Lahore High court dismissed the writ petition due to the petitioner's concealment of material facts, imposing costs of Rs. 100,000 to be deposited within 15 days, failing which would result in recovery as arrears of land revenue.

درخواست گزار کا جان بوجھ کر متعلقہ معلومات کو چھپانے یا عدالت میں ظاہر نہ کرنے کا ہے۔ مذکورہ کیس میں، درخواست گزار یہ ظاہر کرنے میں ناکام رہا کہ اس نے ٹرانسفر آرڈر میں مذکور نئی پوسٹنگ کے لیے پہلے ہی جوائننگ رپورٹ جمع کرائی تھی۔ اس کوتاہی نے عدالت کو عبوری ریلیف دینے میں گمراہ کیا، جو شمولیت کی رپورٹ کے افشا ہونے کی صورت میں جاری نہیں کیا جاتا۔ اس طرح، درخواست گزار کی جانب سے اس اہم حقیقت کو چھپانے سے قانونی عمل کی سالمیت کو نقصان پہنچا۔

The unique point decided by the court was the dismissal of the petitioner's writ petition due to his concealment of material facts, specifically regarding his joining report submitted after the transfer order, which was crucial for the court's decision-making process. This concealment was deemed a serious issue that undermined the integrity of the court proceedings, leading to the dismissal of the petition and imposition of costs on the petitioner.

Case No.
W.P. No.27923 of 2024

Muhammad Shehzad
Province of Punjab, etc.
S.No. of 
Date of order/ 
Order with signature of Judge and that of
Parties of counsel, where necessary. 
It is the case of the petitioner that he is employee 
of District Health Authority, Khanewal and hence, bar 
contained under Article 212 of the Constitution of Islamic 
Republic of Pakistan, 1973 is not attracted and the 
impugned transfer order dated 04.04.2024 has been passed 
against the applicable service rules of respondent-District 
Health Authority. It has been further contended that the 
impugned order has been issued despite the fact that ban 
was imposed by the Chief Minister, Punjab. 
Without delving into the merits of the case, it is 
noted that when the case was admitted on 08.05.2024, it 
was pleaded on behalf of the petitioner that in an identical 
matter bearing W.P. No.34596/2023, the petitioner therein
was granted interim relief in the terms that if the impugned 
order (transfer order of the said petitioner) had not been 
implemented, the same shall remain suspended and 
therefore, the petitioner is entitled to same relief. The 
present petitioner was granted stay order on the same terms
i.e., if the impugned transfer order has not been acted 
upon, the same shall remain suspended. Subsequently, the 
W.P. No.27923 of 2024 - 2 -
petitioner filed Crl. Org. No.30902/2024 with the 
averments that the respondents in a blatant display of 
contumacy and highhandedness have forged the relieving 
order and also forged signature of the petitioner on the 
dispatch register. Today when the present case was taken 
up for argument, learned Law Officer, at the outset, has 
sought permission to submit copy of application submitted 
by the petitioner whereby, pursuant to the impugned 
transfer order, the petitioner himself has submitted his 
joining report on 15.04.2024. Learned Law Officer 
contends that the joining report has been concealed by the 
petitioner from this Court when the case was heard on 
08.05.2024. The document has been taken on record as 
The petitioner who is in attendance has been 
confronted with the application (Mark-A), who has 
admitted its genuineness in open Court. There is no 
plausible explanation available with the petitioner 
regarding the concealment of the said material facts from 
this Court, however, on his instructions, his learned 
counsel reiterated that the respondents have also 
committed forgery while preparing forged relieving order, 
which is subject matter of the connected Crl. Org. 
No.30902-W of 2024.
Any forgery and/or interpolation, by the disptach 
department of the respondents, with the relieving order and 
its receipt is out of the scope of the present petition, being 
the subject matter of the Crl. Org. No.30902-W of 2024 
and will be decided accordingly. For the purposes of the
W.P. No.27923 of 2024 - 3 -
present petition, the concealment on the part of the 
petitioner and its effect is the moot point as it goes to the 
very inception and basis of the present petition and, as the 
adage goes, two wrongs do not make a right. The wrong 
doing on part of the respondents, if any, does not justify 
the concealment on the part of the petitioner in order to 
obtain interim relief while approaching this Court.
Suffice to observe that the jurisdiction of this 
Court, under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic 
Republic of Pakistan, 1973, is extraordinary, equitable and 
discretionary and the prerogative writs, contemplated 
therein, are issued for enforcement of fundamental rights 
and/or, as the case may be, to inhibit and/or rectify any 
illegality and unlawfulness on part of the executive. It is, 
therefore, of utmost necessity that the petitioner who 
invokes this jurisdiction must come with clean hands and 
put forward all the facts before the Court without 
concealing or suppressing anything. If there is no honest
disclosure of all the relevant and material facts or the 
petitioner is guilty of misleading the Court, his petition 
must be dismissed at its inception, without considering the 
merits of the claim. Concealment of fact is a serious issue,
which amounts to playing fraud upon the Court. How 
consequential and fundamental such concealment might 
turn out to be is aptly displayed by the present case. Had 
the fact of joining, at the new place of posting, on 
15.04.2024 been revealed in the petition, the interim order 
dated 08.05.2024 would not have been issued by this Court 
nor any occasion or cause for contempt petition would 
have arisen. Fraud as is well-known vitiates the most 
solemn proceedings. Fraud and justice never dwell

W.P. No.27923 of 2024 - 4 -
together. At the cost of repetition, it is reiterated that the 
Courts of law are meant for imparting justice between the 
parties and a petitioner approaching the Court with unclean 
hands renders the stream of justice sullied. I am 
constrained to observe that more often than not, process of 
the Court is being abused by unscrupulous persons from all 
walks of life and such abuse of process is considered by 
such litigants as a convenient device to achieve and retain 
their illegal objectives and designs. Unfortunately, this 
practice is spreading its tentacles on wider planes primarily 
on account of leniency exhibited towards such litigants as 
they generally go off scot-free. Therefore, I am of
considered view that a person, like petitioner, whose case 
is based on concealment and falsehood, has no right to 
approach the Court and such litigant must be summarily 
thrown out at any stage of the litigation, with costs.
In view of the preceding discussion, this petition 
is dismissed with cost of Rs.100,000/-, which shall be 
deposited in Lahore High Court Bar Association 
Dispensary, within a period of 15-days from today and 
receipt thereof be submitted with the Office. In case of 
failure, the same shall be recovered as arrears of land 
Approved for reporting

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