigned on 6.2.2012 and his statement was recorded 
accordingly. He has contended that no objectionable material is 
being published in Monthly Misbah. He has further prayed that the 
declaration of Monthly Misbah may not be cancelled.
I have gone through the relevant literature received 
from the Home Department and other material available on record. 
Arguments of Mr. Tahir Mehdi Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich have also 
been heard at length. It is observed as under:
1) According to Section 6(6) of Press, Newspapers, News 
Agencies and Books Registration Ordinance, 2002, the 
declaration submitted by the publisher under sub-section (5) 
shall be accompanied by an undertaking by the editor to abide 
by the Ethical Code of Practice contained in the schedule to the 
Press Council of Pakistan Ordinance which inter alia lays down: 
“The Press shall avoid originating, printing, publishing 
and disseminating any material, which encourages or 
incites discrimination or hatred on grounds of race, 
religion, caste, sect, nationality, ethnicity, gender, 
disability, illness, or age, of an individual or group”.
2) The Monthly Misbah contains material which is preaching as 
well as propagation of Qadianiat within the meaning of Section 
289-C of PPC.
3) Mr. Tahir Mahdi Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich has failed to prove 
that Misbah does not contain objectionable material. 
4) Mutehida Ulema Board Punjab constituted by the Chief Minister 
Punjab has recommended to ban the Monthly Magazine Misbah.
In the light of above mentioned observations, I am 
convinced that Monthly Magazine Misbah is being published in 
contravention of provisions of Press, Newspapers, News Agencies 
and Books Registration Ordinance, 2002. Therefore, I Dr. Irshad 
Ahmed, District Coordination Officer, Chiniot hereby cancel the 
declaration in respect of Monthly Magazine Misbah authenticated 
by the then District Magistrate Jhang with immediate effect. The 
Printer of Monthly Misbah is directed to stop circulation of the 
Monthly Misbah forthwith under intimation to this office.
Furthermore, under Section 99-A of Criminal Procedure Code 
(Cr.P.C.), 1898, the Government is competent to forfeit any 
publication if it is satisfied that such publication contains 
objectionable material as prescribed in law. For ready reference, 
Section 99-A Cr.P.C. is reproduced as under:
“99-A Power to declare certain publications forfeited and 
to issue search warrants for the same. (1) Where
Press Appeal No.225/2012
a) Any newspaper, or book as defined in the West 
Pakistan Press and Publication Ordinance, 1963, or any 
other law relating to press and publications for the time 
being in force or
b) Any document.
(2) In sub-section (1) “document” includes also any painting, 
drawing or photograph, or otherwise visible representation.”
As regard the argument of learned counsel for the 
appellant that the declaration of the magazine has been cancelled 
on the recommendations of Muttehida Ulema Board which has no 
authority in this regard as such the impugned order is not 
sustainable in the eyes of law, suffice it to say in this regard that 
on receipt of the material record/ information the District 
Coordination Officer after application of judicious mind issued 
show cause notice [dated 01.02.2012] to the appellant to appear 
on 06.02.2012 and to explain his position on the allegation 
regarding preaching of Qadianiat through the magazine. In 
response to the said notice, the appellant appeared before the said 
Officer on 06.02.2012 and filed reply [as reproduced in paragraph 
No.5 of this judgment] and the appellant was also heard at full 
length by the DCO before passing the impugned order as 
envisaged in Article 10-A of the Constitution as well as mandated 
by Section 19 of the Press, Newspapers, News Agencies and 
Books Registration Ordinance 2002. Thus, the argument of 
learned counsel for the appellant is devoid of any substance 
which is accordingly hereby repelled. 
Further, as regard the stance of the appellant that the 
declaration regarding cancellation of the magazine of the 
appellant is result of discrimination, the same is illusive, suffice it 
to say that while scanning contents of the transcripts/publications
of the Magazine Misbah, Muttehida Ulema Board has found 
objectionable material and even the Home Department has also 
recommended for cancellation of declaration of publications 
having objectionable material across the board without targeting 
Press Appeal No.225/2012
any specific group. It is apparent from the impugned notification 
that as many as seven publications of different book / magazine 
have been banned which dismantles the very foundation of the 
above argument. The recommendations dated 27.06.2011 made 
by the Muttehida Ulema Board as well as notification dated 
26.10.2011, issued by the Home Department, reproduced in 
paragraph No.5 of this judgment have not been questioned before 
any competent forum whereas the said recommendations were in 
the active knowledge of the appellant, thus the said 
recommendations of the Home Department have attained finality. 
As the appellant through publishing the objectionable 
material in magazine in question has committed blatant violation 
of the aforementioned provisions of law as such the District 
Coordination Officer, Chiniot has rightly cancelled the 
declaration of the magazine-Misbah through the well-reasoned 
order dated 15.02.2012 as such the same does not require any 
indulgence from this Court in its appellate jurisdiction.
Learned counsel for the appellant has not pointed out any 
illegality, material irregularity or jurisdictional defect in the 
impugned order calling for any interference through this appeal. 
In view of above, this appeal having no meri

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