

Single Member Company register karwane ka tareeka

Single-member company is not much old, SMC rules or Single Member Companies R
How to register single member company 

ules, 2003.
 the link provides you all the rules  made by the Govt of  Pakistan

through this process, a single member can make a company and can register SMC and earn and use whole profit and loss

Documents needed for SMC

  1. Copy of CNIC of  owner
  2. Latter head of the company
  3. ownership prove or Rent agreement
  4. electricity bill
 work will be done for you

  1.  Availability of  name to reserve
  2. All the documents will be prepared
  3. Memorandum of association will be draft
  4. Drafting article of association.

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  1. Jiffy Business Hub (Pvt) Ltd is a Pakistan Based business firm that provides services in four different areas, namely, construction business, general order supplier, developer, real estate services, consultancy and services on government and legal matters, and research in social sciences. JBH of legal services provides assistance to its clients with all forms of legal activities particularly in Islamabad & Rawalpindi.


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