

Marriage licence in pakistan

Marriage certificate & license                        Marriage license 

marriage license or nikahnama. a marriage license can make after nikah and duly register in union council

How to get a marriage license
To get a marriage license you will have to solemnize a valid nikah and all the process of marriage.
there are two option to get a marriage license
  1. Through court marriage 
  2. Through  simple marriage
court marriage solemnize in court and after this, with all documents, the marriage certificate or license of marriage make which is conclusive proof of  marriage license

Documents needed 

  • copies of id cards
  • copies of B forms if id cards not available
  • divorce certificates
  • death certificates
  • pics of brides passport size
Two witnesses needed to solemnize nikah if you don't have witnesses call us to know and if you don't have documents consult with us

For more information call us 0092-324-4010279 Whatsapp Dear readers if u like this post plz comments and follow us. Thanks for reading .as you know our goal is to aware people of there rights and how they can get their rights. we will answer every question, so we need your help to achieve our goal. plz tell people about this blog and subscribe to our youtube channel and follow us at the end of
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